Places of Interest

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Joy and Sorrow

Many of us have felt the pain of losing loved ones... the citizens of the River Lands Roleplay Community have a special place to go to remember those who have gone before us, or just to quietly reflect on the wonderful people and things that are part of our lives.

As part of our commitment to Relay for Life we have held events in the past year to raise money and awareness for those suffering from cancer. Luminaries are a sign of hope that one day this dreaded disease will be conquered and a sign that we are grateful for those who have battled and survived, but are also a ray of light in memory of people we have lost and still miss in our daily lives (not only those who have had cancer, but also anyone we have loved and lost in this lifetime).

Everyone is welcome to journey to the River Lands and place a Luminary if they so wish... there is a hypergrid gate at the Welcome Area that takes you directly to Remembrance Bridge, where you will find a Luminary on the wooden platform that may be copied and the name of your loved one placed on it).

"Those we love don't go away, 

They walk beside us every day. 

Unseen, unheard, but always near, 

Still loved, still missed and forever dear." 

(Author unknown)

Remembrance Bridge with floating Luminaries

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