Places of Interest

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Smeagol Has a Rash

Smeagol Shade awakens from where his already bent body lays curled in the very corner of the ruins. Fish is compulsively pulled hard against his chest, the fish bones prickling at his skin, leaving red marks and scratches all over his chest.

Smeagol Shade awakens, his sizable eyes opening wide. He scuttles up to his feet, his legs crooked and curved much like his frail little body. A bony hand scratches at the scratches on his chest, some already caked with scabs.

Smeagol Shade holds Fish up, looking him in the eyes. He blinks, once, then again. "Us hurts. Us hurts. And Us does not know why or what US should do," he says in a pitiful voice. Then he hugs Fish close to him, not realizing that Fish is the cause of his troubles. "Us needs to fix Us," he says plopping down in the grass and pulling one leg over the other. He scratches his dirty, broken nails against his scalp, then rubs his puny hand around it slowly as if to straighten the few strands of hair he has.


Smeagol Shade:"No.No.No. Us will not go see the Druids. Us knows they do not like US. Us has to figure something out for ourselves.," he says with a sigh, his thin lips curled down.

Smeagol Shade""Us has watched them do what they do. Us....Us....," and he grabs a handful of leaves from a nearby bush and presses them to his chest. "Ahhh." he sighs. "Us knows the Druids use the leaves for healing. Us will fix Us. Yes. Yes. All Us needs is leaves."

Smeagol Shade moves his hand, not realizing the leaves will fall away and when they do, a tear falls from an eye and rolls down his cheek. "Us failed. Us did not fix Us," he whimpers as he looks about.

Smeagol Shade: Then, his eyes cut to the murky pond and he lays Fish gently in the grass and scuttles over to the pond, digging his fingers into the mud. Then his wide eyes look back at the leaves and he crawls over and looks down at Fish, "Us knows. Us knows,"he says as if almost enlightened.

Smeagol Shade grabs a handful of the leaves, fresh leaves, dried leaves, twigs. And he scuttles back to his little mound of mud. He quickly pushes the leaves into the mud and mixes them together. Then dipping his hand into his healing concoction, he spreads the mud all over his chest.

Smeagol Shade almost smiles. The coolness of the mud feels good against his chest. He returns to where Fish lays in the grass and picks him up gently. Then he lays back down in his little corner, pulling Fish hard against his chest. "Us did it. Us did. Us fixed Us."

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