Places of Interest

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Jaekob, Ron and Xella Talk and Fitheach Heals Kathena

Jaekob Faolan looked tired, his energy drained from lack of rest. He sat beside Kathena's bedside wiping her face with a cool cloth. "I...I don't know what to do Kat. The elements are not healing. We are trying so hard my dear friend, so hard."

Jaekob Faolan lowered his head, his eyes closed and began to speak to the elements. His voice was soft, but it seemed to be lost in the air. No matter how many times he tried, there was no change in Kathena.

Xella Steward looks at her Ron and nods, letting her nulma lead her to the infirmary.

Fitheach Eun sees Xella and Ron ahead and follows them.

Ron Steward smiles to Fit softly and heads to the infirmary with Xella, a worried look on his face.

Xella Steward enters with her Ron, biting her lip, worried.

Fitheach Eun wonders why they are heading for the infirmary and walks faster.

Ron Steward knocks the door, "King Jaekob, may we go in?"

Jaekob Faolan cocks his head as he hears the heavy door open, "Greetings my Druid sister, my friend."

Jaekob Faolan: "Xella and Ron, greetings," he says softly, his face empty and drained.

Fitheach Eun: "Vedui, Master Druid."

Ron Steward bows, "Thank you. I've come back with news, we have both come back actually."

Jaekob Faolan nods, forcing a smile.

Ron Steward looks at Xella.

Xella Steward holds her Ron,s hand and nods.

Xella Steward looks down ready for the questions.

Jaekob, Xella and Ron Talk

Jaekob Faolan: "News?" he asks looking at Ron, then turning to look at Kat for a moment. "What news is this?"

Ron Steward: "Well, it would seem that we finally learnt where the Demon hides!"

Fitheach Eun walks over to look at Kat with concern.

Jaekob Faolan raises a brow, biting his lip, "You... you know where that infernal creature is?"

Xella Steward looks down, and nods.

Fitheach Eun snaps my head around to stare at Ron.

Ron Steward looks at one side and the other, making sure they are alone and whispers "The Shadow Lands ..that's where he attacked Xella and where he dwells."

Jaekob Faolan: "The Shadow Lands? Are you certain of this?" he asks turning to look at Xella.

Xella Steward nods "That is, where he told me I could find him."

Fitheach Eun nods slowly; "This does make sense."

Ron Steward holds her hand worried, "I brought her back for I feel she will be safer among us."

Jaekob Faolan sighs and begins to pace. His gaze turns to look at Fit for a brief moment. "There is nothing but mountains there, bleak mountains. But... you are sure?"

Xella Steward: "It's where I found him."

Ron Steward smiles at Xella, "She has the most wonderful orientation, I'm sure that's the place."

Jaekob Faolan: "Where he attacked you hmmm? And, yes, Ron, she will be safer close to you am sure."

Xella Steward looks down.

Xella Steward: "I am, sorry I have kept this, a secret, Ryn,,,,he is, no...was my friend."

Jaekob Faolan takes a step closer to Xella, lifting her chin with his fingers, "Do not feel as you do. This is not your doing, my friend."

Xella Steward looks down and holds his hand.

Jaekob Faolan shakes his head, strand of hair falling into his  face, "There is no need to be sorry."

Xella Steward looks at her Ron and squeezes his hand.

Fitheach Eun nods: "You are not responsible for this Xella"

Ron Steward holds her hand tight, "Do not feel bad Xella, you just did what you felt at heart."

Xella Steward: "I should of stopped Kat!"

Fitheach Eun: "Xella, no one can stop Kat when her mind is made up."

Jaekob Faolan: "I thank you for telling me this Xella. Unfortunately, we can do nothing until....well, " and he turns to look at Fit tending too Kat. "We cannot leave Kat's side. But once she is...." and he swallows hard.

Xella Steward: "I tried, I tried to hypnotize her."

Xella Steward looks down feeling guilty.

Fitheach Eun checks the bandages on Kat's neck.

Jaekob Faolan: "Once she is healed....well, if.... the Druids will go for the Demon. He will not harm another of us."

Fitheach Eun: "When Jaek, not if."

Jaekob Faolan bites his lip hard and turns to Fit nodding.

Ron Steward: "Yes, when!"

Xella Steward looks down, biting lip, holding the demon stone.

Fitheach Eun motions to Allie for fresh bandages and more antiseptic.

Ron Steward looks at Kat laying on the bed and shivers at the thought that it cold have been his Xella.

Xella Steward looks at her friend and whimpers.

 Fitheach Eun washes the neck wounds again and spreads more healing salve before carefully rebandaging it

Fit Healing Kathena

Jaekob Faolan begins to pace watching his Arch Druid at work. He swallow and lowers his head, feeling such loss and desperation.

Xella Steward nods to the Druid King.

Fitheach Eun: Fit stands looking thoughtfully at Kat and wishing something would work.

Fitheach Eun: Suddenly she turn to look at Jaek, concerned by his nervous pacing.

Fitheach Eun: "Jaek!"

Fitheach Eun: "Suppose, we have been doing this wrong?"

Xella Steward: looks at Ron and starts to back out.

Jaekob Faolan stops pacing and and looks at Fit, "Hmmm what do you mean?"

Fitheach Eun: "We are both water; that is our natural element."

Fitheach Eun: "So we have both used that first every time."

Fitheach Eun: "But Kat, is she not from the volcanic desert?"

Jaekob Faolan nods, "Yes, but what.....well...." and he looks at Kat. "You think imploring fire would make a difference?"

Fitheach Eun: "Perhaps. Water does not speak to her?"

Jaekob Faolan opens his eyes wide, looking at Fit, "Well it is worth a try hmm?"

Fitheach Eun sighs, "Fire is my least strong element but maybe it is the best choice."

Fitheach Eun walks over to the fire and fills a bowl with some of the sand from the fire bucket.

Jaekob Faolan: settles down beside Kat, taking her hand gently into his, "I...I had given up hope, Fit."

Fitheach Eun: "You cannot do that, we must find a way to make this work."

Xella Steward looks at Jae, feeling awkward.

Fitheach Eun carefully transfers a few burning coals into the bucket of sand.

Ron Steward can sense Xella's distress and kisses her cheek.

Xella Steward smiles softly.

Xella Steward: "King Druid.......if you need us, we will be in town,"

Xella Steward curtsies.

Fitheach Eun: Rummaging through the jars on the shelves she finds some dried basil; sacred to the gods of fire...and crumbles it into the burning coals."

Jaekob Faolan nods, "Thank you both for coming to me. This information will help us fight the Demon."

Ron Steward nods knowing she is feeling quite stressed.

 Xella Steward almost runs out of the door.

Ron Steward opens the door for her and they exit

Fitheach Eun holds the bowl carefully and brings the flaming contents over to Kat.

Fitheach Eun places the bowl near Kat's head so the smoke wafts towards her and adds some sage.

Fitheach Eun: With a fan she pushes the smoke towards Kat and implores the elements.

Jaekob Faolan looks up to Fit, anxiously as he squeezes his friend's hand harder.

Kathena Mavendorf's breathing becomes slightly slower and deeper as the smoke begins to enter her body. The scent familiar to her, even while so far away.

Fitheach Eun: "Spirits of fire, aid us in healing our friend, send us your warmth."

Kathena Mavendorf begins to feel the smoke slowly create warmth at her core, as if soft embers were being stoked by a breeze, bringing a fire to her core.

Fitheach Eun breathes slowly and deeply focusing on the dancing flames in the bowl.

Kathena and Fit

Jaekob Faolan watches Kathena intensely, his eyes wide as her breathing seems to slow.

Fitheach Eun: "Sisters of the air; aid us in our efforts, fan these flames."

Fitheach Eun watches as the flames grow brighter and a golden glow surrounds Kat.

Kathena Mavendorf feels the heat inside her build and expand, moving through her veins, making her skin flush, and her breathing stronger. She groans slightly as the heat reaches her throat,
pushing its way through the torn flesh and melting it and making it whole again.

Fitheach Eun shuts out all but the small fire and the glow.

Fitheach Eun concentrates on making the fire burn more brightly.

Jaekob Faolan: "FIT! FIT!," he exclaims loud as Kat makes a sound. "It IS working, my Druid Sister."

Kathena Mavendorf: "The heat intensifies until all of her body feels aglow with its fire, finally pushing into her mind, seeking her, finding her and pulling her towards its light.

Fitheach Eun pushes down the burst of elation and continues to merge with the fire pushing the glow towards Kat.

Fitheach Eun feels her cheeks flush and her pale skin redden in harmony with the flames.

Kathena Mavendorf begins to hear faintly the voice of her friends and feels as if the fire envelopes her without causing her harm. Suddenly the flames seem to explode outward forcing her back into her body. She wakes with a start, gasping and pushing herself backwards expecting to see her attacker.

Fitheach Eun feels my energy waning as all of it is pushed into the fire and collapses on my knees.

Jaekob Faolan: "KAT!,' he cries out, squeezing her hand tighter. "YOU, you are... awake, finally."

Fitheach Eun raises my head tiredly to see Kat's eyes are open and smiles.

Kathena Mavendorf looks around in a panic, her heart racing and shaking slightly....her skin flushed and hot from the fire within her.

Fitheach Eun: "Kat, are you back with us?"

Jaekob Faolan quickly circles the bed to soften Fit's collapse, "You did it! You did it, my Druid Sister," he says as he helps her to settle gently on the floor.

Jaekob Faolan reach out to calm Kat, "Shhh you are alright, now. You are safe, in the infirmary, Kat."

Fitheach Eun  sits on the floor exhausted but happy.

Kathena Mavendorf finally focuses her eyes and sees Fit and Jaekob. "Where....." she tries to speak but her throat still burns....she swallows hard, "how?"

Fitheach Eun: "Jaek, some of Fiesty's throat soother should still be here."

Jaekob Faolan lays a hand on Fit's shoulder and looks up imploring his elements, "Give her strength, give her energy," he says softly before going to Kat.

Fitheach Eun slides over to the bed and rests her head against it.

Kathena Mavendorf grabs her throat instinctively and remembers the demon's hand crushing it. She looks terrified for a moment and her eyes tear up.

Jaekob Faolan nods to Fit and steps over to the work table, quickly finding the elixir. He returns to Kat, kneels at beside and gently lifting her head, puts the bottle to her lips. "Drink a bit of this Kat

Fitheach Eun reaches out and strokes her hand; "Kat it is okay; you are here with us and safe, now."

Kathena Mavendorf takes the drink and sips it softly letting the cool drink coat and sooth her throat. Tears fall down her cheeks and she begins to shake her head. "I.....failed" she whispers.

Fitheach Eun raises my head with an effort and looks puzzled: "Failed?'

Jaekob Faolan shakes his head, "You did not fail, my friend. Because of you, we now know where the Demon lives. NOW we can settle our score with him."

Fitheach Eun looks up at Jaek, tiredly: "Not right now I hope?"

Kathena Mavendorf looks pitiful as tears stream down her face, "I should have..." swallows hard, "ended him!"

Jaekob Faolan shakes his head, "No not right now. First we must make sure Kat is okay. And we must plan our attack. We cannot fail this time."

Kathena Mavendorf's skin begins to lose the burning heat and return to normal. Her body still radiating a heat from within, as if it was her very own essence. She begins to calm down and regain her composure.

Jaekob Faolan steps away, corking the small bottle and sitting it on the stool beside Kat. He motions to Allie "Prepare some hot broth hmmm."

Kathena Mavendorf wipes away her tears and looks at Jaekob, "How long?" is all she manages to say, but her expression speaks for the rest.

Jaekob Faolan: "How long hmmm. You have been unconscious for about a week. We were beginning to think..." and his words falter, not willing to continue. "About a week, Kat."

Kathena Mavendorf nods and immediately begins to sit on the side of the bed, impatiently trying to get to a standing position.

Fitheach Eun reaches out a hand and holds her.

Jaekob Faolan moves to help her, pulling the pillows up to support her.

Fitheach Eun: "Kat, rest you cannot get right up."

Kathena Mavendorf shakes her head, her stubbornness getting the best of her as usual, "I've rested enough!"

Jaekob Faolan turns looking at the door, "I will go to Calenhad to speak with the Elven council," he nods to Allie. Send for me if I am needed and...and....see if she will take some of the broth."

Jaekob Faolan reaches down and squeezes Kat's hand one more time, welcome back my friend. Then a smile curls onto his lips and he strolls to the door.

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