Places of Interest

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Smeagol Goes to Market

Smeagol under the bridge watching the gathering at the market.

Smeagol Shade notices the small gathering in the human town and goes to check it out. He hides beneath the bridge, peering out now and then to see what is going on.

Fiesty Lotus smells  an odor of rotten fish and checks the stalls to make sure  it's not from there.

Smeagol Shade squints his eyes seeing the Fishy lady. He holds Fish up to get a look. By now, Fish has lost more of his flesh and brittle bones can be seen, "Us will get you a new body tonight. Us sees the Fishy Lady." And he tucks himself under the bridge.

Smeagol Shade sits down under the bridge cuddling Fish, ""Us don't know how to get dat body. Us has to think about this and make a plan," he says his eyes all glazed over, happy to be with Fish.

Smeagol Shade peers out from under the bridge as he hears more people, "Us is going to have trouble getting the body. Us sees lots of people."

Smeagol Shade: "Okay, okay, Us will get the body. Us will take care of you, Us will sneak up when they are not looking and grab the body," he whispers to Fish.

Smeagol Shade: "Okay. Okay. Us will sneak up now. Us sees them busy with saying hello to people," and he sneaks out from under the bridge moving close, hunkered down, his legs bent and makes his way behind Juste and dives under the stall.

Smeagol Shade: will go home now and Us will put the body on you. Us going to get all fixed up," and he makes his way across the river and heads to the ruins in the Shadow Lands.

There is more about Smeagol as he joins the gathering in the Market Day post.

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