Places of Interest

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Market Day in Cheshire

Due to the excessive length of role play at Market Day, some of the conversation was edited. Also, you might wish to read Smeagol goes to Market prior to this roleplay as the two play off one another.

Market Day in Cheshire

Juste Rivers: "Heys der Missy Druid Fiesty."

Fiesty Lotus: "Greetins Juste. Looks ter be a slow night."

Juste Rivers: "It bees early yet. Mees come early and so do you."

Juste Rivers: "Heys der Missy Xella. 'Ow you bees doing."

Fiesty Lotus: "I be fine Juste - , just gettin the crops irrigated."

Xella Steward nods to Juste and smiles softly, "Alright, considering."

Fiesty Lotus: "Greetins Lady Xella."

Xella Steward smiles at Fiesty and greets her "Hello!"

Ron Steward greets Fiesty too, "Hello!"

Fiesty Lotus walks up to the tables , chin nearly touching the top

Xella Steward epps and looks around, trying to think how to help Fiesty out with the height trouble.

Fiesty Lotus: I will just Put out some goats milk today- looks like Juste has bread out."

Xella Steward sets up her plushies, what ones she has that didn't get ruined when they fell off the boat..

Juste Rivers: "Almost time for da Market Day. We got lots of good stuff. Mees got pies, pies wif da fruits and pies wif da nuts."

Ron Steward: "Juste I've been .. away, learning some things that they better be kept silent as of now."

Xella Steward smiles, "Well I have sticky buns for sale, those didn't fall over.'

Juste Rivers: "Yes, it is time for da selling and buying. And den da dancing and some eating," he grins taking a bite of his turkey leg.

Xella Steward sets the new fish plushie on the stand,

Fiesty Lotus: "Oh look at those dainties! and is that blueberry pie I see?"

Fiesty Lotus wanders over to the plushies. She sniffs the fish plushy, but it does not smell fishy at all.

Saphira Mistwalker: "Greetings everyone.!"

Xella Steward waves to the lady dragon,

Juste Rivers: "Heys der Missy Saphira," he beams seeing his friend the dragon. "'Ow you bees a doing?"

Ron Steward turns back and then he sees the newcomer, "OMG, a dragon??"

Xella Steward takes the fish and puts it at hobbit height, showing to Fiesty.

Saphira Mistwalker: "I have been doing well Juste."

Xella Steward: "Simply a toy i have been working on for lil ones, this one wont fall apart in water."

Saphira Mistwalker: "I am called Saphira Mistwalker. I am an envoy from the Shadow Dragon clan."

Ron Steward: "I don't think i have, otherwise i would remember. You do stand from the crowd, believe me!"

Saphira Mistwalker giggles and nods. "I have heard of you, and your relation to Lady Xella."

Ron Steward turns his glance to another newcomer, "A fae?", he thinks

Fiesty Lotus: "Greetins Lady Morganza."

Xella Steward eyes widen at the fae,

Juste Rivers: "Heys der Missy," he points to Rosslyn. "Welcome to da Market Day."

Rosslyn Guardian: "Greetings to all and a very good day!"

Rosslyn Guardian: "What a wonderful market."

Saphira Mistwalker looks to her right and smiles. "Greetings my lady."

Morganza Spellway: "Oh I see you have sweets."

Fiesty Lotus turns to see the new person.

Rosslyn Guardian: "Well Met mistress Morganza.. I am new to these parts and heard from afar of this wonderful place."

Fitheach Eun wanders into market surprised to see so many here already.

Fiesty Lotus says "Greetins Lady" , looking at the new person. "I am Fiesty."

Can Wobbit: looks around.

Fitheach Eun: "Quel re everyone."

Rosslyn Guardian: "Greetings Wee One. My name be Rosslyn. I am a traveler and am new to this place."

Can Wobbit: "Greetings lady Fiesty."

Fitheach Eun: "Lady Saphira, how nice to see you again."

Rosslyn Guardian: "It is most well to see such and all manner of folk here, and all at the welcome."

 Saphira Mistwalker smiles and nods. "A pleasure to see you as well lady Fitheach."

Fiesty Lotus: "Well, it be good ter have new folks here."

Fitheach Eun: "May I introduce my very good friend Can."

Fiesty Lotus: "You just look around and see what yer like."

Juste Rivers crinkles his nose and stops dancing, "Someting smells fishy," and he glances over to Xella.

Fitheach Eun: "Can. this is Lady Saphira, the emissary from the Shadow Dragon clan."

Xella Steward hears Justes comment and sniffs herself discreetly, not smelling any fish on her.

Saphira Mistwalker smiles. "I am pleased to meet you Lord Can."

Rosslyn Guardian: "Greetings Winged One."

Fitheach Eun: "Quel re, my druid sister."

Juste Rivers goes over and sniffs his pies and then walks over to Xella, sideways, trying to be inconspicuous and sniffs.

Rosslyn Guardian: "I can see that I shall have to bring coin the next market day."

Saphira Mistwalker: "Aye, I suppose I will have to take some from my hoard to bring as well."

Juste Rivers thinks to himself the smell is gone and goes back to his stall and immediately crinkles his nose. Then he sighs and begins to clap his hands and dance.

Fitheach Eun nods to the visiting lady; "Greetings my lady, welcome to Cheshire."

Smeagol Shade lifts the table covering just enough for Fish to see, "Is that what Us wants. Us wants that fish thingie for Us' body?" Then he pulls Fish back and drops the table covering.

Saphira Mistwalker looks around, sniffing curiously at the air and fingers her daggers.. Then she realizes it is only the dead fish carried by the odd little gray two-legs and relaxes.

Saphira Mistwalker: "I am well milady. A little concerned about the goings-on of late, but well. How are you?"

Morganza Spellway: "I am concerned as well."

Saphira Mistwalker: "I felt it best to retain my dragon skin for a while, rather than transforming to a more human appearance. I am slightly less susceptible to injury this way."

Morganza Spellway: "Even though my lands are a day's journey from here, I feel the presence of the evil one."

Smeagol Shade: "Okay. Okay. Us will try now. But, if Us gets caught, they will be mad at Us," and he slips out behind the stall and crawling on all fours moves behind Juste.

Saphira Mistwalker: "Aye, the evil one. I finally recognized the stench I had smelled a week ago in him."

Smeagol Shade lays low and crawls across as fast as he can while no one is looking.

Xella Steward hears talk of the evil one and closes eyes, whimpering slightly.

Morganza Spellway: "I have prepared my lands as best I can."

Ron Steward bites his lip hearing the talk about the evil one, he will only share the info with King Druid."

Smeagol Shade: "Okay. Us almost has the body, " and he slinks down under the stall.

Rosslyn Guardian: notices the slimy one that moved through the crowd and is appalled by the stench.

 Morganza Spellway: "But summer solstice is fast approaching and I cannot stop the vale from lifting."

Saphira Mistwalker: "Aye, and I know the Druid King is working to prepare these lands as well. I will of course due whatever I can to assist."

Morganza Spellway: "What is that stench?"

Rosslyn Guardian: "Lady Morganza...are there any special preparations in this land for the Solstice Season?"

Saphira Mistwalker: "There was an odd little two-legs here early with a dead fish. Is that what you smell Lady Morganza?"

Morganza Spellway: "Yes I do believe the Druid is preparing something ...or so my maiden Gisele tells me."

Xella Steward: "Ron," shudders at the mention of dead fish."

Smeagol Shade reaches from under the table covering, his skinny arm and bony fingers moving about looking for the body.

Fitheach Eun turns, hearing Saphira and looks puzzled.

Fitheach Eun: "A two legs with a dead fish?"

Saphira Mistwalker: "He looked like a gray ... hobbit. He was over by Juste's table."

 Ron Steward: "A gray hobbit?"

Fitheach Eun: "Hello Juste; have you seen another hobbit at your table?"

Smeagol Shade finally feels something soft and clutches it, pulling it under the table. His eyes beam and he shows it to Fish, ""Us got it. Us got the body."

Saphira Mistwalker: "I'm not good at identifying you two-legs. But aye, he looked sort of like what you call a hobbit."

Morganza Spellway: "I just saw a ugly hand snatch the fish."

Rosslyn Guardian: "It must be the approaching Solstice...things are being seen which perhaps should not be. How can any shadow dull this lovely market gathering?"

Ron Steward eyes the stall, "The fish is gone!"

Xella Steward looks at the fae then at the spot where the fish was.

Rosslyn Guardian: " seems I am not the only one seeing things."

Ron Steward: "Someone stole it ..."

Xella Steward quick looks under the cloth of the stand.

Morganza Spellway: "I saw a grey hand come from under the table."

Ron Steward runs around trying to catch the thief.

Smeagol Shade slinks from under the stall and begins to crawl to the gate, Fish in one hand, the body in the other, a big grin on his lips.

Rosslyn Guardian: "It was not er...talents do not run to purloining dead fish." grins.

Fitheach Eun smells that odor again but it passes quickly.

Saphira Mistwalker: "Hmm, I caught another whiff of it.

Rosslyn Guardian: "Yes...the stench is seeming to dissipate."

Fitheach Eun: "Perhaps it was one of the ships in the harbor dumping some waste?"

Ron Steward: "Oh well, i guess it's not that great a loss, but I'd really like to have a word with that smuggler!"

Smeagol Shade dives under the bridge, sitting down and pressing one fish to the other, "Us don't know how to make the body work."

Xella Steward: "Can you man the shop for a bit, I wish to take a small walk?"

Xella Steward eyes wander to the infirmary.

Rosslyn Guardian: "Well I must away...but I'm am cheered to know if this place and the lovely folk here. Thank you for the fine company and the....talented dancing!" looks at the wee one.

Morganza Spellway: "May I perchance visit the gypsy?"

Morganza Spellway: "I have a fairy blessing to bestow on her."

Fitheach Eun looks intently at the fairy, "The Gypsy? What Gypsy?"

Morganza Spellway: "The one your Druid King told my Gisele about."

 Fitheach Eun: "Come with me, Lady Morg."

This was not the end of Market Day. It continued for some time although some folks moved to the infirmary to visit with the dying Kathena. Roleplay continued there.

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