Places of Interest

Monday, June 8, 2015

Ron Tells Jaekob About Xella and the Demon

Jaekob Faolan dipped a cloth into the cool clean water in the bedside basin, wrung it out and settled back onto the stool beside Kat's bed. Gently he wiped the cloth over her face, a thing he seemed to had done a hundred times since he found her.

Jaekob Faolan: "Come back to us," he whispered softly, turning when the door opened, to see Ron.

Ron Steward opens the door, his eyes unused to the dimmer light inside.

Ron Steward: "King Druid, aye you here? I need to talk to you!!"

Jaekob Faolan lays the wet cloth aside and sighing deeply, he nods and rises, moving toward Ron.

Ron Steward pauses for a moment to catch his breath, "I have ... I have the most disturbing news!"

Jaekob Faolan swallows, glances to Kat, wondering what could be more disturbing than the last few days, "What is that mi'lord?"

Ron Steward's words come out with difficulty, he ran all the way to the city, "The demon. I just learned about the demon, Xella told me, he threatened her."

Ron Steward pauses for a moment.

Jaekob Faolan: "Wha...when did Xella see the Demon hmm? Tell me everything," he stammers and begins to pace about nervously. " she okay?"

Ron Steward eyes Kathena laying wounded on the bed and a grim look shown in is face. "Yes, she is okay,  thanks to the gods."

Jaekob Faolan: "Well," he begins chewing on his lip. "She is alive by a thread. But, she has not gained consciousness since I found her. I..... I...." and he pauses unwilling to say what he thinks.

Ron Steward: "Let me start from the beginning. You know she has been befriending a Drow lately?She was so happy to meet such an interesting creature."

Ron and Jaekob

Jaekob Faolan nods, "I know of the Drow. Ryn is his name?"

Ron Steward: "Ryn, yes! Well there's something we didn't know, Ryn is in truth the vile creature who did this to Kath!"

Ron Steward points to the gypsy laying on the bed.

Jaekob Faolan: "WHAT?" he says overly loud, clenching his fist. "The Drow did this? I will.......he is NOT long on this earth before we end him."

Ron Steward nods, his face red in anger. "The Drow tricked Xella into believing he was her friend, and Xella is such a bright soul that would never betray a friend. But today, he grabbed her hard and threatened her."

Ron Steward's eyes cross.

Jaekob Faolan: "Threatened her how," he asks as he stops his pacing to turn his gaze over to Kat as she begins to moan quietly in her sleep.

Ron Steward: "He confesses he was no friend of hers but had rather been using her for his own purposes. Xella was so shaken, both physically and emotionally, that i found her hiding in the forest in mer form, her eyes lost in the distance"

Jaekob Faolan: "But, well.... she is okay hmmm?"

Ron Steward: "Yes she is now, I sent her to a safe place".

Ron Steward feelsa cold shiver down his spine, can anyone be truly safe from that creature?

Jaekob Faolan nods, swallowing hard, "Does Xella.... well did she tell you where we might find the demon?"

Ron Steward shakes head, "No, she was way too shocked and I just wanted her to let it go. I sent her to a hidden place, we should go there and see her."

Jaekob Faolan shakes his head, "Let me task you with finding out if she knows his whereabout. If she does, get word to me and I will come. But, now I must increase the ranger presence on the borders and rally the elven council."

Ron Steward nods, "I will do that! I'll come back as soon as I have news and I make sure Xella is feeling better."

Jaekob Faolan sucks in a deep breath nodding, "Be sure she is in a safe place, mi'lord. And return to me when you can. In the meantime, I will begin fortifying the City and bring as many as we can to safety here or in Calenhad."

Ron Steward takes another glance at Kath hoping next time he'll be able to see her awake and meet her, "I'll be on my way! Thank you for receiving me."

Jaekob Faolan nods as he watches Ron depart and returns to Kat's beside, picking up the cloth and placing it over her forehead. He growls low, "He will pay, Kat. he will PAY."

Ron Steward bows slightly and head to the door with a fast stride

1 comment:

  1. YAY Ron! Well done for bringing the hard truth to light in the Lands!
    Great RP, lads! *claps wildly*
