Places of Interest

Monday, June 8, 2015

Jaekob Fortifies the Healers Hall

   After Ron left, the Druid quickly sent word to Calenhad for his elven rangers to come immediately. He paced the hall until Allie arrived to tend to Kat; he tried to push away the serious thoughts that plagued him as he instructed the halfling healer apprentice in how to care for Kat. He had tediously laid out all the necessary herbs; he even had a pot of warm broth brewing on the hearth.
   "If you can get just a spoonful .... well... whatever," he mumbled knowing fully well Allie was the best apprentice he had ever worked with. He had trained her and was disappointed when she chose not to pursue her studies further. She was fully content with her position and did it with ease and a kindness of heart not many possessed.
   "Now don't ye be worryin' mi'lord. You know Allie will take good care of Miss Kathena. You just do what needs a doin' and don't be a 'frettin' over things here," the middle aged halfling said with a smile, nudging him toward the door as she fidgeted with her apron.
   "Yes....well....yes, I know you will....she will be fine in you care Allie." He glanced over to where Kat lay sleeping, his eyes cutting to the bandages on her neck. "Help her, heal her," he whispered to his elements before turning his gaze back to Allie. "May the rains and storms keep the both of you safe," he offered a small Druid blessing and moved toward the door.
   Outside, he stopped to whisper to his elves, giving them instructions as to where he is heading. "If there is any sign of....trouble, come for me. I need to make arrangements with the smith, Aonghas, for some... well. We will talk more of that later." And he turns, heading toward the docks to find the smith.

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