Places of Interest

Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Stone that Binds us - Remembrance Bridge

   The centerpiece of our past lives was left behind, a wondrous elven stone bridge aptly named Remembrance Bridge. On it, a plaque hung which read "IN MEMORIAM This Bridge is dedicated to All those Loved and Dear who have taken the Swan Ship to the Other Side of the Myst. May You Wait for Us."
   All of us River Landers know it's meaning, it's history. But, many of our new readers do not. The concept of the bridge came after a Luminary Ceremony, a fundraiser for RFL. We, the River Landers, wanted to erect something remarkable on that spot that would forever remind us of the fluidness of life; something magical where folks could go to sit in quiet and reflect on their loved ones who had taken the journey home.
   To that end, my dear friend, Rosslyn Guardian, created Remembrance Bridge and gave it to the River Landers to place in memory and to honor all those who had taken the journey home, ahead of us. In tRLs IWz, this bridge was an OOC (Out of Character) area even though it sat in the midst of our role play lands.
   And again, Rosslyn has given us Remembrance Bridge and it sits, again, in the middle of our role play lands in the Great Canadian Grid. Still, it is a place for any who wish to come and sit in quiet, to reflect and speak with loved ones.

Remembrance Bridge, tRLs GCG

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