Places of Interest

Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Demon Confesses to Xella

Ilmryn Xyltyn paced his small quarters in the Underdark. He had had contact with virtually no one since the troublesome gypsy. He rolled his shoulders as if to relieve tension. He could taste his pulse racing as memories of the kill returned to him. And he was hungry, again.

Ilmryn Xyltyn flicked his tongue at the corner of his mouth and slowly slid it across his teeth and he moved down the long length of steps from his refuge.

Xella Steward lays on the rocks letting the sound of the falls calm her,

Xella Steward now has more a cold rage instead of hot anger.

Ilmryn Xyltyn passes from the darkness of the caves. His head jerks and his eyes lower to shelter himself from the light. He begins to move effortlessly through the forests, crossing a river, nearing the human city.

Ilmryn Xyltyn's nostrils flare, "A familiar scent," he says almost inaudibly, flicking his tongue at the air and slowly moving eastward toward the elven city.

Xella Steward touches the water, "Was Dina right.......did I kill her?"

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "Xella," he whispers, a smile stretching at his thin lips as he remembers the mermaid and makes his way, following her scent.

Ilmryn Xyltyn takes to the air to avoid the elven bridge or any he might encounter on the ground and moves swiftly to the falls the mermaid is known to frequent.

Xella Steward tenses, hearing someone near.

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "Aha," he whispers, the sound trailing behind him as he cautiously flies closer to the ground, seems to move like liquid over the glassy lake and light near Xella.

Xella Steward looks up and sees Ryn next to her.

Xella Steward looks at him an smiles weakly, "Hello Sir."

Ryn and Xella

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "Greetings, Jalil," he says softly, his charm flowing much like magic. "How... very... nice to find" And he settles down near to her, squatting on one knee.

Xella Steward smiles remembering him saying it means lady.

Xella Steward: "Good to see you too............." she tenses knowing she has to ask him.

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "Do you mind if I join you, Jalil? I have ... missed our talks," he says softly cocking his head a  bit.

Xella Steward nods, "Please sit.....I've missed it too."

Ilmryn Xyltyn nods, his face impassive, the smile gone. He reaches his arm to let his fingers play with the water slapping on the rock. "Tell me how you have been? All is well in these lands I assume?"

Xella Steward shakes head no, "You remember my friend Dina............the gypsy I told you of?"

Xella Steward fights tears at the memory.

Ilmryn Xyltyn nods and swallow, "I remember. She did...well.... does not like me," he says quickly correcting himself. She was... rather mean to me, Jalil."

Xella Steward nods, "She was murdered."

Ilmryn Xyltyn cocks his head and turns his gaze on her face, his eyes pushing at hers, "Why do you say.... murdered, Jalil?"

Xella Steward looks at him, "Kat found her........said the demon got her."

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "Yet murder is such a harsh word," he whispers leaning closer to her, flicking his tongue at the air. "I smell a male. Your mate?"

Xella Steward blinks at the change in subject, then blushes, " nulma has returned from sea."

Ilmryn Xyltyn forces a smiles and reaches out to gently place his fingers under her chin, to raise her face to look at him squarely, "You love him, yes? He is your family?"

Xella Steward nods and looks into his eyes, "He is my heart, if anything happened to him,,,,,,,,I would be lost."

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "Tell me, Jalil. I know your nature. Is there ANYTHING you would not do to protect him or even YOUR kind?"

Xella Steward shakes head.

Xella Steward looks at ryn, "He is my nulma, without him I am little more then a demon myself."

 Ilmryn Xyltyn rises and begins to pace on the flat rocks beneath the fall, "You are my friend and I have... always... been.... well.... I have never lied to you."

Xella Steward nods, "I know."

Ilmryn Xyltyn bites his lip hard, pushing a fang into it until blood trickles and he begins to lick at the blood.

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "This gypsy was right, Jalil. I AM a demon."

Xella Steward looks at him, "Tell me..........did you kill Dina?"

Xella Steward eyes widen.

Ilmryn Xyltyn turns quickly, effortlessly and kneels beside her, ""But, you yourself said many think your kind demonic. Are we so very different, really Jalil? We did not choose what we are but we cannot circumvent those things that are our nature, that push us to protect our own kind, OUR family."

Xella Steward blinks, "You only survive?"

Xella Steward understands what he is saying.

Xella Steward can understand killing to survive, but not killing for the fun of it.

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "I kill.... yes.... to survive," he whispers. "I am.... alone here and save what magic I have, I am but a monster at large whom the people of these lands would kill without a thought."

Xella Steward looks at him, "Did Dina threaten you?"

Xella Steward tries to remember all that was said about the demon.

Ilmryn Xyltyn closes his eyes a moment and pushes threads of calm toward the mermaid before he speaks further, "She did. Her sight would have been my undoing and ultimately my death. I....I....took her life to ... save myself. And....I am truly sorry that I brought such sorrow to you." And he rises and takes a step or two away from her, his back to her. "I should go now and visit you no more, I have.... disappointed... you," he says his lips turning into a bit of a smirk that she does not see.

Xella Steward: "No......don't go."

Ilmryn Xyltyn pauses and licks at his lips, smiling before he turns to her, his face again impassive, "I must.... I should.....I am not a good friend. For I assure you, I will do what is necessary to protect myself always. It is best I go."

Xella Steward looks at him, coming to a decision, "I understand........why you did did."

Xella Steward "I have killed keep me and my Ron safe."

Ilmryn Xyltyn kneels down beside her, "You understand, truly. I will not expect forgiveness for what I did was horrific. But, that you.... understand, Jalil."

Xella Steward nods. "The one that threatened you was one my best friends.........that is hard, but I understand the trouble."

 Xella Steward remembers.

Xella Steward: "You hurt Kat, didn't you?"

Xella Steward: "And plan to harm him?"

Xella Steward looks at him eyes wide.

Ilmryn Xyltyn nods, "You would do the same to protect your mate, Jalil. And I understand that. Even if you took the life of a friend, though I have none, I would understand your reasoning."

Xella Steward looks at him waiting for a good reason for harming Kat and Jae,

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "I have never lied to you and I shall not begin now. Yes, it was me. I thought her to be a danger, but have realized she is just a helpless female and poses no threat to me. I promise I will not harm her again."

Xella Steward smiles softly and nods, "Please..make it up to her."

Xella Steward pats the rocks.

Ilmryn Xyltyn settles down comfortably, "Make it...up to her. You mean the other Gypsy?"

Xella Steward looks at him "I will keep your secret.....for I do consider you a friend........simply trying to survive."

Xella Steward nods "To kat......."

Ilmryn Xyltyn inhales a deep unnecessary breath, "And how would I do such a thing. Would not my just avoiding her and letting her live her inconsequential little life be enough?"

Xella Steward eyes narrow, "There lives may be short.....but they are full of life.............but yes.......I see your point."

Xella Steward nods and looks at him.

Xella Steward: "You are family? no one of your kind?"

Ilmryn Xyltyn nods to the north, "I live in those mountains, in dark and shadows. If I have lied to you and you find me other than forthcoming, now you know where you can find me, " he says pausing for a moment. "No. I am alone, no family. I am, as far as I know, the last of my line."

Xella Steward looks at him unable to imagine being alone.......even though there are almost no mer left, but still there.

Xella Steward nods and looks at him.

Xella Steward: "Please do not stop visiting me."

 Ilmryn Xyltyn: "You are truly my only friend, Jalil. That is why I risked telling you the truth. I would rather lose our friendship than.... lie to you."

Xella Steward smiles at him and nods.

Xella Steward: "Thank you, you risked it all."

Xella Steward will not turn her back on him.

Xella Steward smiles at him.

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "And should you need me ever... for anything....." and he reaches down to pick up a small flat stone. His fingers push into the stone, pushing out threads of power which infuse it. "Take this," and he reaches for her hand to lay it gently. "Take this and should you ever need me, break it. I will know and I will find you."

Xella Steward takes the stone, and holds it close.

Xella Steward runs a hand over her tail, then pulls one her scales.

Xella Steward winces then offers it to him.

Xella Steward: "This scale will show, you are a friend of mers."

Ilmryn Xyltyn watches her and reaches to take the scale, "You should not have caused yourself pain for me, Jalil."

Xella Steward smiles at him "I rather take the pain then have one my friends harmed."

Xella Steward thinks of Dina, feeling sad.

Ilmryn Xyltyn nods and looks away, "I am truly sorry about your friend. But.... your understanding is...." and his words falter and he languishes between his nature to lie and a fondness for the mermaid. "I...I ... am glad we are still friends."

Xella Steward nods understanding the trouble, "She threatened you, I am sure......if someone threatened Ron or I........they would be with the fishies instantly."

Xella Steward growls softly.

Ilmryn Xyltyn nods and turns to the direction of the mountains, "I must go, but I will find you again soon, Jalil."

Xella Steward nods and waves, holding the stone close.

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