Places of Interest

Friday, March 27, 2015

Wizard Arwyn Falconer and High Wizard WiccedCrow Morrigan in Eyrie

Arwyn Falconer watches from her study as one of the hawks flies by, alerting her of a visitor in the forest. She walks to the balcony and unravels her wings, flying up a bit higher to get a better look.

WiccedCrow Morrigan: stops and checks the map Jaekob had given her wondering why anyone would want to travel on land. Sailing is much less confusing.

Arwyn Falconer watches from up high, an elf woman....she seems to be a bit lost, but looks like she's following a map. She wonders if she's come as a messenger from Lord Jaekob.

Arwyn Falconer smiles as she sees the woman made it through the woods safely so she lands, tucking away her wings.

 Arwyn Falconer goes back into her study and waits for the woman to find the library

 WiccedCrow Morrigan looks around the clearing wondering how she managed to get lost again

WiccedCrow Morrigan finds the bridge shown on the map and begins looking for a way up to the Library

WiccedCrow Morrigan: The gates creak open and she finds herself in a lovely garden.

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "Finally!",  knocks on the door relieved to have found the building.

Arwyn Falconer makes her way downstairs quietly, and opens the doors. Smiling at the woman..."Greetings M'Lady. What brings you to Eyrie?" she studies her carefully.

WiccedCrow Morrigan: curtsies, "Greeting Lady."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: I am WiccedCrow. Lord Jaekob has sent me to speak with you.

Arwyn Falconer smiles and curtsies, "I am the Wizard Arwyn Falconer, the protector of these lands. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: smiles nervously, " the pleasure is mine."

Arwyn Falconer smiles and nods,"Your Lord sought answers from me. I offered my arcane library to assist him, and shall extend the same offer to you, as well M'Lady Wicced."

Arwyn Falconer motions to a portal on the wall, "the portal on the left will take you to the library. The portals guard against unwelcomed guests" she smiles.

WiccedCrow Morrigan: relaxes a little and gives a genuine smile, " I am very grateful. It seems I am to take over a position I am less than prepared for."

Arwyn Falconer giggles softly, "Non of us are ever prepared for our fates M'Lady. I can assure you, no one is. However, I will do my best to guide you in your quest for knowledge."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: Looks at all the ancient books and scrolls in awe.

WiccedCrow Morrigan: laughs" I will need every bit of help I can get."

Arwyn Falconer looks like a woman in her late 20s by human standards, but is clearly far older. She carries herself as a woman of high rank, but is very informal with people, and is more accustomed to dealing with pixies, faes, birds and butterflies than actual people. She walks around running her fingers over her collection of books and scrolls smiling.

Duchess Arwyn Falconer, Wizard of Eyrie

Arwyn Falconer: "Most of these were here long before I was even created by the gods. They are quite ancient. They were kept by my late husband and his kin, for ages."

Arwyn Falconer: "I shall try my best to help you find what you seek."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: I suppose the first thing I would seek is your advice on where to begin.

Arwyn Falconer smiles softly and walks closer to her, "Fear not Lady Wicced. You will conquer your quest, and I shall help you along your path."

Arwyn Falconer moves to another portal, "Follow me to my office and we shall discuss things further."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: takes a seat and waits for further instruction.

Arwyn, Wizard, and Wicced, High Wizard

Arwyn Falconer moves and takes a seat behind her desk, piled up with scrolls and books. Her office looks like a smaller version of the library, with books staked high in bookcases on the walls and a scrying bowl in a corner, so that she may look for answers in other ways.

Arwyn Falconer motions to a chair, "Please do sit down M'Lady."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: Thank you I am quite weary after getting lost so many times.

WiccedCrow Morrigan: I do'nt often travel this far without my ship.

Arwyn Falconer grins, "I do apologize for that. Our lands are guarded to keep out hunters and any other that might seek to harm those who live here."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: Considering the danger facing our lands I can see why you keep this place is protected.

Arwyn Falconer sits back in a relaxed manner ready to listen, her face soft and attentive, "Now M'Lady, how may I help you?"

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "My training left off with me as only a journeyman mage and now I am to lead others. I need to finish my own training before I can expect to be a competent teacher. There is also the matter of the demon. The more I can learn to help protect my home the better."

Arwyn Falconer looks very serious and determined, a sense of strength on her face, mixed with sadness in her eyes. "Aye, I fully understand your situation. Many years back I was faced with a similar situation, that ....well...changed the course of my life." she pauses for a moment. "Perhaps we should start with evaluating where you are in your training and take it from there."

WiccedCrow Morrigan grins knowing she has found the assitance she will need, "that sounds like a fine idea."

Arwyn Falconer takes a deep breath, "I shall give you an amulet that will allow you to come here at a moment's notice without having to travel through the waters and the woods. This will allow you to come to me regularly for guidance and training, but also let you return to your lands so they are not left unprotected for long periods of time."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "Thank you Duchess, that will be most useful under the circumstances."

Arwyn Falconer looks at her very seriously and leans in a bit, "I will, however, caution you, do not let anyone have this amulet, for in the wrong hands it could open up a door for evil to enter here. Can I trust you in this matter?"

 WiccedCrow Morrigan: smirks, "a lady with your insight knows I am good at hiding my treasures. It will not fall into the wrong hands."

Arwyn Falconer nods with a soft smile on her face. She pulls back her sleeve, to show a small delicate bracelet, made of gold with a glowing crystal upon it. She removes it gently from her arm, and looks at it with a sad smile and just the hint of tears forming in her eyes. "This was given to me by my late husband, long ago...long before we were married, when I too faced a terrible demon, so that I may come here to learn and prepare. It is enchanted with ancient arcane magic that not even I understand. She hands it over to her." Pauses..."Wear it, put your hand over it, and concentrate all of your energies on the crystal while reciting this:"

Arwyn Falconer: "athrada-Eyrie ah iaur beria."

Arwyn Falconer: (traverse to Eyrie and ancient protection)

WiccedCrow Morrigan: says the words softly to herself commiting them to memory, "athrada-Eyrie ah iaur beria."

Arwyn Falconer smiles and nods at her. "Keep it well hidden and protected M'Lady. I shall be here when ever you need me."

WiccedCrow Morrigan smiles softly at the Duchess sensing she has handed over something very dear to her. " I will keep it well protected. Thank you" Placing it firmly on her right arm she covers the bracelet with her left hand and whispers a few words of power imagining the clearest pool of water. The bracelet slowly fades from sight.

Arwyn Falconer smiles sweetly at her, seeing her use her powers in a beautiful, natural way, "I can see you will be an amazing asset to Lord Jaekob's realm. I think they will certainly be safe in your hands."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: grins widely at the Duchess "that should keep it safe from most prying eyes."

Arwyn Falconer leans in, "now to get back the same incantation, but instead of saying Eyrie, say the name of your homeland."

WiccedCrow Morrigan blushes at the compliment, Thank you M'Lady."

Arwyn Falconer stands gently pushing back her chair and making her way out from behind her desk so that she may be closer to her new friend, "Safe paths my friend and may the ancient ones keep guard over you as you travel."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "Safe Paths to you as well Duchess" excitedly reaches out and gives Arwyn a brief hug.

WiccedCrow Morrigan looks at her arm where she can feel the bracelet against her skin.

Arwyn Falconer: Navaer Lady Wicced

WiccedCrow Morrigan: curtsies, "Fair winds M'Lady"

WiccedCrow Morrigan places her hand over the gem on the bracelet and whispers , "athrada-riverlands ah iaur beria."

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