Places of Interest

Friday, March 27, 2015

Kathena and Xella Meet

Xella Steward splashes Kat from behind, then ducks in the water.

Kathena Mavendorf feels water hit her back and she looks up expecting rain, but nothing happens.

Xella Steward splashes again.

Xella Steward giggles softly.

Kathena Mavendorf gets wet again and she stands up a bit disturbed, "What is blazes is going on?!"

Xella Steward laughs softly.

Xella Steward ducks into the water.

Xella Steward splashes Kat.

Kathena Mavendorf hears laughter and turns, looking around...."Alright, who is there?! Is that you Dina? Hope you aren't drowning just to pull a prank!"

Xella Steward splashes.

Xella Steward giggles and watches her very confused friend.

Kathena Mavendorf catches the culprit in her sight finally and her jaw drops..."a....a....gods, is that....a mermaid?"

Xella Steward pokes her head up.

Kathena Mavendorf she watches her swim about then sees her come up a bit out of the water. "hello there....ummm"

Xella Steward smiles.

Xella Steward: "Hello!"

Kathena Mavendorf she narrows her eyes trying to see her closer so she steps a bit further towards the edge of the hill, leaning down at her.

Xella Steward head tilts smiling

Xella Steward: "Hello Kat, how are you?"

Kathena Mavendorf looks at her smiling but curious, "you should come closer, you seem.....familiar to me, though I don't know any mermaids."

Xella Steward swims up near the shore.

Kathena Mavendorf looks surprised, "You know my name?"

 Xella Steward nods and giggles.

 Kathena Mavendorf just then she takes one step too far and tumbles down the hill and hits the water with a splash!

Xella Steward swims around her giggling.

Kathena Mavendorf's  head comes up above the water, she curses in unknown tongues, "Blasted skirts! Now I'm all wet!" She looks at the mer now closer and her jaw drops open.

Kathena Mavendorf: "Is that YOU, Xella?!"

Xella Steward: "Guilty!"

Xella Steward smiles at her and wraps tail around her friend, happy.

 Kathena Mavendorf gasps and looks extremely excited all of the sudden, swimming clumsily to her and gives her a hug.

Kathena and Xella

Kathena Mavendorf: "How is this possible?!"

Xella Steward: "I was always a mer, just.....shy?"

Kathena Mavendorf smiles and nods, then ponders for a moment..."You ....wouldn't have any stickybuns with you....dry ones I mean"

Kathena Mavendorf grins.

Xella Steward laughs.

Xella Steward: "Sadly no."

Xella Steward: "But I do have a very soggy ron plushie."

(A note on plushies. Xella is a delightfully charming young woman who when she joined us made a small plushie (doll) to hold when her guy was not around. She would cuddle it and nibble it's ears and in our community, Xella and the plushie became an icon of sorts. Now, she has an assortment of the small dolls and sells them at the IC Market on Thursdays for realm coin - play money. She EVEN has a Druid plushie with long red hair that is very popular.)

Kathena Mavendorf giggles, "didn't think got no pockets!"

Xella Steward giggles.

Xella Steward: "Are you upset that I've kept it hidden?"

Kathena Mavendorf looks around, "Xella, please be careful in the waters near my cabin. There is something very dark about and I don't want you getting hurt."

Xella Steward head tilts.

Xella Steward body shimmers and her tail becomes legs.

Kathena and Xella

Kathena Mavendorf shakes her head..."Of course not! I understand all about keeping secrets. I'm a gypsy" winks.

Xella Steward smiles and offers a hand to help her out.

Kathena Mavendorf swims back to shore and drags herself out onto lag complete dripping wet.

Xella Steward is oddly dry,

 Xella Steward giggles at her friend.

Kathena Mavendorf watches as her friend becomes a girl again.

Kathena Mavendorf grabs her skirts and wrings then out, huge amounts of water pouring out, then sits down by the fire.

Xella Steward laughs and giggles.

Xella Steward: "I do have some sticky bun ingredients if you want."

Xella Steward: "I can make you a pan of sticky buns."

Kathena Mavendorf grins at her friend...."I rather you bring me a batch later.....right now I need to just dry off" laughs

Kathena Mavendorf takes off one of her boots, and pours out half of the river, then repeat the same with the other

Xella Steward laughs and focuses, drawing all the water in Kat's clothes and pushing it back into the water.

Kathena Mavendorf smiles in amazement, "Oh thank you for that Xella!"

Xella Steward smiles.

Kathena Mavendorf puts her boots back on, now that they are dry.

Xella Steward: "May i\I sit with you?"

Kathena Mavendorf: "Yes of course."

Xella Steward sits by the water and smiles.

Kathena Mavendorf: "I'm very happy you shared your secret with me my friend."

Xella Steward: "You are welcome."

Xella Steward: "I was swimming by and saw you."

Xella Steward: "...could not resist."

Xella Steward giggles.

Kathena Mavendorf smiles sweetly at her.

Xella Steward relaxes.

Kathena Mavendorf leans in and looks gravely at her for a moment. Speaking in hushed tones, "Xella, you must get back to River City where you are safe. There is a dark creature that comes to me and seeks to do harm. I do not wish you to be in harms way, my friend."

Xella Steward looks at her.

Xella Steward: "I'm not powerless."

Kathena Mavendorf swallows hard, "He killed two elven guards in less than 10 seconds"

Xella Steward eyes widen.

Xella Steward: "Why?"

Kathena Mavendorf eyes tear up a bit, "because they were in his way."

Xella Steward: "What is it the being wants?"

Xella Steward's  head tilts.

Xella Steward smiles at her.

Xella Steward: "Well, I can escape under the water."

Kathena Mavendorf looks at her, "He looks like a Drow, but is something else."

Xella Steward: "The drow they talked about at market yesterday maybe....."

Kathena Mavendorf nods, "Maybe."

Xella Steward: "Well, I'm wanting to stay here with you."

Xella Steward would not leave her friend.

Kathena Mavendorf shakes her head...."I cannot risk that Xella. I'm sorry but I cannot have your death on my conscience."

Xella Steward smiles at her.

Xella Steward: "Can't make me leave," cute faces.

Xella Steward smiles at her warmly.

Kathena Mavendorf smiles sweetly at her friend, stands and hugs her.

Xella Steward stands and hugs back.

Kathena Mavendorf: Thank you! Now be careful, and I suggest you swim's much faster!

Xella Steward hugs her tight, "I will."

Xella Steward dives into the water looking sad.

Kathena Mavendorf: Safe paths my friend!

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