Places of Interest

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Gypsy is Taken, Part V

Elise Allebil closes the distance between herself and Kathena. Darkness seems to follow like an extended cloak over the land. A heavy weight seems to press against the land as the animals, birds and insects fall quiet. From the shadows and shade of the trees indescribable creatures creep cautiously towards the woman. Each looking hungry, each wondering if the other could consume the prize she holds for themselves. The demoness caresses the chin of her massive Shadow Beast as she continues to her approach to the gypsy.

Kathena Mavendorf in all of her confusion begins to feel a chill run down her spine, the light seeming to fade away leaving darkness in it's wake, when she suddenly realizes it is TOO quiet. She stops trying to listen for any sound, footsteps, crickets, birds..but nothing is heard. Her heart begins to thump rapidly in her chest with fear.

Jaekob Faolan had noticed Kathena passing by as he gathered herbs and quietly fell in step behind her, keeping some distance. Her demeanor had been calm of late and maybe she was going to the inn, he thought. When she stopped near the bridge, he stopped and stood still behind a tree, swallowing as the lands give off a chill. He shudders and stands quietly, hiding.

Elise Allebil signals for her imps to surround the woman. "Bring her away from the not let her escape." her growl was strong and her power seemed to almost have a life separate of herself. Truly she just fed as blood dripped from her arms. "Let us see how our youngest is growing.." she emerges from the thickest of the woods, here she stands, waiting for the beasts to herd the gypsy away from the city.

Kathena Mavendorf panics as she sees things coming out of the darkness moving towards her. She begins to run through the woods, but trips over some roots sticking out from the ground and falls down. Looking terrified she is surrounded.

Jaekob Faolan pales and swallows as Elise and her minions move from shadow to light and attack Kathena. For a moment, he is frozen in place and waits to see what is happening

Elise Allebil smiles sharply at Kathena. "Ah.. there you are." The Shadow Beast at her side drools heavily into the grass as it bares its fangs at the woman. Elise puts her hand to its massive muzzle and forces its head into submission. "No yet.." she purrs to it. Her eyes return to the Gypsy. She raises a brow to the woman, "Are you still obedient to me, Gypsy?"

Kathena Mavendorf grows pale at the site of the demoness and her pet. She opens her mouth to speak but no sound comes out, so she nods slowly hoping to survive the encounter.

Jaekob Faolan growls and lifts his hands up toward the sky. He speaks quietly to the Air, *I beseech you. Bring a wind wild and ferocious to strike the minions and aid Kathena.* And as he finishes he rushes into the fray

Elise Allebil 's eyes narrow as magic is called. The Shadow Beast turns on the Druid before she does. The wind cutting at her cheek just before she's able to desecrate the earth around her. Unholy runes glare up from the earth, staggering the wind or any element from harming her for a few moments. The smaller weaker imps surround the Druid attempting to drag him to the ground. "ah.. don't spoil him... my pets.." she purrs darkly. "Just.. hold him still.. yes?" she looks meaningfully to the Druid. "That wasn't nice.."

Kathena Mavendorf sees Jaekob running towards her when the attention of the beasts turn towards him. She screams at him, "noooo, Jaekob go back!" She is desperate but cannot help him.

Jaekob Faolan growls at the demoness, his face drawn yet determined. He calls upon the earth and boulders push up surrounding him and would topple the minions away if they were fast enough, *Do nOT touch her.... harm her. We have done everything you have asked, risking our own safety and sanity to keep our word. But... but.... you do not keep yours.

Elise Allebil looks dangerously amused as she purrs to the Druid, "How so my dear?"

Jaekob Faolan: You asked for the caves, *he growls,* and I gave them. You asked for us to hold this thing of yours and hold your secret and we did. Yet, your evil procreates through the lands and you continue to cause harm to land and people.

Kathena Mavendorf looks at them both, terrified at what might happen. She remembers the Drow's words to her and tries to control her fear, not letting it consume her. She squeezes her right hand, knowing the pain of the cut on her palm will keep her mind present in the moment.

Elise Allebil grins baring her fangs, unfortunately the smile was genuine for her kind. The imps gather at her feet she turns her gaze on Kathena. "Come sit." she points to her side. "Move them out of your way if need be.." she says as an after thought, then turns to Jaekob. "I've done well within my means to hold our contract. Your lands however are too delicious to just leave unseeded by my kin." she grins, "But I have no harmed you or the woman, have I?"

Jaekob Faolan bites his lip, knowing full well the original pact was bittersweet at best. And the truth of it was, she had been truer to her word than he had expected. He shakes his head with a bit of a snarl strands of red hair falling in his face, *You have not harmed me or...* and the looks at Kathena *the woman.*

Kathena Mavendorf looks at Jaekob her eyes starting to tear up, but filled with determination. She crawls on her hands and knees over to the demoness, looking at her with anger and hate, almost defiantly, she sits on the ground near her.

Elise Allebil pets Kathena as if she was already one of her Shadow Beasts. "Yes, so you seem rather upset over the pact we made..." she purrs, "Shall we make a different one?"

Kathena Mavendorf bats away the demoness' hand. "Don't touch me you beast! I will make no such bargain with you. I know now, nothing you say can be trusted"

Jaekob Faolan looks from one to the other, his eyes settling on the demoness. He doesn't trust her, but plays into her offer, *And what of this new pact if we were inclined hmmmm?

Elise Allebil sets her claw to the back of Kathena's neck, "I'll leave your lands completely... if I can keep her." she jokes.

Jaekob Faolan growls and moves closer to her, *THAT is not happening.*

Kathena Mavendorf winces at the pain on the back of her neck from being grabbed

Kathena Mavendorf: "No Jaekob! You know she can't be trusted!"

Elise Allebil tightens her grip, her long nails threatening to cut into the woman's throat as she lifts the Gypsy to stand. "ah ah.. back away.. Druid. You've already given me everything I want..except of course just this." she smirks, "and she has a rather solid pact with me. Perhaps I should change the terms since I'm in the mood to give a bit of my own power to see this seed grow."

Kathena Mavendorf struggles against Elise's grip on her. She growls at the demoness through clenched teeth, "You leave him be! He has nothing you have me right here. You let him go!"

Jaekob Faolan raises his head and shouts to his elements. A storm brews over the lands and lightening begins to pop and dance in the sky as a bolt plummets toward her arm to release the grip on Kathena

Jaekob Faolan: Release her or I will wreak havoc on you and your beast. Release her NOW

Elise Allebil raises a brow at the Druid, the lightening arching across her arm. The stench of burning demon flesh wrap around the pair. For a moment she holds the Gypsy defiantly before opening her claw and dropping her to the ground. "Now what?"

Kathena Mavendorf falls to the ground with a thud, the stinging pain still remains on the back of her neck, but she looks up at Elise with rage in her eyes defiantly

Jaekob Faolan moves quickly to Kathena, placing himself between the demoness and his friend. He kneels, his eyes quickly assessing the harm done her. He cocks his head backward and snarls, *We will not pact another pact. We are done with doing YOUR bidding and being your scapegoat

Jaekob Faolan looks hastily toward Can, his features wrapped in fear and nods him not to come closer

Elise Allebil grins, "I was hoping you'd say as much." her voice seems to purr into his mind. "But I WILL take what is mine and with it.. all previous agreements."

Kathena Mavendorf gasps knowing she holds what belongs to the demoness. She tries to push Jaekob away from her, "Please Jaekob, run! Get away from here!" she looks at Elise with all the strength she can muster...."I have what you seek. You just let him go!"

Jaekob Faolan: .me growls, a deep low sound, as he jerks up and meets her eyes, *I tell you, you cannot have the woman. I am not afraid of you and I will fight for her.* he hisses

Elise Allebil laughs darkly, "And will you fight her as well? It seems she fights to save you from yourself.. "she smirks, "If a fight is truly what you seek. I will grant you a pain worthy of this... noble act." she purrs wickedly.

Can Wobbit: molds to the post closer.. trying to hear every word

Kathena Mavendorf looks at them both with wild eyes, then screams at him in desperation "No Jaekob, please...just go!" she then yells at the demoness, "Leave him alone!"

Jaekob Faolan: I will.... I will, *And he turns to Kathena, his eyes lost and searching. He returns his gaze to the demoness and bites his lip hard, drawing a bit of blood for distraction to himself.* I will not fight HER. I will save her from you. This..... you.... will be defeated and be remembered as a bad dream visited but gone

Elise Allebil nods slowly. "You realize threats still don't work on me by this point.. I'm a rather ignorant demon and still very full of myself." she grins wildly. "So, what will you do?"

Jaekob Faolan growls as he looks upward again. The already dark skies begin to roil and rumble, lighting pushing downward around her and the minions. He makes a move toward her, fists clenched and screams, *Let me SHOW you

Kathena Mavendorf she forces herself back onto her feet and stands next to Jaekob looking hard at the demoness..."Jaekob don't!" she screams in fear for his life...."Demoness...if you want what I carry you will not harm him!"

Elise Allebil moves for a moment to claw his chest, but instead at the words of the Gypsy, she shadow steps through the Druid and safely into a dark shield. Her demonic features soften as she looks to the Gypsy.. "You ask a lot.. for a woman being attacked.."

Kathena Mavendorf forces a sarcastic grin on her face, "It was YOU who showed me I was stronger than others....demoness. I will not let you harm him."

Jaekob Faolan growls again and makes his way closer to Kathena, not sure who is protecting whom at the moment, but determined to die if need be to protect her, *Leave her be. You cannot have her. I ....will....* and the skies roil and rumble less as he beseeches the demoness not to hurt Kathena

Elise Allebil folds her arms clearly she couldn't do anything at the moment and within her circle she could withstand at least four attacks unharmed before she was forced to fight. "Yes yes.. I understand that bit.. however, she doesn't want me to hurt you.. you don't want me to hurt her.. and she has something I want. So we'll need to come to some kind of agreement."

Jaekob Faolan: Wha... what kind of agreement, *he growls

Kathena Mavendorf grabs Jaekob's arm, and shakes her head at him. She looks at Elise, waiting anxiously at her reply.

Elise Allebil walks in a small circle within her shield, tapping her fingers against her lips. "I can see there's going to be no way to do this the fun way." she tosses a dark playful glance at the Druid, "Had you not been here I could have just taken her and had hours of fun.." she pauses turns around and starts the circling again. "But only one of you holds any power here.. erm.. aside from me.." she eyes the Druid.. "at least that wouldn't end in some kind of nasty blood bath.. " she stops and looks to the Gypsy, "How about you come to me later..I'll leave these lands and all that I've done to them to be mended and healed.. whatever.." she spits, "In return, I'll take what is mine.. AND I will bound myself to my promise that I will not harm her while removing the Shadowling."

Kathena Mavendorf before he can speak, she answers quickly, "Deal! ..but you leave here now and never return...not YOU, nor any of your creatures"

Jaekob Faolan: Nooooo, *he cries out.* Kathena you cannot trust her

Elise Allebil steps outside the circle and holds out her hand. "Bind the pact." her hand becomes a demon's claw.

Jaekob Faolan moves quickly to stop Kathena, but will he be quick enough?

Kathena Mavendorf she looks at Jaekob sadly, "there is no other choice" she then turns and shakes the demoness' hand

Jaekob Faolan collapses onto his knees, tears rolling down his cheeks as he digs his hands into the soft earth seeking balance.

Elise Allebil grips the woman's hand, then catches her wrist pulling the Gypsy into the circle. "Time to go then!" she coils her other arm around Kathena's waist. "Lets go remove my precious Shadowling from your body."

Kathena Mavendorf gasps and screams as she is pulled away. She looks back at Jaekob knowing full well there is nothing he can do to help her now.

Jaekob Faolan reaches out for her, but is too late. His hands grasp only air. And he cries harder

Elise Allebil looks to her Shadow Beast which bounds over to her obediently. She grabs its hide and pulls the pair of them up onto its back. She looks to her minions, "clear the land of our kin, the deal has been sealed." she growls and breathes deep the woman's scent. "Lets take care of our promises." she growls crushing the woman against her own chest.

Kathena Mavendorf silent tears roll down her face as she looks at Jaekob for what will probably be the last time in this life. She speaks softly to him, "I'm sorry Jaekob. Goodbye my friend"

Jaekob Faolan rolls his eyes up to look at them, his countenance broken, shattered. His fingers dig deeper into the rich soil already feeling alive again. But his heart is broken; he failed to save the gypsy

Elise Allebil growls at the Shadow Beast which takes off into the woods and the darker corners of the earth.

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