Places of Interest

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Gypsy and the Drow

   Grab your popcorn and settle back. This is an actual role play, published with both players' permission. Enjoy.

Ilmryn Xiltyn would move quietly, each footstep well chosen. A snarl would curl on his lips, white teeth framed by his dark drow skin. He had heard the borders were not so well protected and  tightened his grip on his bow as he moved inward.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: A sigh moved from his chest as he moved through the dark caverns beneath Calenhad. There was a whisper of a sound - thick claws raking into the thick stone walls. There was another sound - something unnatural. And he made his way further along until he was free of the caves and in open land. Still, even in the night, he hugged the mountain walls. He clung to the shadows. And he made his way to the elven city.

Kathena Mavendorf growing restless,
 she decides to go for a walk around the grounds.

Kathena Mavendorf preoccupied with the echoes in her mind, she walks unawares of her surroundings.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: A voice came out of nowhere as he sees her, a faint voice soft and hoarse that had the sense of unuse. He stared at her through slanted eyes and wiggled his fingers for her to come closer.

Ilmryn Xiltyn growls to himself as she vanishes down the cold stairway and he follows her, the silk fabric of his long coat rustling against his flesh.

Kathena Mavendorf paces by the water, trying to let go of the stress and unease that troubles her mind

Ilmryn Xiltyn: Finally he sees her and breathed deeply, breathing in her scent. He was unprepared, not ready for idle chatter, he was unprepared for a curiosity he knew he would quench and he moved closer and closer until he could reach through the shadows and touch her arm should she choose.

Kathena Mavendorf hears a few careful steps behind her, so she turns with a start. She gasps and takes a step back carefully. Nervously she tries to regain her composure. "Oh, I....I'm sorry, ....M'Lord. I did not hear you."

Kathena Mavendorf she studies the man carefully....he seems elvish, but different...darker somehow, and his eyes....his eyes glow red. She fears him, but mustn't show it.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: Did I... frighten you Jalil, *he says in his most soothing voice, reaching out to lightly brush her arm with his fingertips.

Kathena Mavendorf his touch makes her tremble a little and she blushes with nervousness. "I ....I thought...I was alone, M'Lord"

Kathena Mavendorf looks around nervously, hoping to see anyone else about. She looks at the stairs leading back to the castle, hoping, wondering if she could make them if she had to run.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: He pulls his hand away, letting it hover a moment longer and slowly walks around her until he is at her back. There is a low growl and he whispers, *One is... never truly alone, Jalil* And then he continues around her until he faces her. *Shall I go, Jalil, and leave you.... alone?

Kathena Mavendorf she feels a chill run down her back as he speaks behind her. He finally faces her, she chews on her lip not sure if admitting fear would be a good idea, so she attempts to look like she's not bothered at all. "That's quite...alright M'Lord. I ...was just....out for a walk." She finally gets out clumsily in her worst attempt at being brave.

Kathena Mavendorf forces a smile on her face

Kathena Mavendorf: "I don't believe I've seen you here before."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: His voice came at the end of a growl. His nostrils flared and he sucked in a breath of air, *I play in shadows and caves Jalil and am not often seen. But, I have a curiosity about you and thought to show myself.

Kathena Mavendorf carefully takes a couple of steps towards the steps trying to seem casual about her movements. She arches an eyebrow at his comment. "Me? What is curious about me? I....I'm just....human...and a common gypsy at that. No one of any importance, really"

Ilmryn Xiltyn seems to move between her and the steps effortlessly. His lips give a hint of a smile, *What IS it you fear, Jalil?

Kathena Mavendorf a nervous smile appears on her face, "Fear? I'm not.....afraid."

Ilmryn Xiltyn moves in closer growling, *Do not lie to me. I could smell your fear in the air as I passed behind you. And,I had not shown myself.*

Kathena Mavendorf swallows hard, her breath catching in her throat as she tenses up. She thinks of the shadow within as the source of the fear he smelled and closes her eyes tightly trying to push back the echos in her mind. She forces out,  "it's ....not....of your ...concern."

Kathena Mavendorf she opens her eyes and starts to turn her fear to anger in an effort to regain control of herself. "Who ARE you, anyway? Why are you here?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: His features softened to broach the subject yet again, in a gentler way. He took a deep breath and made a face as the scents of the land assaulted his senses. He shook his head, wishing for the dark of the caves.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: I am called Ilmryn, Jalil. And I am here... because I wish to be. I told you, I have a curiosity. to know what frightens you so.

Kathena Mavendorf crosses her arms in front of herself as if that would give her some protection or comfort in his presence. She shakes her head, "You don't want to know.....this. You...shouldn't....."*sighs...."you should stay away."

Ilmryn Xiltyn stood there looking at her for a few brief moments and suddenly broke out in laughter. Her crossed arms, her defiance amused him, *May I tell you a secret Jalil?* he asked in a very soothing voice.

Kathena Mavendorf looks disturbed at his laughter, but nods, "Go ahead...."

Ilmryn Xiltyn nods. *Fear is like a pulse beating low in the belly. Fear will consume you. And whilst you show this fear of yours, someone, some thing will feed from it. Your fear is quite....delightful,* he smirks

Kathena Mavendorf could feel the shadow growing stronger as he spoke, the fear that had been coursing through her veins, feeding the beast within and she knew he was telling the truth. For a moment she was intrigued by him. Could he have a solution? "And IF....I ...wanted to be rid of this  fear ? How would I keep it from.....let's say....feeding...the monster?"

Kathena Mavendorf could hear echos of laughter from the shadow inside her mind. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to make the noise subside.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: His hand moves to his dagger as he slips it quickly from its sheath, the sound of metal on leather filling the quiet night. He reaches his hand out to her, *Give me your hand, Jalil,* he says soothingly as his face softens to draw her in.

Kathena Mavendorf recoils at the dagger being drawn, but then is surprised by his hand and his request. She looks at his eyes, then back at his hand wondering if it was at all wise to trust this creature. Her mind divided, her soul tormented, in her desperation she decides to give him her hand. She stretches out her arm presenting her hand to him softly, looking up at his eyes hoping he won't kill her.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: His hand takes hers, warm and cool exist for a moment in relative peace and he jerks her closer with a growl, the razor thin edge of the dagger suddenly pressed to her palm

Kathena Mavendorf gasps and bites down on her lip to keep from crying out

Ilmryn Xiltyn rolls his eyes up to meet hers and a smile curls onto his lips as he flips the dagger about in his hand and places the pommel in her grasp

Ilmryn Xiltyn: Very good, Jalil. I received no.... satisfaction from that.

Kathena Mavendorf she grabs the dagger and looks at him confused. "I ...don't understand"

Kathena Mavendorf: "and why are you calling me Jalil....that is NOT my name! I am Kathena"

Ilmryn Xiltyn laughs softly and walks around her again until he is at her back. He leans over and whispers in her ear, *You control your fear. You are stronger than you think, Jalil Keep the dagger, it is a gift to ward the fear from your mind when it returns.* And as he speaks the last of it, he slips quietly into the shadows and is gone.

Kathena Mavendorf she turns to speak to him, but he is gone from her sight as if he had never been there. She looks at her bleeding palm and the dagger in her hand, and KNOWS it happened.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, that guy is HOT! Bet Kathena won't be the only young woman taking solitary walks in the River Lands for long!
