Places of Interest

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Demon and the Drowess, Part 1

Ilmryn Xiltyn: The demon's head slumped forward as he paced the dark caverns. His neck showed pale and whole as his gaze was intent on his hand. He was overly pleased with this body he had taken; it served him well. At least for now.. His connection to the Jabress also served him well; they each had their own agenda, yet they managed to function well enough as a team.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: His encounter with the gypsy had served him well also. On his last venture out into the lands, he did not feel the presence of the other. He smiled a crooked smile on a face all but slack with death. The Jabress would be pleased he was sure. And he fell into the shadows of the walls and moved silently, effortlessly to find her.
Ilmryn Xiltyn, the Demon
Arianna Shadowdew, the Drowess
Arianna Shadowdew paces along the rooftop observation deck of the structure hidden far into the caverns. He's been gone far too long for her patience to hold, so he better bring with him information worth the wait. Her patience runs thin as she paces back and forth, gripping her sword's hilt.

Ilmryn Xiltyn glides up the steps, her scent had brought him to her. He stops a few few feet short of her, *Vendui Jabress,* he says with an impassive face.

Arianna Shadowdew feels a presence behind her so she turns ready to strike, stopping short of drawing her blade when she sees him. "Ah, finally!"

Arianna Shadowdew takes a couple of steps towards him, studying his form in the darkness.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Finally? You were expecting me, Jabress?" he says with a bit of a smirk as she moves closer.

Arianna Shadowdew narrows her eyes at him, with a fierce look upon her face. Her temper has a tendency to overflow under normal circumstances, but HIS attitude brought out the worst in her. "You were gone far longer than I expected! I trust my wait was worth the trouble? What news from above?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn leaned forward as if to touch her arm, a frown on his face but his eyes twinkling amusingly, "We ARE alone, Jabress and...." But the thought fell away and he answered her

 Ilmryn Xiltyn: "You will be pleased to know these lands are free of the other, ripe for the taking now."

Arianna Shadowdew defiantly stood her ground, refusing to back up even when he tried to touch her. The news pleased her so a small hint of a smile threatened to mark her face, but faded quickly. "That is good to hear. And you are SURE it is gone from the lands? How can you be certain?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "There are rumors; the people talk about it openly and I am in the shadows listening, as always," he smirks.

Arianna Shadowdew eyes narrow, studying him. As a Drow, Ryn had been easy to read, and to control, but since his body was taken over by this demon, she had a difficult time with both. She stared at him in silence for a moment, considering whether he was in fact telling her the truth, then determined that it would be likely to both their advantages if the rumors were fact.

Arianna Shadowdew: "Very well, I supposed next time you go above, I will come along to see for myself. Perhaps I too can listen to the humans and elves gossip."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "I have more to tell of my last venture from the caves, Jabress. I...I encountered the Gypsy the Druid is so fond of."

Arianna Shadowdew arches an eyebrow with keen interest,

Arianna Shadowdew: "do tell....I'm curious what you found out from her"

Ilmryn Xiltyn took his time before he responded, gloating a bit at his success with the Gypsy, "I found her alone, wandering and I decided to make my presence known. We had a LOVELY chat," he says in his most charming voice

Arianna Shadowdew looks at him with a face so flat with boredom that he could have mistaken her for a corpse, due to the lack of emotion reflected upon it. "Lovely? I sincerely hope you have more than that to report on that account."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: He laughs again, but only with his eyes, totally amused with himself and her, "I began with her as nothing but a curiosity. But, quickly I realized if I aided her.....if I gave her reason to believe she was stronger than she thought, she could succeed in not feeding into the other's fears. And, perhaps, even defeat it."

Arianna Shadowdew purses her lips a bit, growing a bit impatient with him and his smugness. "Very well...and HOW did you manage that, with someone as dim witted as a human gypsy?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Well I shared our secret, of course. I told her evil feeds on fear and if she were to defeat it, she had to suppress that fear."

Arianna Shadowdew eyes grow wide momentarily then narrow with suppressed anger, "you TOLD a human OUR secret?"

[08:24] Ilmryn Xiltyn: "My, my, that was NOT the reaction I had expected, Jabress," he says soothingly. "Have I not succeeded in ridding these lands of the other? Is that not what WE wanted?"

Arianna Shadowdew exhales an exasperated breath losing control of her temper momentarily, "You test my patience, not my resolve! Yes....we do want to rid the lands of competition, but HOW we achieve our goals matters, or are you now infected with the same small intellect the gypsy possesses?!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn moveed toward her quickly, a graceful, quick movement, his coat swirling about him. A hand grabs her arm and jerks her to him. A drow hand at first and then a demon's claw, holding her tight enough to inflict pain, but not injury, "How dare you, Jabress?" And then he releases her with an indifferent shrug.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Do NOT forget your place," he hisses.

Arianna Shadowdew gasps at the sudden movement, feeling pain from his grip as her heart seems to stop for a moment paralyzed with a foreign sensation of fear towards him. She swallows hard, then composes herself again, and raises her head high in defiant manner. Looks at him with a very serious look like a feral animal ready to attack, but decides to play it smart. "My.....apologies." she says through clenched teeth

Ilmryn Xiltyn rubs his hands up and down his arms, pacing a bit. He looked up at the towering ceiling of the cave, let the darkness absorb into his mind. He shook his head, the nodded, "Very kind of you Jabress. And my apologies for striking out at you. We must stay true to our pact, Jabress, if either of us is to achieve our goals."

Arianna Shadowdew takes a deep breath trying to still her nerves. She must not let him rattle her. She nods in agreement with him. "Aye, well...please continue."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Later, or so, I hear the other took the Gypsy away. The spawn that grew in her was removed and the Gypsy found her way back to the Druid. But, as I said, these lands are ours to claim now."

Arianna Shadowdew paces as she listens to the story. "how do you suppose the gypsy managed to survive that, and suppress her fear enough to live to count the tale?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn's eyes looked up to meet hers. He swayed back and forth almost casually. His body language said he was relaxed, but his eyes were dark and brooding, "I have explained that already, Jabress. Do you need every detail?"

Arianna Shadowdew stares at him for a moment getting the sensation that he was holding back information. "Perhaps you can elaborate on your interaction with that filthy human."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Very, well, if you must have minutiae," he growls, his tongue licking at his teeth giving her a look that would have backed anyone else away. "I told you, I came upon her and had a curiosity. We spoke of fear and feeding the other with her fear. She readily understood this and I thought to ... TEST her."

Arianna Shadowdew takes a step closer showing him that she is not one to back away from his presence. She leans in a bit closer, and says in a low raspy voice, "Test? What sort of TEST?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "I accosted her. I cut her palm with my dagger and she showed no fear," he hissed.

Arianna Shadowdew shows signs of a genuine smile at the thought of human blood spilled, "I do hope you still have some of her blood on the dagger!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn stops pacing, his breathing seems to still and he stares off for a moment, "I gave her my dagger, Jabress. There is no blood to share this time."

Arianna Shadowdew the would be smile disappears from her face and it seemed as if her blood red eyes had turned to full black from the anger reflected on her face. Through clenched teeth she replies, "you GAVE her, a human, a filthy gypsy, YOUR dagger?!" As the last syllable escaped her lips her hand flew up and threw a backwards slap with all of her might at his face.

 Ilmryn Xiltyn blinked and it was like waking up as hand met cheek before his hand could intercede. He ataggered a bit, his back to her and he turned slowly to look over his shoulder as fangs pushed through delicate flesh, blood dripped from his mouth and down his chin. He hissed at her and turned slowly, "Do.....not....ever....strike me again female," he growled as he licked the blood from his fangs.

Arianna Shadowdew the anger that was coursing through her veins would not be dissuaded by his threat. She was past the point of reason. "That dagger has been in my family for generations! It belongs to a proud clan and you SHALL retrieve it even if it means you must slaughter an entire village. Do you understand!" she screams at him

 Ilmryn Xiltyn half shrugged as his fangs seem to simply vanish. He nodded, a bit of a smirk on his cold lips, "I shall retrieve the dagger, Jabbress,"  his tone now soothing and calm as he steps away from her.

Arianna Shadowdew stands there still trembling from the adrenaline that is rushing its way through her body. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "Very well then. As long as you follow through on your commands"
Ilmryn Xiltyn puts a hand to his coat and does a mockingly flourishing bow, "The dagger shall be retrieved, Jabress," he said softly already thinking of his next visit with the Gypsy.

Arianna Shadowdew nods at the ridiculous bow and attitude, but was dismissive at him. "You are free to go. You have a task...go to it."

Ilmryn Xiltyn nods and with seemingly no effort glides down the stairwell and out of sight.

   As one saga ends, another begins. Herein has begun the saga of the Demon and the Drowess. The River Lands is a medieval fantasy roleplay community in InWorldz. We welcome roleplayers, experienced and new, to our community. Suggestions? Leave a Comment. Come to the River Lands and meet the dynamic duo IF YOU DARE.

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