Places of Interest

Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Demon and the Drowess, Part II (Add in a Gypsy)

Kathena Mavendorf feeling a bit stronger, though not yet recovered, she takes her walking stick and quietly slips out of her room and down the stairs to make her way out of the castle. She knows Jaekob would be upset at her roaming alone so soon after her serious injuries, but she's a gypsy and being indoors for so long feels unnatural to her. She craves nature, and so she walks on slowly, but with purpose.

Kathena Mavendorf watches the gate guard carefully waiting for him to make his turn to check the other vantage point, then she makes her way out of the gates and down the stairs.

Kathena Mavendorf takes a deep breath, enjoying the warm sun on her skin. She looks about finally noticing the green returning to the lands and smiles knowing the darkness is gone. "Well worth the pain." she says to herself, finally taking a seat by the bridge to rest and relax.

Ilmryn Xiltyn stood framed in a dark doorway of the dark caverns. He wadded his hands into fists and began to pace, his eyes dark and brooding. He mumbled to himself as his eyes darkened thinking about the drowess. Finally, he began to make his way through the caverns. And as he passed into the lights, he clenched his eyes tight, reopening them only to slits. He began his trek through the mountain passes to find the gypsy and his knife.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: As usual, he hugged the walls, stuck to the shadows. His hand reached out and his nails raked into the stone as he made his way slowly up and down the pass.

Kathena Mavendorf is lost in thought, her sight focused on the water, but looking through it into nothingness. She is finally letting herself rest and relax, trying to let go of the nightmares she has been living and dreaming about every night since.

 Ilmryn Xiltyn pulled in the power that was thrumming around him. He willing his features to soften and his dark eyes took on a lighter hue of dark. He moved closer, quietly to stand behind her. Then he leaned over where she sat and whispered, *You learn well, gypsy. You freed yourself of your shadows,* he says in a purring, soothing voice

Kathena Mavendorf jumps with a start gasping. She tried to stand too quickly, dropping her walking stick and falling on the ground in front of the bench. She looks up at him finally focusing on the face and recognizing the figure. "Gods, it's YOU"

   And so, my friends, having been ordered by the Drowess to retrieve the dagger, the Demon journeyed from the dark caverns to the light. He found the gypsy and retrieved his dagger. What happened between is for me to know and YOU to find out. Visit the River Lands Medieval Fantasy Mall and join our River Lands OOC and Role play Group. No fuss, no bother, no charge. But what you miss here, you might read there. And while you are out and about, do some shopping in our wonderful mall which boasts 31 of the best medi fantasy creators on the grid.

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