Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Apprentice Mages are tasked with an important Project

Audrey Ashgrove sits deep in contemplation on the sofa, a pile of old books and manuscripts surrounding her.
Audrey Ashgrove looks up startled as the door opens and Gabriel enters, setting his pack down near the table.
Audrey Ashgrove whoops with delight, "Darling, you're home!"

Gabriel Raynecrier smiles seeing her and quickly drops his pack in the corner and moves closer to her, a look of frustration on his face. "You are home, my love. What a pleasant surprise." And he moves closer settling down beside her and the stacks of books.
Audrey Ashgrove upends most of the books as she beams at him, leaning across the chaise to smother him with kisses.
Gabriel Raynecrier laughs, his mood changing toward the better, "Now, that is a fine greeting."
Audrey Ashgrove quickly saves the books from toppling onto the floor and laughs happily, "aye, I have missed you something fierce, my heart. How was your trip. Did you find what you were searching for? How is Taibreamh? Is it really as pretty as they all say?", the questions tumble from her lips.
Gabriel Raynecrier settles comfortably, his fingers entwined in hers, "Oh, yes, Taibreamh is quite breathtaking. But, no, I did not find the last of the items I need for the quest the Master assigned us. It is getting quite frustrating and am not sure what purpose this search is good for," he chuckles.

Audrey Ashgrove widens her eyes and squeezes his hand, "oh Gabe, you must be famished and I'll get you a piece of Juste's nut pie in a moment, but only the other day as I was on my way to town, I arrived at the Docks to see Lord Jaekob sailing away."
Gabriel Raynecrier: "Sailing away? I wonder what that is about? The last we talked he said nothing of a journey... um, and yes, I am a little hungry."
Audrey Ashgrove nods quickly as the words tumble from her..."I don't think it was expected, Gabe. As I arrived, I heard Amethyst scolding Lord Jaekob for journeying without his Guard.. or at least a Ranger escort. She was most vexed. The King saw me and nodded, then kissed Amethyst quickly and told her not to fret, that he would return within a few days."
Gabriel Raynecrier wrinkles his nose and nods, "Well I suppose it is not something we need worry about. A King's business, you know..." he says with a laugh.

Audrey Ashgrove sighs and furrows her brow...*but Ame was so distressed, Gabe, she nearly knocked me over as she left the Docks, barely murmuring a greeting... she was mighty upset, but Lord Jaekob boarded and I watched him nod to the Captain to sail."
Audrey Ashgrove moves closer and motions to the books lying scattered across the room, "..and that is why I am here with all these old books I brought you from our homeland."
Gabriel Raynecrier: "Well, what do you propose we do about this, my love? The Master tells us what he wants of us and I suppose there is nothing we can do about whatever is going on," he says glancing to the books. "What do the books have to do with this situation you think exists?"

Audrey Ashgrove gnaws on her lip and flicks the pages of the book pn her lap..."Well, as the boat was pulling out of the Dock, Lord Jaekob hailed me and shouted to me to request of you that you should leave off with the last task he set you for now and we should both search these books of my father's for any information about Transformations!"
Audrey Ashgrove pauses, narrows her eyes and continues hurriedly, "oh, and magical items used in Transformations too!"
Gabriel Raynecrier pushes back into the seat, wide-eyed, "Transformations? Do you realize that is a topic far above our current abilities? What does he expect of us? One day I am looking for ingredients for potions and the next I am to study Transformations and magical items? We ARE but apprentices!"
Audrey Ashgrove shrugs and smiles blandly... "aye, at least you haven't near blown up any cauldrons as yet!"

Gabriel Raynecrier laughs and squeezes her hand tightly, "Well, at least you have tried. I am still searching for the last two ingredients on the quest. But, fine if he wants us to research magical items and transformations, so be it."
Audrey Ashgrove takes a deep breath..."I don't think he tried to tell me anything further, even so the wind took away any further words uttered. All I know is he only mentioned the old writings from our homeland and it must be quite important. He is a hard taskmaster, but not unfair and he would not allow us to undertake anything that was beyond our capabilities!"
Gabriel Raynecrier bends over and digs through the stack of books picking up one titled 'Arcanum Life'. "This is the book we should begin with then."
Audrey Ashgrove gazes lovingly at Gabe as he chooses an old volume, the leather crumbling.... "I did take the first few books and parchments from the trunk and have tried to decipher some of the texts...", she sighs wearily, "well... I am so very glad you are back, my dearest... and not just to guide me with perusing these papers."
Gabriel Raynecrier: "Your father was just beginning to teach me a bit about Arcanum Life and how a mage could affect a living being's life pattern with spells. Do you suppose that is the kind of thing we are searching for?"
Audrey Ashgrove puts aside the heavy volume on her lap and leans in to brush a kiss across Gabe's bent forehead, his attention already captivated by his book..., "That I cannot say, but it sounds like a good start. Lord Jaekob told Amethyst he would be only gone a matter of days, so we best make use of the time and take notes of anything we think may be useful."

Gabriel Raynecrier: "Look here," and he points to a line slowly translating it. "It says a spell can affect the life particles of a being such as turning someone into a pig," he laughs.
Gabriel Raynecrier: "But, we are familiar with such things already. Your father was quite fond of turning disobedient students into toads for a time!"
Audrey Ashgrove giggles as she rises and moves across towards the fireplace, her voice warm and full of humour, "aye, he had a rather short temper, to be sure.... but before we continue further, we must first make sure that you are properly nourished and a large piece of Juste's pie should give you energy enough to study these books all through the night."
Gabriel Raynecrier laughs and reminisces, "He would get angry and say if you are too lazy to do the work I give you, you might like being lazy on a lilypad for a day or two..."
Gabriel Raynecrier nods and smiles and follows her with his eyes, laying the book aside, "Oh yes, pie would be wonderful." Audrey Ashgrove laughs as she cuts a slice of pie and pours some ale into a goblet... "Well, Gabriel Raynecrier... best you beware, in case the apple has not fallen too far from the tree!"
Audrey Ashgrove muses aloud... "although a bunny would be much preferable to a toad..."
Gabriel Raynecrier takes the offering, his eyes twinkling, "I will risk it all, my love."
Audrey Ashgrove smiles and gives him a kiss, "Good that you are home, dear heart...and now eat up so we can get to work!"

To be continued....

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