Places of Interest

Friday, October 9, 2015

Rusty Dagger Quest has gone live

And in the River Lands, a new dawn approaches and the advent of usable Unity weapons is upon us. No, there will be no huge selection of fine weapons on a wall for you to select from and pay real money for. Rather, your weapons will be earned through Questing. This will only serve to make our roleplay community more immersive through the use of quests. And, also, this is another avenue which will give the player an IC challenge when things are quiet in the lands.
The first such quest, the Rusty Dagger Quest, a Level One Quest, has gone live. It's simple! Scour the lands for the ingredients - iron ore (rare: silver ore), wood (rare: ironwood)  and coal (rare: diamond). These three items are specially designed nodes and when used will give the player a chance to fail, to find the necessary ingredient or even to find a rare item which can be used in future Quests.

Please note that these three items have become bartering items for the populace. You have a piece of wood and another player doesn't. He or she might pay a fine price for such an item. You have time to make the weapons and someone else doesn't. Bring the already made weapons to Market Day on Thursdays and they might just sell for a handsome price. Or simply barter them on the streets or in shady alleys.(All money exchange is in realm currency, not real money.)

Once you have the three items, go to the forge in Cheshire and use the crafting station to create your - Rusty Dagger. Please note, all weapons will have the proper stats for dagger, sword, staff, etc, regardless of appearance. The only variant will be its appearance. There will be future quests which will provide other weapons and the opportunity to upgrade to a finer looking weapon.

Huzzah and thanks to our friend, Korlynn Vie, for this and future upcoming adventures in the River Lands Medieval Fantasy Roleplay Community.

Rusty Dagger Quest

Items Needed:

10 iron ore
3 coal
5 wood
a forge (the Rusty Dagger Crafting Station is located at the Smith in Cheshire).


a Rusty Dagger, a Unity weapon with full dagger stats, that is interactive with our Unity System. Use your Rusty Dagger to collect meat at the various farms or fight your foes.

Once drawn, you must be in mouselook.  Holding the left mouse button down prepares a swing and moving left or right will swing.

Be aware that each swing, hit or miss will begin to drain your stamina, and the weapon will eventually break also with successful contact on a target.. so if you fight, fight wisely.

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