Places of Interest

Friday, October 16, 2015

Amethyst arms herself (Questing Roleplay)

Amethyst McMahon nods and smiles to the townsfolk going about their morning chores and bartering with the stallkeepers at the Market for fresh fish, bread or vegetables, but hurries forward towards the Docks.

She glances quickly behind her as she rounds the corner and heads directly for the Forge, knowing that Aonghas would be long active at his fire.

Amethyst McMahon coughs loudly to attract the attention of the swarthy blacksmith, "Good morning, Aonghas. How are you this lovely day?", she enquires with a winning smile.

Aonghas the Blacksmith (NPC) turns slowly, his hands covered with thick leather gloves and lays his tools on the edge of the forge. He grins when he sees his visitor, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, his voice gruff, but his face softening as he addresses her, "well, well, lookie here, now what's a lass like yer doin' up and about before the dawn?"

Amethyst McMahon's beams and quips quickly, "My Lord Blacksmith, I am here on an urgent matter of greatest import!"

Aonghas the Blacksmith narrows his eyes, a chuckle escaping his lips, "aah, I see, M'lady Amethyst, Consort of our cherished King, pray tell what request yer could be 'aving from such a lowly citizen as this old smithy?"

Amethyst McMahon glances at him tenderly, her esteem for the Blacksmith evident in her gaze, but her smile fails and she moves closer to him, her voice quivering slightly, a determined look on her face...
"I mean to arm myself, Aonghas. The Druid believes the best way to protect me is to keep me from knowing what is happening in the Lands. Alas, I hear so much and many people confide their worries to me, thinking that I know of all that happens among us anyway. I know that there is trouble brewing once again and although Jaekob will not condone it, I mean to be able to protect myself and those I love if danger should cross my path," she pauses, the words having tumbled from her lips, making her breathe rapidly, her cheeks reddening.

Aonghas the Blacksmith starts at her speech and looks at her searchingly. He takes a deep breath and answers gravely, "aye, Ame, I will not tell ya otherwise. The King has been to see me and what yer say is fact. His wish to keep his loved ones from harm mirrors me own wish for me family, but I admire yer courage and I won't be keeping ya from accomplishin' what yer think is best."
He looks about his workplace and continues, "do yer see anything here that would be takin' yer fancy. I'll be tellin' yer if I don't think ya can handle the weapon though."

Amethyst McMahon's eyes never leave his face as she straightens her shoulders and sighs with relief, "many thanks my friend for your trust, but I do not want to simply take something you have toiled at so long. I would like to at least go out and find the items you need to make a small weapon for me and then bring them to you and have you work your magic on them to create what would be suitable for me!"

Aonghas the Blacksmith shakes his scruffy head, scratches his beard and answers kindly yet firmly, "Lass, may be a noble notion in that pretty head of yers, but ya cannot be mining coal or iron and I'd be needin' both. Coal is rare in the Lands and where ya can find it ain't fit for a young thing like you. There are dangers afoot all over. But them things can be bartered or bought at the Market or perchance from that old miner, Aidan, that lives near the Shire. What I would be needin' is wood for a handle and to keep me fire alight. If yer dainty hands are up to it, ya could easily collect a cartload of wood and bring it here first. Mind, I'd be needing a good piece of oak or ironwood for the handle of a dagger though!"
Amethyst McMahon clasps his leather clad hand and gushes happily, "Aonghas, I can do that! I'll go about it right away while the Druid is busy in Calenhad and then I'll seek out Aidan and see if he can help me further. I'll be back on the morrow with the wood and fill you in on how I fare hunting down the other things you mentioned."

Amethyst McMahon beams at the chuckling Blacksmith and quicker than he can return her parting greeting, she flies off down the docks heading for the forests towards the Citadel.

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