Places of Interest

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Hobbit: Fiesty Reminisces

Fiesty sat in her snug burrow, reading the “Hobbit Handbook for Gardeners” with a smile. It was after teatime and she had scads of things to do yet in her busy day. She needed to weed the turnips and get the young Hobbit boys to go up the hill to check on the sheep. The washing needed taking in and she thought she might go see if that mage needed anything. Well, he did seem to be busy these days but a little tonic may not be amiss.

Fiesty smiled at the well-worn book. The remedy for weevils was dressing seeds with the ashes of a cat or weasel or steeping the seed in ox-gall. She had tried the ox-gall option and was not satisfied with the results. She put the book aside and contemplated her new burrow. It was lovely to be back in the Shire.
ArchDruid Fiesty
She mused on her past.  It was years ago she left the Shire with Copper, her nephew. She had sailed to an island state and set up a business there. She had worked hard and flourished as a vendor and gardener.  But her nephew Copper, ever the explorer, brought her books on the wilderness and spoke of the dreaming ways of Druidry. Fiesty was a practical Hobbit, not inclined to foolery or mysticism. So she read these things with an impatient heart. What good was this rubbish to a hard working merchant? Yet the books were compelling. She consulted with the mages and clerics of the land but they had not met a Druid and had no answers.

One day, she recalled, she sailed to a land where Druids dwelt.  That day, in the sacred grove, was the first time she had understood the importance of the life of the land. The way everything is connected and all are a part of the whole.

After that Fiesty did work with a will at the things she was not equipped for. She began considering the health of the land rather than her profits. She cared for animals and people who would not be able to pay for her services. She meditated and journeyed through foreign lands. She became, in time, an Arch druid. She was still a gardener and she sold food at the market, but her outlook was much different.

Finally she decided to return to her homeland, the Shire. Upon arriving, she was amazed to find Druids there. They welcomed her with open arms.

Fiesty nods. Such a wonderful  life!   I shall see what else I can do to rid myself of those weevils. Perhaps a good talking to would do it….

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