Places of Interest

Friday, July 17, 2015

Jaek's Typist is Moving to Kentucky

   Just a heads up to our dear readers. I will be moving to Kentucky in eight days. This coming week will be filled with organizing and packing etc. Tuesday, the packers come. Thursday the truck/movers come. Friday the cleaners come. And Saturday and Sunday we will be on the road. We probably won't have Internet until the 30th so bear with me as posts become fewer for the next two weeks. Though I am away from family and friends in the River Lands and though I may not get much posted for you to read, the role play has not stopped, just slowed.
   We in the River Lands appreciate YOU so much. We thank you for sharing in our adventures as you do. Please know you are always welcome to visit the River Lands Medieval Fantasy Role play Community in the Great Canadian Grid. We would love to meet you and give you a personal tour. You know you want to meet the players AND the players want to meet you. Huzzah, all! -Jaekob

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