Places of Interest

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Ame Skirts the Hellfire

Amethyst McMahon quickens her steps through the trees, adjusting her bow as she carries a trembling raccoon under her arm, soothing it with whispered words as her eyes dart back and forth, in search of further frightened or wounded creatures.

Ame Seeks Out Frightened Animals
She shudders as she passes the hellfire raging just beyond Druid Cottage and the ascent to Calenhad, the heat pushing her back into the yet unscathed wooded area and her thoughts dwell on her Druid, distant and preoccupied these last days and weeks, as the danger in the Lands reached fever pitch.

She pauses as she hears a whimper in the underbrush and crouches low to peer at a young wolf, alone and shivering, it's paws blackened - whether from ash or fire she could not tell.
Shielding the wary raccoon, she holds out her hand to the young wolf and croons softly, ancient words of soothing, learnt from her wise grandmother.

Amethyst McMahon smiles as the wolf tentatively nears her, sniffing at the outstretched hand. She notices that it does not limp, so the black on its paws is more ash than burns from the dreaded fire. She slowly rises and turns towards Druid Cottage, beckoning to the wolf to follow her.

The Cottage was now housing more than a dozen creatures, harmed and frightened by the Demon and his Hellfire. Jaekob had only smiled wearily at each addition, but his mind was elsewhere and as he drifted into restless sleep within her embrace each night, his murmured words revolved around the Demon and finding a way to protect the Lands...

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