Places of Interest

Saturday, July 25, 2015

A day in the life of a would-be Mage

Audrey Ashgrove takes a seat at the long table in the Library of the Mage Guild. Before her lies her book and ink, an old parchment describing the parts and properties of some plant and a plate of fungus, freshly gathered that morn.
Audrey Ashgrove breathes in deeply and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. She stares out the window, watching the townsfolk going about their business in Cheshire's main square. Some were stopping to gossip, a sailor stumbled out of the Dragon's Keep Tavern, looking worse for wear and nearly tripping over a cat, which scurried under his feet, avoiding the dog hot on its tail.
Audrey Ashgrove smiles and her eyes fall back on the various mushrooms she has gathered earlier, rising early to carefully dig them out of their dewy forest home and replanting them on the platter before her, so she could study them more closely.
Audrey Ashgrove picks up her quill, murmuring softly, "How can anyone remember all these details? I'll be sitting here for years before I have even learned to recognise half of the plants growing in these Lands."
She had followed Gabriel's instructions to the letter and she intended to return to their home by the end of the day with a full description and detailed drawing of the fungus. 
And although the salve she had made for him last week had surely succeeded in replacing the scarred skin on his face and hands much quicker than expected, Gabe still remained a strict teacher and was adamant that she would grow to be a good Mage only if she learnt diligently. He was willing to share his knowledge with her, but just as he had begun by memorising common plants when he was taken on by her father, the ArchMagus in their homeland, so must she begin at the beginning.
Audrey Ashgrove furrowed her brow as she began sketching the nearest fungus, but her concentration was soon broken by a commotion in the square... horses neighing, a dog barking and the angry voices of several men and women. She jumped up from her chair and raced to the window, gasping as her eyes widened as she looked down at the commotion beneath her...

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