Places of Interest

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Xella Confronts the Demon

Xella Steward runs out of River City, feeling hurt and betrayed by her demon friend.

Ilmryn Xyltyn sat in his small room hidden deep in the underdark. His wounds were almost healed, but had left his shoulder and abdomen scarred.  He ran a hand through his shoulder length hair, letting it settle on his neck. He growled for a moment, dug his hand into his own neck and squeezed, a look of satisfaction creeping onto his impassive face.

Xella Steward goes to the entrance to the northern mountains, the Shadow Lands.

lmryn Xyltyn finally sighed and rose, thinking to make his way toward the dwelling higher up in search of the drowess. Then his nostrils flared and he changed directions, moving out of the underdark into the small forest and passages that hid it.

Xella Steward stares at the entrance and nods, going into the mountains.

Xella Steward looks around and yells "RYN!"

Ilmryn Xyltyn cocks his head to the side hearing the familiar voice and peers into the void and shadows.

The Demon

Xella Steward looks around, feeling a bit lightheaded from the strange mist.

Ilmryn Xyltyn darts his eyes, narrowing them till he sees her up ahead and lets out a growl, moving closer, "JALIL, you should NOT be here."

Xella Steward looks at Ryn, growling softly, "Why should I not, I needed to talk to you."

Xella Steward looks at him, thinking of her dead friend.

Ilmryn Xyltyn reaches out and brusquely grabs her arm, guiding her  behind a cop of trees, "I would have come to you. It is not safe in the underdark, Jalil. You must know this."

Xella Steward pulls arm from him but follows.

lmryn Xyltyn: Once hidden, he turns to  her and speaks softly, his face impassive at best, "Now what is so important you risk your life?"

Xella Steward looks at him "Kat is dead......"

Xella Steward: "I was with her as she died."

Ilmryn Xyltyn moves closer, but not too close. He could see her eyes, they looked so fragile. He swallowed a dry throat and simply nodded, turning to look away from her.

Xella Steward shakes "Did you attack her? Did you take her from me?"

Ilmryn Xyltyn runs his tongue over his teeth and licks at a fang, unwilling to look at her, "SHE came for me. SHE attacked me. I defended myself."

Xella Steward looks at him, tears flowing,

Xella Steward: "She,,,,attacked you?"

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "I.. I told her to go away, Jalil," and he reaches out to touch her cheek, to wipe away the tears. "Do you wish to know what happened for yourself?"

Xella Steward nods, "I wish to know."

Xella Steward thinks of her attempts to stop Kat, knowing how she failed, one the few human friends she has.

Xella Steward winces at his touch, still unsure.

Ilmryn Xyltyn nods, his hand sliding up to press his fingers gently on her temple. He begins to push threads of power outward, push his memories through his body, his arm, his fingertips and into her mind. His body shivers a bit, he is reluctant for her to see this, but knows she must.

Xella Steward eyes close, seeing Kat attack him, how he tried to not harm her.

Xella Steward trembles feeling him try to keep his promise.

Ilmryn Xyltyn: His memories push outward, his insistance that the gypsy go, her attack on him, not once but twice leaving wounds, one almost fatal.

Ilmryn Xyltyn growls and jerks his hand away before she sees the rest, "I will not share that with you. It is too... painful for you."

Xella Steward backs away from him, wrapping arms around herself.

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "Now you MUST go," he hisses. "And, you must promise you will never return to this place, Jalil."

Xella Steward nods slightly, "I do not forgive you for killing my Kat, but thank you, for trying, to keep your promise."

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "Now, go. And do not come back EVER. Do you hear me?"

Xella Steward jumps, then glares at him "Who are you, to order me around!"

Xella and Ryn

Xella Steward hisses at him, her feelings still in turmoil.

Ilmryn Xyltyn growls and grabs her arm, the movement almost unseen. His hand and fingers dig into it roughly as he jerks her close and hisses at her, "I am NOT your friend. I was....using you. Now go away. I am done with this little act of kindness."

Xella Steward eyes widen and hisses at him ""

Xella Steward fights his grip.

Ilmryn Xyltyn lets go her arm pushing her backward with a feral sound from deep inside. "We are NOT friends. Why would I.....bother with someone as insignificant as you. NOW GO." he hisses at her and quickly moves away from her to become lost in the shadows.

Xella Steward looks after him, anger, hurt, betrayal, all spinning inside her.

Ilmryn Xyltyn returns to the underdark quickly. Once inside, he breathes a quick unnecessary breath and presses his palms and forehead to the cool stone of the caves.

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