Places of Interest

Monday, June 15, 2015

Summer Solstice Ritual, Saturday at 11 a.m. pdt

   Everyone is invited to join us at 11 a.m. pdt in tRLs as we observe the Summer Solstice. This is an IC (In Character) event; but you can get an  observer tag from our Welcome Area and, well, observe. Our welcome area is located on the River City Region of the Great Canadian Grid.
   Toward the end, we will give everyone an opportunity to say a few words. So, if you are of a mind to, be thinking on it.
   Summer Solstice is one of the days that the veil between the worlds, the spirits and humans is at it's thinnest. But, fear not. We will have bonfires lit throughout the lands to protect all of us.
   Please join us for this magical moment.


  1. Jaekob, the calendar event above reads 11:00 PM for the Solstice Ritual, should that be corrected?

  2. Oh geez. Thank you for catching that Lang.
