Places of Interest

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Smeagol Raids the Infirmary in Cheshire

So you recently read about Smeagol's little crisis hmm? It seems he is having an issue with a rash which is caused by his faithful friend Fish. Though, he does not realize it. If you back read some of Smeagol's posts, you will understand the cause and what he thinks is the cure for his problem. Smeagol's latest role play is posted here! Smeagol mostly does solo role plays. Though he looks like the famed Smeagol of the same name in LoTR, he is NOT designed after this character and has his own personality. He is a gentler soul, truly.

Smeagol Shade wanders about the ruins, his belly now past the point of irritation. The sores are festered and oozing. The mudpacks he made earlier were soothing, but they did nothing to cure the "rash" on his stomach.

Smeagol Shade: "Us has a problem," he says hugging Fish close to his chest unaware that Fish is HIS problem. "Us is getting worse and Us needs to go to  the town and get some better leaves for healing Us." Then he looks closer at Fish and his eyes widen, his malformed head twists as if in thought." Us both is sick. Us has rashes and Us has sharp stickers on the skin."

Smeagol Hides in a Corn Patch

Smeagol Shade jumps up, well as best as he can jump in his current state and moving like an animal slips out of his familiar ruins and heads toward the Port City of Cheshire. He moves quietly, something he learned long ago. He had no friends, no allies save his dear friend Fish and he truly believed that his grotesqueness would cause people to harm him. And so he moved quietly, slipping through bushes, hiding  behind trees until he came to the gates of Cheshire. "Us has a problem," he said to Fish, holding the stuffed animal up, facing him toward the gate, so he could get a better look. "Us has to slip by the guards,"

Smeagol Shade slips around the city, hugging the tall, thick walls that fortifies the city and protects its citizens. As he all but slithers about, he notices a tree, bent much like his fragile little body. It's limbs hang over the massive wall. His eyes brighten and he hugs Fish even tighter to his chest. "Us has an idea. Us can climb the tree and drop close to the healer's house," and he nods imagining Fish gives his approval. Slowly, he climbs the bent tree, his long boney fingers digging into the bark. As he reaches the wall, he grins a big grin, pushing the grin onto his face despite the pain he is in.

Smeagol Shade tucks Fish into his loin cloth and grasps the limb. He  lets his body slide down until he is hanging there, the limb not quite as strong as he had hoped for. It breaks and he hits the cobblestone with a loud thud. He looks about, "Us found it. Us found the healer's house. And slipping close to it, he peers into the room and sees only a sleeping patient. Again, holding Smeagol close to his chest, he slips around, careful of any people, careful of the guards and pushes the door open and quickly shuts it behind him

Smeagol Shade: "Us did it," he whispers. "Us can get some healing now," and he moves quickly toward the herb cabinet with its vast array of potions and salves and herbs. He lays Smeagol on the table and finding a jar of salve, a jar he chose by its looks and not it's ingredients, he opens it and pokes his hand in getting a big dollop of the salve. Gently, he wipes the salves onto Fish. "Us fixed you., Now Us must fix Us." And he wipes the salve onto his chest so that it is layered thick and heavy. He takes a deep breath and begins to rummage through the cabinet pushing things this way and that, some dropping to the floor. He turns to look at the sleeping elf then quickly grabs a jar of salve and then another. He sees some herbs drying and clueless as to what they are, he grabs a handful and begins to make his way out of the infirmary.

Smeagol and the Salve

Smeagol Shade: "Us did it. Us is cured now." And with a bit of a smile, Fish clutched hard to his chest he makes his way back to the ruins he calls home.

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