Places of Interest

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Market Day in the Port City of Cheshire

Due to the length of this role play, much of it was edited out. I do humbly apologize for that. And our thanks to Talia and Sunbeam for joining us this eve. It was truly a pleasure to have two new friends in our midst.

Morganza Spellway: "Hello M'Lord."

Jaekob Faolan turns his head to see the fae and nods, "Vedui milady and welcome."

Juste Rivers: "Heys der Missy Mor...Mor...ganza," "he says as he claps and dances.

Jaekob Faolan draws in a deep breath, "And how fare you hmmm?"

Morganza Spellway smiles at the Hobbit.

Morganza Spellway: "I am well M'Lord, but I hear you are not."

Juste Rivers: "Mees got some of dem pig chops and some pie wif da nuts and some," inhales deeply, "a cake wif da fruits for da selling."

Jaekob Faolan raises a brow, "And why am I not well milady?"

Morganza Spellway: "My maid, Gisele, told me of your countless hours with your friend and patient Lady Kat."

Morganza Spellway: "Is she much better I hope?

Jaekob Faolan turns to Juste, "Save me one of those pies hmmm." And he turns back to fae looking at her curiously.

Morganza Spellway: "You see, I met Lady Kat in the forest some time ago."

Jaekob Faolan: "Ah. yes. Kat regained.... well.... she is up and about," he says offering a small smile.

Jaekob Faolan: "Mees done sent Missy Kathena some pig chops to da firmmentary."

Morganza Spellway: "That is good. I hope she quells her foolish actions in future. She seems to be a very sweet person."

Jaekob Faolan: "Actions? What actions hmmm? And, yes, she is a dear friend."

Morganza Spellway: "She hinted at her intentions the day we met concerning the Demon."

Jaekob Faolan simply nods, not wanting to share overly much with the fae, "Well she fares well enough. And...thank you for your concern."

Morganza Spellway turns to Juste.

Jaekob Faolan nods, "I was just taking a look at what Juste has brought. Some mighty tasty look food."

Morganza Spellway: "Juste may I have the rose petal cheese cake?"

Saphira Mistwalker smiles. "Greetings everyone."

Juste Rivers: "Heys der Missy Dragon Saphira."

Morganza Spellway: "Hello Mighty Dragon lady."

Juste Rivers: "Ow you bees a'doing. Mees got some might good foods for da selling today."

Jaekob Faolan turns to the dragon, a smile curling onto his face, "Milady, I believe we have met, but hmmm I do not recall your name."

Juste Rivers: "You steal mees cake and da Druid gone send da rangers fer to get you."

Fitheach Eun: "Jaek?"

Juste Rivers: "If you wants to buy one, it bees five of dem copper pieces."

Fitheach Eun: "I need to talk to you, please."

Saphira Mistwalker smiles and nods. "I am Saphira Mistwalker, envoy from the shadow dragon clan."

Jaekob Faolan turns hearing her voice, "Vedui my Druid sister," and he smiles softly.

Fitheach Eun: Vedui, my lord; I must speak with you, please."

Jaekob Faolan nods and steps closer, nodding to the other side of the gate, "Shall we step over there?"

Jaekob Faolan: "What is it my sister?" he says a look of concern in his eyes.

Fitheach Eun walks to the gate and waits just outside, trying to conceal her agitation.

Fitheach Eun: "There is a body on the path; one of the farmers."

Saphira Mistwalker smiles and nods to the fae who has arrived. "Greetings my lady."

Juste Rivers:" Heys der Missy," he waves an arm into the air pointing at Sunbeam. "Welcomes to da Market Day. Mees got all kinds of da food for da selling."

Fitheach Eun: "And there has been a fire in the woods near the bridge."

Jaekob Faolan: "A fire, in Calenhad?" he says running a hand through his hair. "A traveler, perhaps ,left his campfire?"

Sunbeam Magic: "Greetings."

Fitheach Eun: "But Jaek; the body," she stops and takes a deep breath;  "it has a great puncture wound in it's neck."

Fitheach Eun: "And no this fire burned along the path; I thought perhaps lightning..but now..."

Jaekob Faolan: "Body? Wha... what body?" he asks reach out to touch her arm, his body shaking. "What do you mean a body?"

Fitheach Eun: "There is a dead body on the path."

Juste Rivers: "Mees is called Juste, Missy," he says to Sunbeam. " And 'ow you bees a doing today?"

Fitheach Eun: "And the death does m not look natural."

Jaekob Faolan swallows hard and his face pales a bit. "Where.... where is this body? I must see for myself."

Sunbeam Magic: "Fine thank you young man."

Fitheach Eun: "I will show you."

Kathena Mavendorf eyes the crowd as she approaches, seeing Jaekob and Fit looking very serious. She decides to keep away for now.

Sunbeam Magic: "I heard there were tasty buns here."

Morganza Spellway walks up to Kat and givers her a hug..nice to see you up and around."

Saphira Mistwalker looks over the table and sniffs, her mouth watering. "Mmm, Juste, what is that delicious looking and smelling meat you have there?"

Jaekob Faolan follows Fit across the bridge.

Kathena Mavendorf smiles softly at the little hobbit, and the rest of the crowd gathered, "Greetings everyone."

Sunbeam Magic: "Greetings."

Morganza Spellway walks over to Kat."

Saphira Mistwalker: looks up in surprise. "Lady Kathena! Greetings!"

Kathena Mavendorf forces a small smile, "Hello M'Lady Saphira."

Kathena Mavendorf looking grim, but attempting to be strong, "I am well enough."

Sunbeam Magic: "Greetings Talia."

Kathena Mavendorf: "I hope you are all well."

Talia.Sunsong: "What a lovely day for market."

Sunbeam Magic: "And gossip."

Saphira Mistwalker smiles at the newcomer. "Greetings my lady. I am Saphira Mistwalker, envoy of the shadow dragon clan."

Morganza Spellway: "Ahh another gypsy."

Talia.Sunsong: "Freedom is the way of the gypsy,"

Juste Rivers: "Heys der Missy," he says loooking over at Talia. "Welcomes to da Market Day."

Juste Rivers: "Mees is Juste. Whut is your name?"

Talia.Sunsong: "Hello Juste, I'm am Talia Sunsong, because I like to sing on good weather days."

Juste Rivers: "Missy Kathena, 'ow you bees a'feeling? Is you better from da sickness?"

Talia.Sunsong shudders, "It's been a long journey, but I've made it here."

Kathena Mavendorf smiles and nods at the fellow gypsy, "Greetings Miss Talia. I'm Kathena."

Sunbeam Magic: "I come from far away and ran across these lands just recently in my travels."

Juste Rivers: "Missy Talia, it is a pleasurables to meet you. Mees got some foods fer da selling. Mees got some pie wif da nuts and a cake wif da fruit and mees got some pig chops."

Kathena Mavendorf smiles softly at the hobbit, "Yes Juste, I'm better, though I am still tired, so I shall not stay long today."

Fitheach Eun: "Walking on into market, she sees Kat over by the stall and shakes her head.

Fitheach Eun: "Kat, you should not be up yet."

Kathena Mavendorf looks over her shoulder and sees the look on Fit's face and winces.

Fitheach Eun sighs with exasperation: "What are you doing out of bed?"

Kathena Mavendorf moves closer to Fit, "Now before you start giving me a talking to like Jaekob, I am perfectly fine enough to go home now."

Talia.Sunsong's stomach growls as she smells the aroma of Juste's food.

Fitheach Eun whispers to Kat: " But we have seen demon sign in the forest; it is not wise for you to go home yet."

Talia.Sunsong: "So tasty looking Juste."

Kathena Mavendorf her eyes grow dark with worry and fear, "What sort of signs Fit?"

Fitheach Eun: "Some things have been burned."

Saphira Mistwalker frowns and nods. "I noticed a smoky smell and burnt over areas as I was flying here today."

Talia.Sunsong: "Oh, perhaps, I shall try the meat and potatoes,"

Fitheach Eun looks at Saphira warningly: "Let's not tell everyone"

Kathena Mavendorf ponders for a moment, "anyone can burn a forest Fit. I will go home."

Juste Rivers: "Oh da pig chops is very good. Mees cooked em myself." And he begins to bundle up a plate of the food and offers it to her. "Dat will bees five of da copper coins, Missy Talia."

Fitheach Eun grabs Kats arm to detain her and whispers again: "There was more than burned forest."

Talia.Sunsong opens her small person and counts out 5 coppers. "Ahh, I shall enjoy this. Do you farm?"

Fitheach Eun motions to Lady Saphira to come closer.

Kathena Mavendorf looks at Fit's eyes closely, understanding her meaning...."It's my fault. If only I'd.....finished him."

Juste Rivers takes the coins and quickly stuffs them in his pouch, "No missy Talia. Mees buy da foods from da farmers. And da nuts and berries and such, mees picks up in da forest."

Fitheach Eun: "He will be finished or banished soon."

Talia.Sunsong: "You are an industrious one, a hobbit?"

Fitheach Eun smiles at Kat: "And you did try your best."

Kathena Mavendorf eyes tear up a bit and she swallows hard keeping her composure, nodding to Fit. "sadly it wasn't enough."

Fitheach Eun: "We will get him, Kat; never fear."

Kathena Mavendorf shoulders drop, looking deeply disappointed, "I wish you all the luck in the world and may all the gods and elements help you in your quest. I shall keep out of your way, but I will return to my home."

Fitheach Eun looks at Kat with concern...and the turns to the intruding fae, a bit annoyed,

Talia.Sunsong: "Do try the meal plate, it is delicious."

Sunbeam Magic: "It is my pleasure to meet you Juste ... your food looks very tasty."

Kathena Mavendorf uses the interruption to attempt to leave, "M'Ladies, have a great day" turns and begins to walk to the bridge.

Fitheach Eun: /mr turns quickly, "Kat, please don't go."

Fitheach Eun: "Excuse me a moment."

Kathena Mavendorf turns to face them both, looking quite defeated, "I just want to go home."

 Fitheach Eun: 'Please wait until Jaek returns, Kat>"

 Kathena Mavendorf looks visibly shaken, her hands trembling a little with a mix of fear and hate.

Fitheach Eun takes Kat's arm gently: Come back and sit down; i will make you some tea, Kat."

Kathena Mavendorf looks at the fae with a look of shock and anger, "I think he will finish the job regardless Miss!" she says louder than she means to and follows Fit as she pulls her away.

Saphira Mistwalker stands up straighter. "I do not fear the demon for myself, but I fear what it may do in these lands. I only hope I can be of some service in vanquishing it."

Sunbeam Magic: "Did I hear talk of Solstice celebration?"

Juste Rivers: "Yes Missy Sunbeam, it will be at 11 a.m. Saturday."

Talia.Sunsong taps her feet in anticipation of dancing on solstice.

Sunbeam Magic: "Oh goody," claps her hands.  "I will still be in the area and can attend if strangers are welcomed ?"

Juste Rivers: "You shoulds comes. Da Druids and da peoples gone have a good celebratory. And all da peoples (from the grid) are welcome."

Sunbeam Magic: "Summer Solstice is my favorite. I was named for the summer seasons."

Saphira Mistwalker smiles. "It is well-liked by dragons too."

Sunbeam Magic smiles at Saphira.

Talia.Sunsong: "You won't be sacrificing virgins right?" gulps.

Sunbeam Magic: "Sacrificing is still practiced in these lands, oh my !"

Talia.Sunsong tries to read the smile as a "yes" or "no" on sacrifices.

Juste Rivers giggles then looks a bit frightened and runs behind his stall, "You better not be one of dem people whut is after my bachelor days. Don't you knows talking like dat makes da babies," And remembering his last encounter with a girl hobbit, he crawls under the stall.

Sunbeam Magic giggles auspiciously at little Juste.

Saphira Mistwalker shakes her head and hisses laughter at the "brave" hobbit.

Talia.Sunsong: "I won't take your bachelor days, Juste."

Talia.Sunsong  holds up two fingers "Gypsy scouts honor, Juste, I promise to not act like a girl hobbit."

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