Places of Interest

Friday, May 15, 2015

Kathena Tells Xella that her Friend is Dead!

Kathena Mavendorf yesterday's events weigh heavily on her heart and mind. Keeping to gypsy tradition, Kathena created a ceremonial pyre, setting her friend on top with her favorite things and flowers. She'd set the blaze and let it burn all night, returning her friend into the earth she loved so much and releasing her spirit back into the world.

Xella Steward watches the gate for Dina, hoping to reconcile with her.

Xella Watching for Dina

Kathena Mavendorf makes her way into town, thoughts of the demon, her friend, the fire, mix sorry and rage within her. Her steps guiding her towards Xella without even thinking. She nears the pond and spots her. A small smile appears on her face as she is glad to see her friend again, but a stab of pain follows. She narrows the distance and takes a seat nearby.

Xella Stewardlooks at Kat and smiles.

Kathena Mavendorf smiles at her sweet friend, "Greetings Xella, it is truly wonderful to see you again." she speaks forcing a smile though the pain sounds through her voice.

Kathena and Xella

Xella Steward looks at her and curls up "Are you home from your travels? I've missed you."

Xella Steward hears the pain but does not ask.

Kathena Mavendorf swallows back tears that are trying to push to the surface, "Aye my friend, I am. It had been too long since I had word from my friends and I began to worry. I assured the Wizard Arwyn, that I would be quite alright with my friends."

Xella Steward nods and smiles "I'm glad you home! I am sure Dina will be too, and King Jae, and everyone else!"

Kathena Mavendorf the mention of Dina's name cuts through her like a knife as the pain was instantly reflected on her face, her eyes glassy with fresh formed tears. She swallows as she drops her face a bit, before finally speaking the words out loud. "Xella, I......I have to tell you something about ....Dina."

Xella Steward goes still, dread hitting her, "Did something happen? Is she hurt!?"

Xella Steward stares hoping she is okay.

Kathena Mavendorf closes her eyes as silent tears begin to fall down her cheeks and she nods slowly. She takes a deep breath trying to keep her emotions under control. "When I arrived yesterday, I was on my way to see our old camp." swallows hard as the tears begin to flow more freely. "As I made my way closer I felt a sense of terrible dread and fear, and I Demon."

Xella Steward closes eyes and listens, starting to tremble, "Tell me she is okay......."

Kathena Mavendorf wipes the tears away from her face determined to regain her strength before continuing. "It felt just like when I'd been in it's if darkness had taken over the world." pauses for a moment, "As I drew closer I could see her......" a sob escapes her lips and she stops talking for a moment trying to keep from losing control.

Xella Steward wraps tail around her and shivers.

Xella Steward: "Kat, what happened to Dina......"

Kathena Mavendorf closes her eyes and shakes her head as if trying to erase the memory of seeing her dead. "I found Dina, on the ground Xella. She'd been attacked by that savage. There was nothing I could do to save her." breaks down sobbing as if a flood of unshed tears were suddenly unleashed.

Xella Steward goes still, trying to come to terms,

Xella Steward: "The demon the few humans I like................"

Xella Steward voice is soft as she processes her anger.

Kathena Mavendorf channels her pain into cold hard wrath, "That Demon that likes to pass himself off as a Drow has drawn it's last breath! I don't care if I die in the process, I will rip him apart!"

Xella Steward: The water in the pond starts rippling as her temper flairs.

Xella Steward eyes glow as she hisses "The demon will pay!:

Kathena Mavendorf looks at Xella as she sees the water become unstable, "Yes Xella, he will! Together we can hunt him down and destroy him."

Xella Steward looks at the water, past words.........

Xella Steward: "He will pay for taking my friend from me!"

Kathena Mavendorf reaches out for Xella's hand, "Don't worry Xella, we will win."

Xella Steward nods and trembles.

Xella Steward sighs, "We cant do it alone....."

Kathena Mavendorf looks around, "Now, I must find Jaekob. He must be made aware."

Xella Steward nods

Xella Steward: "I will, just relax."

Kathena Mavendorf stands, "I shall return after I've spoken with him."

Xella Steward nods and turns head, hiding her tears

Kathena Mavendorf: "Take care my friend. Be ever so careful."

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