Places of Interest

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Kathena Tells Jaekob the News

   Our first market was bittersweet. OOCly, it rocked as we had a large gathering and several new folks. ICly Jaekob learned of Dina's death. This is but an excerpt of the entire role play which was far to long to post in its entirety. We welcome YOU to come join us. Whether you are new to role play or experienced, there is a place for YOU in the River Lands Medieval Fantasy Roleplay Community. GCG.

Jaekob Faolan turns and whispers to Kathena, "Is Xella okay?:

Kathena Mavendorf eyes tear up a bit but she nods softly, "It's not her that's the problem. Please Jaekob, we need to talk."

Jaekob Faolan nods to Kathena, "Of course, my dear friend." And he follows her away from the group.

Jaekob Faolan: "Are you okay, Kathena?"

Kathena Tells Jaekob Dina is Dead

Kathena Mavendorf swallows hard and steadies herself before beginning to speak. "Jaekob, Dina is.....dead."

Jaekob Faolan: "Wha...what do you MEAN? Dina is.... Whatever is..." and his face immediately becomes pale and drawn knowing she speaks the truth.

Kathena Mavendorf blinks away a tear and breathes deeply. "I had not heard from anyone in some time, so I decided to return as fast as I could. When I arrived, I....could smell his scent by the gypsy camp. I......she....I found her body on the ground."

Jaekob Faolan: "HIS? You mean the DEMON?" he says with a growl as he bites hard into his lip.

Kathena Mavendorf nods as her face changes from sorrow to anger, "I'm done running and hiding. I mean to end him!"

Jaekob Faolan turns to look at the gathering, the people he was responsible for and spoke softly with a dry throat as his hand reached out to her arm, "You are to do nothing foolish. I will not lose another friend to that creature. I....the....Druids will see to him."

Fiesty Lotus nods decisively.

Fiesty Lotus: "Fit is coming I hear."

Fiesty Lotus: "We shall be strong."

Jaekob Faolan: "Our mistake was in not killing him the first time we encountered him. We will be more diligent the next," he growls, clenching and unclenching his hands.

Kathena Mavendorf pulls her arm away in anger, "You will NOT get in my way. I mean to destroy this THING, if it's with the last breath in my body, and no one, not even YOU should stand in my way!"

Jaekob Faolan: "That we will my Druid sister. He cannot defeat the three of us," he says turning his attention back to Kathena.

Fiesty Lotus looks sadly at Kathena.

Juste Rivers: "Den it bees true? Da demon done kilt Missy Dina," he screams, flailing his puny arms and dives under the market stall whimpering, curled up in a little ball.

Juste Rivers grabs hold of Fiesty's skirt tails, *Da demon is coming, da demon gone kill us all Missy Druid Fiesty."

 Fiesty Lotus: "It will be alright- the Master Druid will make it all right."

Juste Rivers: "Mees can lives wif you till dey catches 'im? You keeps me safe from da demon and da dowries?"

Juste and Fiesty at Market

Fiesty Lotus: "Be calm- we will prevail dear."

Piri Pepper hangs back.

Fiesty Lotus pets the hand of Juste very lightly.

Jaekob Faolan looks at Kathena, his face passive, "Lets join our friends hmmm. No need to frighten everyone."

Saphira Mistwalker sniffs at the foods on the table, and tries not to drool.

Saphira Mistwalker, Dragon, New Member

Fiesty Lotus: "You certainly may."

Fiesty Lotus: "It is a poor place but I will make it safe."

Kathena Mavendorf looks upset her eyes fueled by her anger towards the demon. "I think, I shall return to my camp. I need to water my horse."

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