Places of Interest

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Dina Warns the Druid King

Castle Guard: Halt, Aldina. Are you expected at the castle? You may enter only with the Druid King's permission.

Castle GuardTwo snaps to attention as Aldina passes.

Jaekob Faolan nods to the guard who came to tell him Dina is on her way up, "Thank you, he says softly. "Show her to the library."

Aldina Gratly: "Greetings mi'lord."

Jaekob Faolan rises as he hears her enter, "Suilad Dina."

Aldina Gratly bows slightly.

Jaekob Faolan motions to the sofa across from him, "Sit and tell me what brings you to me this evening."

Aldina at the Castle Library

Aldina Gratly "Milord, I have come to try and convince you that what I say is true."

Jaekob Faolan rubs his temple and pushes back into the sofa, nodding, "I am listening."

Aldina Gratly "I have the gift of sight.I see things that are to come ...and sometimes things that have been. But most of all I see the River Lands falling to the darkness if something is not done and soon."

Aldina Gratly rubs my temple.

Jaekob Faolan sighs and bites his lip hard, "And what is going to cause this.... um... darkness?"

Aldina Gratly "Xella, my precious friend, will be the first to fall. The demon will rule her," she says while fidgeting with her skirt.

 Aldina Gratly finally she looks into the King's eyes, "Believe what I say to be true>"

Jaekob Faolan: "What do you.... mean... fall? And why Xella hmmm?"

Aldina Gratly "I am giving you fair warning, it will happen if things continue as they are."

Jaekob Faolan: "Please elaborate hmm," he says leaning in closer to listen.

Aldina Gratly "I cant. That is all the gods show me."

Aldina Gratly "I cannot give you details I do not know them."

Aldina Gratly "If you want proof, I'm sorry you will just have to take my word for it."

Jaekob Faolan: "Then what are you suggesting needs doing hmmm? For surely without
knowing what is amiss, I cannot change it, Dina."

Aldina Gratly "Yes, you are the chosen one."

Aldina Gratly "I know I'm not making sense."

 Jaekob Faolan chews on his lips for a moment, "Chosen one?"

Aldina Gratly sighs.

Aldina Gratly bites lip, "Yes, the one with the light."

Aldina Gratly "That is all I can tell you."

Aldina Gratly: "I know no more."

Aldina Gratly "I will tell you this ....the demon is here in River Lands."

Jaekob Faolan nods and sighs, "Well, I shall take what you have said..... well.... yes.... I shall consider your words, but am not sure the meaning of them and how to act on such vague information."

Aldina Gratly "Believe me or no, tis your choice."

Aldina Gratly stands up frustrated.

Jaekob Faolan: "I shall consider all you have said," he nods. "And I will talk with the Arch Druid Fitheach as soon as I can."

 Jaekob Faolan motions to a guard, "Have one of the rangers escort Lady Dina safely home hmmm."

Aldina Gratly looks at him with such a powerful sadness in my eyes.

Aldina Gratly "Take care my Druid King."

Jaekob Faolan: "I do appreciate you coming to speak with me, Dina. Surely, something is amiss in our lands and I will... we will fix it," he says as he watches her leave.

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