Places of Interest

Friday, May 1, 2015

Beltane Ceremony in the River Lands

Dancing at Beltane

Jaekob Faolan and Fitheach move humbly toward the center of the circle to stand near the fire.

Jaekob Faolan looks out amongst the gathering, his gaze calm and humble, "My brothers and sisters, all. I would ask you to open your minds and hearts, to find balance. Perhaps, watch the sky, feel the air as it dances on your flesh, listen to the water lap onto the banks or watch the fire within the circle."

Copper Lotus smells the air and knows the pine smell.

Copper Lotus: "New growth."

 Jaekob Faolan nods a gentle smile, giving them a moment to reflect and feel the calm of the ceremony. Then he lifts his arms out, palms upward. He closes his eyes and looks upward as he wills his breathing to slow, his thoughts to become calm and balanced.

Copper Lotus: "Old, smashed pine needles."

Jaekob Faolan begins to speak softly, "Hear me, Spirits of the Land, you within the stones and streams, the beasts and air, you within the fire."

Jaekob Faolan moves closer to the fire and kneels onto one knee in front of a small fire where nearby sits a small ceramic bowl, lays a bundle of sage and rosemary and a small unlit candle.

Jaekob Faolan breathes deeply, willing his body to seek balance as inaudible thoughts become words. " I invoke you, the elements. I ask humbly you receive this our offering as we pass from one season to the next."

Beltane Ceremony

Copper Lotus breathes the smells in.

Fitheach Eun breathes deeply.

Jaekob Faolan looks toward the fire and slowly begins to gather items, a few well used sticks, several small worn stones and a small pouch of herbs, sage, chamomile and lavender

Jaekob Faolan: All of these he places into the small bowl before dropping a spark of fire. Then he rises. He takes the bowl, cradling it in his hands, gazing into it, swirling the contents and smiles as the bowl seems to come alive in his hands.

Aldina Gratly's gaze is drawn to the tine flame, it was getting ever brighter.

Jaekob Faolan walks slowly around the inside of the circle, smudging all in his wake. He slowly makes his way back to the fire and sits the bowl beside the fire.

Jaekob Faolan: He looks amongst the gathering, from one to the next, his countenance balanced..

Jaekob Faolan looks to the South and speaks softly, "I invoke you, the fire, to aid us as we pass from one season onto the next"

Copper Lotus feels reassured.

More Dancing at Beltane

Fitheach Eun moves slowly to look to the North and speaks, "I invoke you, the earth, to aid us as we pass from one season onto the next."

Jaekob Faolan turns to the East, a gentle smile caressing his lips, "I invoke you, the air, to aid us as we pass from one season onto the next."

Fitheach Eun turns to the West, "I invoke you, the water, to aid us as we pass from one season onto the next."

Jaekob Faolan closes his eyes and wills his breathing to slow, his mind to calm and feels a soothing tremble pulse through him.

Jaekob Faolan: "On this May Eve celebration, the sexuality of life and earth is at its peak. We celebrate the peak of Spring and the coming of summer. The energies of the earth are now at their strongest."

Copper Lotus taps lightly on the drums- trying to reinforce the thoughts of the group.

Jaekob Faolan: "If any of our brothers or sisters would like to speak, please do so now."

Jaekob Faolan: "Tessa, I believe you wished to speak?"

Contessa Lacombe: "Yes. I have a blessing to offer."

Copper Lotus mutely drums - his intention in his fingers.

Contessa Lacombe  reaches into pouch and brings out a handful of hawthorne wood.

Contessa Lacombe: "This is the sacred hawthorne that keeps the Mother's eternal flame burning."

Contessa Lacombe tosses wood into the fire.

Contessa Lacombe: "Bless, O threefold true and bountiful,
Bless everything within my dwelling and in my possession,
Bless the kine and crops,
the flocks and corn,
From Samhain Eve to Beltane Eve,
With goodly progress and gentle blessing,
 From sea to sea, and every river mouth,
From wave to wave, and base of waterfall.
Be the Maiden, Mother, and Crone,

Copper Lotus breathes " and the hobbits..."

Contessa Lacombe: Taking possession of all to me belonging.
Be the Wild Spirit of the Forest,
Protecting me in truth and honor.
Satisfy my soul and shield my loved ones,
Blessing every thing and every one.
As seeds spring forth
and grass grows green
and winds blow gently
and the rivers flow
and the sun shines down
upon our land,
we offer thanks to you for your blessings.

Contessa Lacombe closes eyes and takes a deep, calming breath.

Contessa Lacombe opens eyes.

Copper Lotus pounds harder on his drum.

Aldina Gratly "Oh spirits of the the land , water , air and fire ...please help us in our time in great need, I beseech you to listen for those who cannot hear and see for those who cannot see the truth," bows head.

Jaekob Faolan: "Would any other like to speak?:

Rosslyn Guardian: "Might I also add a blessing?"

Jaekob Faolan: "Of course my dear."

Rosslyn Guardian: "Deep Peace of the Quiet Earth to You.
Deep Peace of the Sailing Clouds to you.
Deep Peace of the Running Wave to You.
Deep Peace of the Fiery Stars to You....
Deep Peace."

Rosslyn Guardian Offers a Blessing

Jaekob Faolan smiles at Rosslyn.

Aldina Gratly feels a tingle in my soul and smiles brightly.

Jaekob Faolan: "I think our task is done except for one small thing," grins mischievously and offers Fitheach his hand.

Fitheach Eun takes Jaek's hand wondering?

Jaekob Faolan: "Tell me my Druid Sister, how long is it that I have had you hard at work at your tasks hmm?"

Copper Lotus smiles - thinking that the Druid Fit is gonna be happy.

Fitheach Eun: "Hmm, a long time a few months short of a year, I think."

Copper Lotus swats the drums with vigor.

Fitheach Eun: "I have lost track."

Jaekob Faolan nods and raises his hand up to the sky, entwining their fingers, "May I present to you all Arch Druid Fitheach Eun of the River Lands!"

Contessa Lacombe smiles.

Copper Lotus smiles - thinking of his lost auntie- she would be so proud.

Fitheach Eun gasps.

Aldina Gratly claps loudly.

Copper Lotus jumps up and claps.

Jaekob Faolan thinks of the lost auntie to and smiles.

Copper Lotus: "Oh my."

Rosslyn Guardian: "Congratulations!!! I am honored to be here at your raising Fitheach!"

Fitheach Eun stammers, "Thank you."

Copper Lotus: "Me auntie would be so proud."

Contessa Lacombe: claps.

Jaekob Faolan: "And one more thing hmmm..."

Jaekob Faolan: "In honor of a dear and loved friend who is no longer roleplaying with us, I promote her posthumously (did I spell that correctly) and recognize Fiesty Lotus as Arch Druid of these lands evermore. Let her be remembered as family, friend and Arch Druid of the River Lands."

Fitheach Eun smiles broadly and applauds.

Rosslyn Guardian: "Yet Beltane is a time for magic and renewal is it not? Let us remember with joy those who have taken the swan ship and be glad of their company while here."

Jaekob Faolan lets go Fit's hand and whispers, "Tell Can I was polite," grins. "Now let us dance and celebrates friends and family."

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