Places of Interest

Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Faery's Plight

Morganza Spellway sits at her window looking  across the expanse of her lands with a worried frown on her face, "Giselle, come comb my hair."

Breena, the land of Faeries

Morganza Spellway: Gisele looks at her mistress noting the worried frown on her face. "What is wrong mistress?" Giselle asks.

Morganza Spellway sighs.  "I am worried about the evil I sense in our lands. I found a wilted flower. Something is wrong with our lands."

Morganza Spellway: Gisele says,  "Mi'lady, I have heard rumors there is a demon amongst these lands. I fear for you mi'lady."

Morganza Spellway: "The neighboring lands you say? has a demon? That would explain a lot."

Morganza Spellway: Gisele brushes the long red tresses lovingly as she replies, "A Druid, mi'lady,  is the king of those lands.

Morganza Spellway: "Hmm, maybe I need to see this Druid King. I will write a missive, Gisele. You will take it to him. I trust none else with this task."

Morganza Spellway: Gisele blinks at her mistress, "Yes, milady."

Morganza Spellway: "Okay, let me write the missive. You take it in the morning to him."

Morganza Spellway scribbles a few words on the paper and seals it with a fairy spell that makes the letter only open for the Druid. She smiles, "I feel a  little better."

Morganza Spellway: "Okay, Gisele, that is enough. Thank you for combing my hair."

Morganza Spellway: "Oh mi'lady, I am yours to command," and Gisele bows and leaves the room.

Morganza Spellway stretches and takes in a deep breath, something is foul in the air. She turns the lamp down and lays down on bed and falls asleep.

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