Places of Interest

Friday, April 3, 2015

The Druids Rescue Kathena

Jaekob Faolan moves closer to fit, his fingers nervously fingering the wood of his bow, "Ah, you are here my Druid Sister. The rangers have gone ahead and sent word back they have found a likely spot for the lair," he says softly, swallowing a dry throat.

Fitheach Eun manages a weak smile, "Well then we best follow. She draws her bow."

 Ilmryn Xiltyn: The demon paces, clenching and unclenching his demon claw, his narrow eyes darting to the Gypsy as he licks his tongue out, flicks it at the corner of his mouth. He turns toward the  tunnel that leads to the lair and lets out a bellow that surely would penetrate through the caverns, "Company, Jalil. Some fool comes for you!"

Jaekob Faolan: "Ready, Fit," he says softly, chewing on his lips. And before she can respond, he moves slowly inward toward the bowels of the caverns.

Fitheach Eun looks at jaekob and takes a deep breath, "Ready."

Kathena Mavendorf though she'd been in agony for hours due to the burning of the demon blood poisoning her veins, the news of a possible rescue revives her spirits. She looks up at the demon with a grin on her face, "You will soon know pain, you filth!" she says defiantly at him.

Ilmryn Xiltyn closes the distance to the Gypsy and in a movement that defies sight, he claw strikes at her cheek, "Quiet!"

Jaekob Faolan: They make their way through the small tunnels. He blinks trying to adjust his sight and finally they come to the rangers.

Kathena Mavendorf the pain of the strike that slammed her head against the rock again, cuts through her mind like a knife, but that does not deter her from her efforts. She looks at him with such rage, "What's the matter, huh? You afraid someone might HEAR ME?!" she screams at him the last part of her words

Elven Ranger points to a large rock just ahead, "That rock is an illusion,  Aran. We are sure it hides the demon's lair."

Jaekob Faolan cocks his head, "Is....that....? " And he turns to Fitheach hopefully, "I heard Kathena scream. We must hurry."

Fitheach Eun: "Yes, we must."

Jaekob Faolan waves a hand through the air as he speaks to the elements the the illusion of a rock vanishes before them, opening the way into the lair.

Fitheach Eun gasps softly as the rock disappears.

Ilmryn Xiltyn lets out a growl as bones begin to crack and pop and reset. The Drow skin seems to melt from his body and the demon appears in the fog of the lair.

Jaekob Faolan moves quickly toward the dark tunnel and begins to make his way through, using his hands to guide him further in.

Fitheach Eun follows right on his heels.

Jaekob Faolan draws his bow and slips and arrow deftly in place as he nods to Fit and moves forward

Fitheach Eun knocks an arrow onto her bow.

Kathena Mavendorf watches in horror as the Drow figure gives way to that of a hideous demon. His large wings create their own fire, large horns upon its head. Hands give way to large claws, and his eyes glowing red showing his rage.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Druiiids," he bellows seeming to shatter the walls. And he raises an arm sending a wave fore fire in their direction.

Fitheach Eun gulps as they round a corner and come within view of a monster.

Druids Enter the Lair to Face the Demon

Fitheach Eun beats out the fire she could not dodge.

Fitheach Struck by Demon Fire

Ilmryn Xiltyn: As they comes closer, the fire, swirls around his body protecting him.

Jaekob Faolan looks past the Demon and swallows as he sees Kathena crumpled on the floor.
He raises his bow and lets loose at arrow at the demon.

Fitheach Eun shoots at the same time.

Kathena Mavendorf lifts her gaze to see Jaekob and Fit at the entrance. She screams at them, "Take care! He's dangerous."

Jaekob Faolan wiggles his fingers creating a protective shield just as the beast rages toward them.

Fitheach Eun keeps firing arrows.

Ilmryn Xiltyn lets out a loud growl as he jerks the arrows from his flesh and charges the female Druid, calling upon the powers of the shadows.

Fitheach Eun loses sight of the demon as shadows obscure her view.

Kathena Mavendorf screams, "Noooo, you leave her alone!" as she watches the demon attack Fit.

Jaekob Faolan: "Aaiiieee," he moans as he covers his eyes from the heinous black fog that attacks them.

Ilmryn Xiltyn clenches both fists as he shakes them outward at the druids and if successful they will feel a tighting in their chests.

Fitheach Eun narrows her eyes which are tearing from the smoky shadow and beseeches the air spirits to dispel it.

Kathena Mavendorf struggles against her shackles desperately trying to get lose, but it's in vain as the metal just scrapes into her flesh..

Jaekob Faolan lets out a loud moan as he unsheathes his dagger summoning the storms to come to their aid.

Fitheach Eun gasps as her chest tightens.

Fitheach Eun keeps firing arrows.

Ilmryn Xiltyn cocks his head, in mechanical turns as the male Druid send water pounding down onto him, sucking at his life

Jaekob Faolan grabs Fits hand as the demon is struck unconscious, "Come, let's get Kathena before he awakes," he growls.

Fitheach Eun: "Yes!"

Fitheach Eun follows the druid through the fog towards Kathena.

Jaekob Faolan rushes to Kathena's side and kneels down, his hands already deftly working at the manacles that bind her.

Kathena Mavendorf is bruised and battered, very weak from the poison that burns through her. She looks up at her friends. "You must hurry before he awakens" she says softly

Jaekob Faolan: "Thank the Ghods," he whispers. "We feared the worse."

Fitheach Eun: "We are very glad to see you."

Kathena Mavendorf arms now lose, she struggles to stand but falls as her legs give way.

Jaekob Faolan: "Can you walk," he asks her and turning to Fit, "Get her to Calenhad NOW."

Fitheach Eun wraps my arm around her waist: "Can you walk if you lean on me?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn moans and digs his claws into the hard stone and begins to push up, his head darting toward the threesome, his rage fills the air.

Jaekob Faolan: "HURRY, I will hold him back," he shouts.

Kathena Mavendorf nods weakly, but does her best to move as fast as she can.

Fitheach Eun: "Come Kat, let's go."

Jaekob Faolan moves behind them but stops to block the exit to the cave as the Demon pushes up and rages toward him

Kathena Mavendorf holds onto Fit as they hurry out of the caverns. They meet with the guards, and continue on.

Fitheach and Kathena with the Guards

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "You displease me, DRUID," the Demon growls as he lunges toward him.

Jaekob Faolan: "Earth, Wind, Air and Fire," the Druid shouts as he lifts his hands in the air. "Slow the demon."

The Demon and the Druid's Wall

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Argggh, Now YOU die, Druid,"and he closes the distance as a wall of stone rises out of the floor and the walls, protecting the druid.

Fitheach Eun helps Kat out of the caverns and towards the castle.

Kathena and Fitheach Make it Outside

Jaekob Faolan: The Druid turns and makes haste out of the small tunnel and into the light before the wall can fade and the Demon gives chase.

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