Places of Interest

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Demon Visits Xella and Dina

Ilmryn Xiltyn paced the small lair, his eyes narrow slits of fire as he cut them toward where the Gypsy lay chained, her body bruised and broken. The poison would eat at her for weeks until it claimed her. And UNTIL she did as he wanted, he would let it. He thought of the Drowess and let out a feral growl as his tongue flicked at the corner of his mouth and then licked around a fang.

Ilmryn Xiltyn looked at her again and shrugged, his features cold and unreadable as he waves a hand through the air, pulling at the shadows and hiding the gypsy from sight.

Ilmryn Xiltyn's tongue flicked at the air again, getting the scent of the two intruders and he slowly made his way from the lair and through the dark caverns. He hugged the walls, walked in the shadows as a hand raked along the cavern walls, leaving deep furrows where his razor sharp talons trailed.

Xella Steward trots over to the tavern, knowing that Dina will be done dancing.

Aldina Gratly "My head hurts bad," whispers to Xella.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: As he stepped out of the caverns, his eyes became narrow slits and his head jerked in mechanical motions as if the light of day bothered him. He let out a low feral growl, hissed and licked at the air,  picking up their scent again. He began to make his way through the narrow passages of the mountain, moving up high reaches, down spiraling trails that cut through the mountain toward the forests of the River Lands.

Xella Steward head tilts, "Why? Whats wrong?" looks at her worried.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: Always he hugged the walls, walked in the shadows. He would be visible to none; a darkness, a shadow would cover his every movement.

Aldina Gratly "Ever since we left the caves, it has pained me."

Xella Steward touches her head, wishing she had healing powers, "Maybe some fresh air?"

Aldina Gratly: "Hmmm that might help. Where shall we go?"

Xella Steward smiles at her warmly, "The waterfall? or do you wish to go to the shore?"

Aldina Gratly smiles, "Well, I have been drinking a lot of wine lately."

Aldina Gratly: "The water fall it will be!"

Xella Steward nods, going with her smiling at the wonderful day.

Xella Steward trots with Dina over to the falls.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: As he traversed the last of the mountain passages and entered the clearing that led toward the forest, he stopped, lingered in the shadows of the mountain walls. His tongue flicked outward again and a knowing smile curled onto his thin lips.

Xella Steward stops at the waterfall with Dina, looking a bit worried about her.

Aldina Gratly smiles, "Don't worry. It's just the wine."

Xella Steward helps her sit at the base of the waterfall, plunking down beside her.

Ilmryn Xiltyn flicked his tongue outward again and hissed to himself, "They are near." And he stepped outward again and moved toward them, a movement so fluid no one would see him as he neared and was within arms reach of the two. Still he hid in the shadows and listened,

The Demon, Xella and Aldina

Aldina Gratly smiles, "This is such a lovely place."

Xella Steward nods "So calming, nothing could hurt you here."

Aldina Gratly "I wish we could find Kat. I  miss her," smiles warmly.

Aldina Gratly paces around.

Xella Steward: "Well, when we get her back, the three of us will hang out here. Maybe you could teach me to dance?"

Aldina Gratly  "And you could teach me to swim."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: As they talked, he pushed his mind out, invading theirs, picking at insignificant bits of information as a child might pick berries.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: Then his features softened, his claw was hidden away by a Drow hand and he stepped out of the shadows, with a bit of a snarl on his Drow features.

Aldina Gratly "Poor Druid. He is so upset."

Aldina Gratly screams.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "You......both have been very naughty," he says in his most charming voice.

Aldina Gratly "You scared me."

Xella Steward eyes widen and turns to the voice.

Aldina Gratly: "Wha.. what do you mean?"

Aldina Gratly backs up a little.

Aldina Gratly: "And who may I ask are you?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn leans in to them, licking his tongue at a fang, "You go where you do not belong. WHO have you told?"

Xella Steward swallows slightly, remembering Jaekob warning her about a Drow."

Aldina Gratly: "You have ugly skin. Why is that?"

Aldina Gratly: "Are you perhaps sick?"

Aldina Gratly starts backing away from him.

Xella Steward looks at Dina, then whispers to her, "Don't be rude."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: His head turns to face her, moving in short rhythmic movements and he glares are Dina as his eyes widen and he pushes the image of his demon body raging into her mind, "Like that better Jalil?" he hisses at her.

Aldina Gratly: "Argggggggg," she screams. "Get our of my mind. It hurts!"

Xella Steward turns from looking at the drow and sees Dina's pain.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: Then he turns back to Xella, his countenance calm again, "Who have you told about the caverns, Jalil?"

Xella Steward: "What.......?"

Aldina Gratly groans. "Who are you?"

Xella Steward: "Caverns? Oh!" she smiles at him softly. "You live in that spot we found?!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn waves a hand through the air and pulls the image from Dina's mind, "Now behave Jalil. I do not like your being... naughty."

Aldina Gratly groans louder. "Argggg."

Xella Steward is oddly deaf to Dina's pain.

Aldina Gratly: "Xella ...don't ..don't tell him anything," she groans.

Xella Steward: "I've not told anyone Sir, and I'm sorry we intruded on your home."

Aldina Gratly "He is evil!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn nods to Xella alluring her in, knowing she was the more usable of the two, *I do, Jalil. And I do NOT like my lair being invaded. Are you SURE? You have told no one? And what of that one," he growls and nods to Dina.

Xella Steward eyes glaze slightly as she is lured in by the Drow "I'm sure, I don't think Dina told anyone either."

Aldina Gratly grabs her head as she is bent over in pain.

Aldina Gratly "Yes , I did!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn cuts his eyes at Dina, clenching his fist with a growl and she would feel a tightening in her chest, "You DID, Jalil? WHO did you tell?"

Aldina Gratly: "Ahhhh the pain. Stop it."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "WHO did you tell?" he growls. "And if I am satisfied, I will stop the pain."

Aldina Gratly: "Ahhhhhhh! The mer, the mer!"

 Ilmryn Xiltyn slowly opens his hand, his nostrils flaring and releases her from his will.

Aldina Gratly slips to the ground in pain, groaning.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "So, only the two of you know?"

Xella Steward head tilts "That I'm aware of, yes."

Aldina Gratly: "Well, we saw nothing."

Aldina Gratly: "Why you spilling your guts to him?" she asks looking at Xella with narrowed eyes.

 Aldina Gratly runs to Xella and shakes her, "Snap out of it!"

Xella Steward seems to be in a trance of sorts, unaware of the pain he is giving her friend.

Ilmryn Xiltyn cuts his eyes to Dina, the look on his face empty and cold. "Such easy prey," he thinks to himself. But he knows if he kills her there will be more questions and so he stands before them, his features softening, his tongue flicking at the corner of his mouth and then curling about a fang

Aldina Gratly "What is wrong with you?" she asks looking into her eyes.

Xella Steward looks at her, shaking her head.

Aldina Gratly looks at the evil one.

Xella Steward: "He seems nice enough to me, we did invade his home after all."
Aldina Gratly "Xella where is the daughter of the sea?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn looks at Xella softly, his features warm and charming to her, "We will meet again, Jalil. You have purpose." And then he pushes his power out into both of them, pushing the memory of his lair from their minds, the pain from Dina. And he seems to meld into the shadows and vanish.

Xella Steward blinks, her eyes clear.

 Xella Steward: "I'm right here?"

Aldina Gratly "Why didn't you help me?"

Aldina Gratly: "Oh wait! You did."

Xella Steward: "Help you? what was wrong?"

Aldina Gratly: "You helped me get here."

Ilmryn Xiltyn pushes a single thought toward Xella as he mounts the steps leading upward into the mountain, *We will meet again Jalil. Think  of me kindly and no harm will come to you."

Aldina Gratly smiles,  "Nothing. My headache is gone."

Xella Steward hears the voice in her head, happy she was nice to the Drow.

Xella Steward hugs her, "See! the waterfall heals all!"

Aldina Gratly sighs, "I'm tired for some reason."

Aldina Gratly: "Maybe an ale will help."

Aldina Gratly: "What do you think? and some of your sticky buns."

Xella Steward: "I think you should lay off the ale. I'll make you some tea instead."

1 comment:

  1. Noooo! The babes in the woods will surely come to a sticky end... with AND without Xella's baked buns! :/
