Places of Interest

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Demon Tortures Kathena

Ilmryn Xiltyn paces the cave, flicking his tongue in and out as his slitted eyes occasionally cut to the Gypsy. He licks at the corner of his mouth and then curls his tongue about a fang tasting the air and sensing the unwelcomed visitors from earlier. But, he had more on his mind at the moment. He needed information and he needed it NOW. And so he closed the distance to the Gypsy and knelt in front of her. He presented himself in his drow visage, his features dark yet soft and gentle as he pushed the image toward her. His right hand was his demon's claw, a thick red claw well appointed with razor sharp claws.

Ilmryn Xiltyn blinked once, twice and spoke in a soothing, alluring voice, "We need to talk, Jalil. And this time you must answer me. I cannot protect you from the Drowess if you do not help us."

The Demon and Kathena
Ilmryn Xiltyn: "I want to know about the... Druid, Jalil," he whispers softly as his mind reaches out to pick at her memories. But, he found nothing useful and let our a deep gutteral growl.

Kathena Mavendorf is exhausted, bruised and battered. Her shoulders, arms and ribs hurt both from the shackles and the beating received before from the female he called Jabress. She looks up at him, narrowing her eyes with the look of defiance she should no so well by now. She sees him as the Drow, but no longer trusts what she sees before her. She speaks to him in a rough low voice, "What do you want?! I have nothing to give to you. You might as well just kill me."

Kathena Mavendorf looks at him with such anger that it's almost palpable. "I will not tell you anything about him. No matter how many times you ask."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Tell me about the Druid's powers, Jalil. If you tell me what I wish to know, I will give you food and water. Perhaps, even.... heal your wounds," he says ever so softly plying her with the illusion of a kinder captor.

Kathena Mavendorf looks at him and a mischievous smile spreads across her face. "You think I would betray my closest friend for a bit of comfort?" she laughs, "You must be as incompetent as that woman said!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn throws his head back and cries out in exasperation as he bolts up to stand over her. His visage became darker as the lair took on a darkness of its own and every fear and every horror one could imagine seemed to scream through the dark and push into her. He was angry and wanted to hurt her and he raised his clawed arm upward and toward her, his features now showing the beast he was. He slowly began to close his clawed hand and as he did her throat would seem to constrict preventing even the smallest breath.

Kathena Mavendorf gasps and screams in sudden panic and fear. She sees the creature for what it really is and it is terrifying. Her neck so small in his claw, she tries desperately to breathe but can't. Her eyes begin to water as she struggles, squirming to no effect.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Tell me what I want to know, Jalil," he says as he leans over her, loosening his clenched claw so she can get a breath of air. "How POWERFUL is he?"

The Demon Questions Kathena

Kathena Mavendorf takes a deep breathe, only to scream back at him, "Never!" her face looking as defiant as ever, her eyes releasing the first of her tears.

Kathena Mavendorf takes a deep breathe, only to scream back at him, "Never!" her face looking as defiant as ever, her eyes releasing the first of her tears.

 Ilmryn Xiltyn sighs but his eyes were angry and he began to clench his fist yet again, smiling as her neck constricts yet again banishing her from even the smallest of breaths.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: And still the screams of fear that filled the darkness of the cave prodded at her mind and her determination as visions of lesser demons pushed at her and clawed at her flesh.

Kathena Mavendorf horrifying images in her mind bring out a terrifying level of panic she has never experienced. Her heart beats to fast, she can't breathe, she feels the terror and pain, and she finally screams in agony. "Stop it! Stop it!!!!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn suddenly unclenched his fist, releasing her from his mental grasp and as he does the darkness which filled the room seems to evaporate into some hint of normalcy., "Very well, Jalil. I stopped. I did something kind for you. Now tell me about the Druid."

Kathena Mavendorf crumples to the floor, a mixture of sobs and gasping for breath, she shakes her head at him. "No...." she replies, "No...." she keeps repeating to him. "I will not!" she says through her sobs.

Ilmryn Xiltyn growls, pushing his face closer to her, his tongue curling around a bloody fang. He raises his hand upward and as he does her body seems to levitate off the ground until they are face to face. He flicks his tongue at the corner of his mouth, trying to pick at her mind yet again, but finding only useless bits of this thing and that.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "TELL ME, Jalil, or suffer the consequences." he growls at her.

Kathena Mavendorf screams as he lifts her in the air without even touching her, her legs kicking uselessly beneath her. She concentrates her mind on recipes, tarot cards, her pet raccoon...anything but Jaekob. She tries hard to keep him out of her thoughts even though the demon is forcing his way through her mind. She screams at him, "Nooooo!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn inhales a deep unnecessary breath and nods realizing she will not be so easily broken. He  raises his clawed hand to his face and lets the razor sharp  talons dig into his flesh, leaving a trail of cuts down his upper cheek. And as he does this, the slits of his eyes widen and darken as identical wounds appear on her face. The blood co mingled with his demons blood seeping slowly into her flesh, poisoning her.

Kathena Mavendorf sees as he cuts his face, feeling a burning, stinging pain on her cheek in the same location. She shakes her head trying desperately to rub her cheek against her own shoulder only to see blood there. The burning sensation that began on her skin, is moving now and roaming her body as the effects of the poison begin to do it's work. She cries out in pain, and for an instant Jaekob appears in her mind. She panics and tries to push his image away. "What have you done to me?!" she screams at the demon.

Ilmryn Xiltyn's eyes widen as he sees the image of the Druid and a smile curls onto his lips. He steps closer and wrapping his claw around her face as if grasping a cup, he twists her face to look at him, "Poison, Jalil. But, you will not die today or tomorrow. You will weaken until I am able to take what I want from you and then.....I will give you to the Drowess." And he releases her and moves down the cave as the familiar visage of the male drow wraps around him.

Kathena Mavendorf collapses on the ground, crying and in pain. She wishes for death to come swiftly for her, as she begins to lose hope.

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