Places of Interest

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tessa and the FireKeeper

Contessa Lacombe sits by the water, splashing feet through the current. She leans down and splashes the water with her hand.

Contessa Lacombe looks at herself in the water, same familiar face.

Contessa Lacombe:  As the water gently ripples, the face begins to change.

Contessa Lacombe: The hair changes from the familiar light brown, to silvery white.

Contessa Lacombe: The surroundings begin to swirl, and dizziness envelopes her.
Tessa tumbles into the water and begins to sink. Deeper and deeper she falls.... then blackness.

Contessa Lacombe's eyes blink open.

Contessa Lacombe: Her surroundings are hazy. Is she still in the water?

Contessa Lacombe: Up ahead, she notices a it a flame?

Contessa Lacombe stands up and walks toward the light. As she gets closer, she realizes that it is indeed a fire.

Contessa Lacombe: Sitting by the fire is a petite woman with long silvery hair. She is dressed in a white dress that is short enough to expose her bare feet.

Contessa Lacombe approaches cautiously.

Contessa Lacombe: The white lady does not look up, but begins to speak.

Brigid Firekeeper: "Ah, there you are."

Contessa Lacombe: "Lady?"

 Brigid Firekeeper: "Hmmm?"

Contessa Lacombe: "You are the lady I saw in the water."

Brigid Firekeeper: "I am."

Contessa Lacombe looks around. "Where are we.....exactly?"

Brigid Firekeeper finally looks up, her radiant face almost aglow. "You are in my world."

Contessa Lacombe: "Am I dead?"

Brigid Firekeeper softly chuckles. "No, no. You are just seeing the world with different eyes."

Contessa Lacombe: "Are the water?"

Brigid Firekeeper looks around. "It appears so."

Contessa Lacombe: "But, you have a fire burning."

Contessa Lacombe: "How is that possible."

Brigid Firekeeper: "My dear, the world is not always what it seems."

Brigid Firekeeper: "You need to look beyond what you think is"

Contessa Lacombe: "Umm hmm."

Contessa Lacombe goes over and sits beside the lady's fire.

the FireKeeper and Tessa

Contessa Lacombe: "And how is it that you have a fire here?"

Brigid Firekeeper: "This is the eternal flame. It matters not where it burns. It just is."

Brigid Firekeeper: "This is the task I set before you, Tessa."

Brigid Firekeeper: "If you choose to accept it."

Brigid Firekeeper reaches into the fire, a small flame appears in her palm, and she holds it out to Tessa.

Brigid Firekeeper: "Take this small flame. Go to the place in your world where the flame burns. And light the fire anew."

Contessa Lacombe blinks. "I don't know where the fire is."

Brigid Firekeeper: "Well, it is not difficult to find."

Brigid Firekeeper: "Go into the garden behind the tower, to the very back."

Brigid Firekeeper: "There you will find a tunnel in the mountain."

Brigid Firekeeper: "Enter the tunnel, and follow it to a cavern."

Brigid Firekeeper: "The fire is laid."

Brigid Firekeeper: "Simply light it."

Contessa Lacombe: "That is all?"

Brigid Firekeeper softly laughs. "Well, no. That is just the beginning."

Brigid Firekeeper: "If you light the fire, you must keep it lit."

Brigid Firekeeper: "You must go there each day and feed hawthorn wood into the flame."

Brigid Firekeeper: "And if you do, I will be there."

Brigid Firekeeper: "Just as I am here."

Contessa Lacombe: "That is all?"

Brigid Firekeeper smiles slightly. "No, Tessa. It is time for you learn many things. Your mother was the keeper of the flame. It is now your turn, if you wish to follow her footsteps."

Contessa Lacombe: "You live at Brigantia, and be a priestess?"

 Brigid Firekeeper: "Yes."

Brigid Firekeeper: "But it is more than that."

Brigid Firekeeper: "Brigantia has been without a high priestess for some time now. A new priestess must step forward."

Brigid Firekeeper: "It is your right to do so, if you choose."

Brigid Firekeeper: "But, you did not grow up on the Isle. Your mother did not have the chance to teach you what she knew."

Contessa Lacombe: "Who will teach me then? And what is it I need to know?"

Contessa Lacombe: "Will Taryn teach me?"

Brigid Firekeeper: "Many people will teach you. Taryn will teach you some things. She is a master of the forest. A guardian."

Brigid Firekeeper: "But there is a druid. A king."

Contessa Lacombe nods. "Jaek....yes, he is my friend."

Brigid Firekeeper: "He is.   And he can teach you part of what you need to know."

Brigid Firekeeper: "You must go to him and tell him of our meeting. Tell him that he is charged with teaching you what he knows of healing, even though you are not one of his druids."

Brigid Firekeeper: "Tell him that I sent you."

Contessa Lacombe:" And what name shall I give him? Brigid? I have heard Taryn speak of you."

Brigid Firekeeper: "Yes, some call me by that name. I am the mother. The firekeeper."

Brigid Firekeeper: "You will tell him."

Contessa Lacombe nods

Contessa Lacombe: "I will."

Brigid Firekeeper: "But there are things he cannot teach you. Taryn will teach you.  And I will teach you."

Contessa Lacombe nods

Brigid Firekeeper holds her hand out, with the small flame flickering in her palm.

Contessa Lacombe reaches out, hesitating, afraid she will get burned.

Brigid Firekeeper smiles. "It will not burn you."

Contessa Lacombe holds hand out.

Brigid Firekeeper gently places the flame into Tessa's palm.

Brigid Firekeeper: "There...Light the fire, and feed it the hawthorn wood, Tessa."

Contessa Lacombe nods.

Contessa Lacombe looks down at the little flame, then up to the lady.

Contessa Lacombe: But, she is gone, and Tessa finds herself sitting on the river bank.

Contessa Lacombe takes a deep breath. Stands, and walks up the hill toward the tower.

Contessa Lacombe: Walks behind, into the garden.

Contessa Lacombe enters the tunnel as instructed.

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