Places of Interest

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Fitheach Talks to Dina

Aldina Gratly "I am enjoying this dancing, wish I had the stamina to do it all the time. Oh god's help me, my head aches so much."

Aldina Gratly hollers out to Betha, "Please bring me a soothing tea..something with willow bark."

Aldina Gratly slowly sips the brew as Bertha looks on with concern

Aldina Gratly: "Oh thank you Bertha. Yes I will be alright."

Aldina Gratly something is not right.

Aldina Gratly finishes my dance, "My throbbing head is begging for my pillow, yes to ease it. I will go home."

Fitheach Eun strolls into Cheshire for some dinner and heads for the tavern.

Fitheach Eun sees the gypsy and smiles.

Fitheach Eun: "Why Dina, how are you?"

Aldina Gratly "Ah hello Fit."

Aldina Gratly "Not to well. I have a very bad headache, was just heading home."

Fitheach Eun: "I am sorry to hear that; is there anything I can do to help? I could make you some of my headache tea?"

Aldina Gratly accidentally bumps fit and stands there eyes wide and dead silence.

Fitheach Eun: "You do not look well at all."

Aldina Gratly grabs my head,  "Arrgh," whispers hoarsely.  "Something is wrong. Oh so very wrong."

Fitheach Eun: "Why don't you sit down and I will brew some of that tea for you?"

Aldina Gratly: "Ah thank you, it might help," grabs my head again.

Aldina Gratly sits and rests my head on the cool table.

Fitheach Eun walks over to the kitchen  and asks Betha if she may use the stove?

Fitheach Eun: She rummages through her packets of herbs and find the one with willow bark, chamomile and lavender

Aldina Gratly starts mumbling, "I can't see it ...all black. Please let me see."

Fitheach Eun grabs a kettle of hot water and a cup she walks back to the table where Dina is sitting.

Fitheach Eun drops the herb packet into the cup and pours hot water over it.

Aldina Gratly grabs Fit's hand and looks up at her with blank eyes, "Something is very wrong."

Fitheach Eun sits next to Dina and squeezes her hand, "Tell me about it?"

Aldina Gratly "I...I cant I don't know what it is, but I see danger."

Fitheach Eun: "Danger? What kind of danger?"

Aldina Gratly sips the tea, "Mmm, very good."

Aldina Gratly "I don't know, the Gods will not let me see."

Aldina Gratly "It will affect the whole of the River Lands."

Fitheach Eun: "That sounds very serious; what can we do to prepare?"

Aldina Gratly grabs Fit's hand again and .hisses in a low raspy voice, "Your time has come to die."

Aldina Gratly stands up in fright, "Did did I say something?"

Fitheach Eun raises her eyebrows and looks at Dina seriously. "Sit down again, my dear."

Fitheach Eun: "You were predicting some one's death."

Aldina Gratly "No, I  am sorry. I have to go." And she runs for the door.

Aldina Gratly runs all the way home and goes into my vardo, "I feel safe now."

Fitheach Eun runs after her but not fast enough and she disappears from sight.

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