Places of Interest

Friday, April 10, 2015

Fitheach Discovers Fire

   Let me introduce Fitheach Eun, one of the Druids of the River Lands. Needless to say, she has been on her path almost a year working through the massive lists of tasks I give that lead to promotion and rank in our Druid Guild.  Fit was recently promoted to full Druid: a well earned promotion I might say. And she has begun work toward the final step of Arch Druid. Here is her solo role play where she discovers the element of fire. It fits in with our ongoing storyline and I thought you might enjoy it.

   Fitheach paces restlessly around her house; her mind has been in turmoil since she made the potion for Kat. She had known that using blood magic, no matter how good the cause would contaminate her but there had been no choice. She felt the shadows in her mind, clouding her thoughts and pursuing her til she got no rest; she could not shake them. She had appealed to all three of the elements she knew but none could help her. She felt drawn into darkness but that is not where she wanted to go; she looked down and saw that she had dressed all in black, which she seldom did.  Somehow that galvanized her. She took off all the black clothes and slowly donned her white ceremonial dress thinking the 3 elements I have mastered cannot aid me; I must the one I have been avoiding. Fire purifies and that is what I need.

   Fit trudged slowly down the mountain and through the forest to the druid grove. She lit a fire in the bowl and sat on the ground next to it, staring into the flames and breathing slowly and evenly; breathing in calmness, breathing out fear. She began to intone: “Spirits of the fire, hear my voice. Though I am your opposite yet still we have a bond; aid me in my quest.” “Fill me with your warmth, burn away this darkness.” She continued to breathe and stare into the flames slowly feeling warmth seep into her body driving out some of the cold darkness. “ Spirit of fire, guide my actions, help me learn what I must do to expel this darkness inside of me.” Fit continues to stare into the flames and slows her breathing even more focusing only on the fire and its warmth. Suddenly the flames glow brightly and warmth begins to flood into her mind and body and it becomes clear what she must do.  She unwraps the arrow and sets it and the silk that had wrapped it into the fire. The silk goes up in a flash but the arrow burns slowly, almost sullenly and gives off a dark smoke that chills the air. Finally it is gone and the fire flares again; its warmth filling every corner of Fit’s mind and soul. She sits entranced as the flames slowly die leaving her empty and at peace finally.

Fitheach and Fire

 Fit waits until the fire dies completely and then slowly walks home, feeling better without the shadows haunting her mind but still worried about the repercussions of using her own blood.

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