Places of Interest

Friday, April 3, 2015

Fitheach and Arwyn Talk

Fitheach Eun follows the map and suddenly the world twists about her and goes black for second and she finds herself somewhere else.

Fitheach Eun: However the map seems to continue and she passes through a gate into a dark forest.

Fitheach Eun follows the trail as it winds about.

Arwyn Falconer sits at her desk pouring over her scrolls as she has been for many days. Her hawk named Horus comes flying in, in a panic. "What is it, Horus!" The bird of prey speaks to her in sounds only she understands, "Oh gods! How did a demon enter?!"

Arwyn Falconer stands in a hurried, panicked manner, unfurls her wings and takes off flying towards the woods, flying high, her heart racing..

Fitheach Eun: The trail twists around with many turning as though visitors are not welcome here and Fit wonders if she will ever find the Wizard.

Arwyn Falconer flies around looking for a dark creature, only she spots something that looks not like a demon and is confused. "What are you?" she mutters to herself

Fitheach Eun feels the weight of the evil thing she carries slowing her steps.

Arwyn Falconer she observes the unknown person wind their way through the paths of the woods, while she observes. She concentrates her powers over the area trying to read the energies and is horrified at the darkness being projected back at her. "Such darkness, gods help me!"

Arwyn Falconer she decides to land and confront the creature.

Arwyn Lands In Front of Fitheach

Fitheach Eun feels lost and weary and stops completely.

Fitheach Eun: Suddenly a winged being materializes in front of her.

Arwyn Falconer lands swiftly in front of what she nows sees is an elven woman. "Halt! Who are you that enter my lands with such darkness?!"

Fitheach Eun feels the instinct to reach for her bow but stops.

Arwyn Falconer narrows her eyes at the woman.

Fitheach Eun: "If you are the wizard Arwyn; I was sent by the Master Druid of the River Lands."

Fitheach Eun: "I have evil things that have been found and we need to know if they can be traced to their owner."

Arwyn Falconer stands at the ready, listening and observing intently. "The Master Druid sends darkness and evil into these lands?"

Fitheach Eun: "He asks your help to find one who has been captured by this dark thing."

Arwyn Falconer decides to trust her, for now. "Very well, I shall bring you back to the library.  Follow me through the portal" With a wave of her hand, she creates a portal beside her and steps through.

Fitheach Eun steps through behind wondering if this being is really on the side of light.

Arwyn Falconer walks into the library, tucking her wings out of sight. She makes her way to the enchanted circle of protection in the arcane library.

Fitheach Eun looks at the Wizard intently and speaks, "I am one of the Druid's students and an elf as you can see. I stand only on the side of the light."

Fitheach Eun: "We intend you no harm but we do desperately need your help."

Arwyn Falconer nods looking at her carefully, "Take what you carry and place it upon this book carefully then step away please."

Fitheach Eun pulls both packets out of her bag, "Shall I unwrap them?"

Fitheach Eun: "They are both wrapped in silk."

Fitheach in the Arcane Library

Arwyn Falconer nods, "Aye, but careful not to touch it with your bare hands."

Fitheach Eun slowly unwrap both cloths from the arrow and holding it by the scarf places it carefully on the book.

Fitheach Eun: "This arrow was found where the ranger and the demon did battle; we believe it has the Demon's blood on it."

Fitheach Eun: "We would like to try and trace it to it's owner as he now has our friend captive."

Fitheach Eun unwraps the second packet and places the pouch on the book, holding the silk in her hand

Fitheach Eun: "This is more of the Demon ash the Druid has already shown you; it was found in the same ruins."

Fitheach Eun: "It feels very evil to me."

Arwyn Falconer watches the items being placed upon her book. The circle of protection seems to come alive, moving and swirling about as it senses the presence of such evil and darkness. She hovers her hands over the items while reciting incantations in an ancient tongue. Her eyes closed she concentrates on the items. Images of a demon, his blood burning hot, his intent only to harm and destroy. She can feel his rage, his hatred, his malice. She gasps and opens her eyes as she recoils from the items. "It is as I feared. This is a very ancient demon, and he deals in blood magic. It is perhaps fortunate you were able to find an item with his blood. More fortunate still you were able to find his blood on an arrow that seems to be protected by the light somehow, otherwise the item would have been consumed by its blood."

Arwyn Using Magic on the Items

Fitheach Eun: "The arrow feels of a power of some sort."

Fitheach Eun: Will it help us find him; we fear for our friend?

Arwyn Falconer stepping away from the items she can feel the light in the elven woman and finally smiles at her. "My apologies M'Lady. I am indeed Arwyn. And what is the name of such a brave soul that would carry these items here?"

Fitheach Eun follows the wizard into the room and smiles back: " I am called Fitheach, my lady, though my friends call me Fit."

Arwyn Falconer smiles and nods, "Well met Lady Fit. I shall help you if I can."

Fitheach Eun shows her relief and smiles more broadly.

Fitheach Eun: "That is wondrous news; thank you, my lady."

Arwyn Falconer's face takes on a grave look, "This ancient demon deals in a very powerful, dark magic. He deals in blood M'Lady Fit."

Fitheach Eun looks alarmed and nervous,  "That is grave news; it will be difficult to defeat him."

Fitheach Eun: "Blood magic is very dark and very powerful."

Arwyn Falconer pauses for a moment, then begins to pace, "It is imperative that none of his blood mix with yours or anyone else's, as it would consume the person, acting as a poison." stops pacing for a moment, "additionally, do not let him obtain any of your blood, as he would use it against you."

Fitheach Eun looks grave: "Aye I understand."

Arwyn Falconer walks over to the items again.

Fitheach Eun: "I tried to use my water bond to trace him but met only shadow."

Arwyn Falconer ponders for a moment then turns to Fit, "There may be a way to trace him using your water bond and the arrow."

Fitheach Eun: "Really?"

Fitheach Eun: "That is what I had hoped when I tried,  but I am still young in my learning."

Arwyn Falconer crosses her arms then raises a hand and taps her lip as she thinks. "Perhaps, if you were to carry with you a small  bowl with water that has been enchanted with protection charms, then placed the arrow so it floats on it's surface, the blood on the tip, would point the way"

Fitheach Eun: "Ah, I have a small bowl I use for water magic. Would that work?"

Fitheach Eun: "That is what I tried to use; but I only sent the water spirit seeking."

Arwyn Falconer nods, "Aye, that should work." she steps closer looking deep into her eyes, "I must warn you. You should not face this demon alone, for he is very ancient and very powerful."

Fitheach Eun looks back into the wizard's eyes soberly,  "I understand but I doubt there will be any control over the situation."

Arwyn Falconer looks scared and sad, her eyes showing the hint of tears, "Should he hurt you, or another using his blood in any way, there are only three outcomes: you die, you use his blood against him, or he dies. There is NO other way to defeat this evil."

Fitheach Eun looks resigned: "If those are the only choices, we must hope for either of the last two."

Fitheach Eun: He must be defeated or else outr land is threatened and our friend must be freed; there is no other path open

Arwyn Falconer nods, "In all of the years I have fought against this type of demon, I have yet to defeat it. My husband lost his life, in this kind of battle. I cannot stress enough, the danger you face is grave."

Fitheach Eun takes on a look of determination, "There is no walking away from this; others will suffer if we do not fight him."

Arwyn Falconer reaches out her hand, "Please hand me the silk so that I may return this arrow to you."

Fitheach Eun hands Arwyn the scarf that had wrapped the arrow.

Arwyn Falconer carefully wraps the arrow within the material and hands it back to her. "Take great care in the handling of this item, and good luck with your quest. Tell your Lord Druid that should he need further counsel I shall be here, ready to assist as I am able."

Fitheach Eun takes the wrapped arrow. "Thank you my lady. I will tell the Druid of your offer. And thank you for your help."

Arwyn Falconer shows Fit her way to the portal that will take her home, "Step through M'Lady and safe paths."

Fitheach Eun: "Vanya sulie," my lady.

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