Places of Interest

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dina Talks to Xella About the Demon!

Aldina Gratly sits by her friend Xella and looks at her with a questioning stare.

Aldina Gratly knows no other way to ask so just comes right out with it.

Xella and Dina

 Aldina Gratly "Xella, do you remember seeing this demon before a few days ago?"

Xella Steward: "Demon? No?"

Xella Steward looks at her friend, a bit confused.

Aldina Gratly "Remember right after we came out of the caverns and sat right here in this very spot?"

Aldina Gratly "We went to the tavern and I had a bad headache. And we thought it was too much wine."

Xella Steward nods, "Yes, then we came here and your headache left."

Aldina Gratly "Yes."

Xella Steward smiles at her and wraps tail around her cuddling.

Aldina Gratly smiles, thinking she won't do that when she is finished.

Aldina Gratly "Well the demon came to us here."

Aldina Gratly "Remember?  We found his lair."

Xella Steward: "Only after King Jaekob and Fit blew it up," she says.

Aldina Gratly "Yes."

Xella Steward looks over at Dina, eyes narrowed  "My Drow friend Ryn?"

Aldina Gratly "Yes. He is not your friend. He is evil."

Aldina Gratly "He choked me, almost killed me and you just sat there doing nothing."

Xella Steward tenses up, "I would never just stand there!"

Xella Steward looks at her, hurt that she could even think that she would let her friend be in pain.

Alastair Shadowbane slips through the trees, his eyes on the look out for anything out of the ordinary. Hearing the voices as he gets near the waterfall he slips up into one of the trees and moves lightly through the tree-tops before he stops and listens to the conversation.

Aldina Gratly "Well you did ...was like you were in a trance or something."

Aldina Gratly "He almost killed me and all you could do was offer him sticky buns!"

Aldina Gratly "Well, he took our memories that day. You have to tell the Druid about Ryn."

Xella Steward wraps arms around Dina "That I know of, mer can't get hypnotized."

Aldina Gratly "Well what was it then?"

Aldina Gratly "Did you enjoy watching him half kill me?"

Alastair Shadowbane continues to watch and listen. Hearing the words about mer not being able to be hypnotized he slips out of the trees. "It sounds like her mind was clouded. It wasn't hypnotism."

Aldina Gratly "All I know is you did nothing!"

Aldina Gratly "You need to tell the Druid about this with Ryn."

Xella Steward looks at her angry "I would never let a friend be hurt!"


Xella Steward looks her in the eye "I would never let a friend be hurt and I consider you my friend!"

Aldina Gratly grabs Xella's hand and the images flood in." "Oh the gods have abandon you!"

Aldina Gratly drops her hand and is shaking."

Alastair Shadowbane leans against a tree and looks at the pair. "Ladies, please listen to me. The demon clouded her mind from the sounds of it. All she would remember is what he wanted her to remember. It's a trick that I've seen demons use before."

Aldina Gratly  "Yes, he stole my memories, but I got them back."

Xella Steward: " mind?"

Aldina Gratly "That's a good word for it."

Alastair Shadowbane gives a nod of his head. "Yes, it sounds like he wanted something." Frowning slightly he shakes his head, wishing his sister was around, that she might know more.

Xella Steward leans on the rocks and sighs "My memory is working just fine my friends."

Aldina Gratly "You have to stop seeing him Xella! I demand it."

Xella Steward hisses softly at the work "demand."

Alastair Shadowbane shakes his head and looks at Aldina before motioning her over to him for a moment.

Aldina Gratly rises and goes to the elf.

Xella Steward looks away from them, trying to keep her temper down.

Aldina Gratly frowns at the elf, "What do you need? this is important."

Alastair Shadowbane drops his voice low. "If her memory was clouded, and she still has no memory of it, we need to let the Aran know and keep an eye on it (the situation)."

Aldina Gratly walks back to Xella and sits down once more, Well, if you do not tell Jaekob, I will."

Xella Steward signs, "Tell me Dina......"

Aldina Gratly "He is using you. Get that through that mer head."

Alastair Shadowbane slips off through the trees, his eyes moving through the woods in search of the Aran.

Xella Steward: "If Kat demanded you to stop seeing me, would you listen to her?"

Aldina Gratly "If she could prove you were a demon, yes."

Xella Steward nods slightly "My tail is be labeled a demon by many two-leggers."

Aldina Gratly "But my sweet mer,  you are not a demon. I only want to protect you."

Xella Steward: "Dina........I kill humans!"

Aldina Gratly "To bad you don't kill demons." she shrugs.

Xella Steward stares into her eyes, her own amber eyes dark and angry. "Do NOT tell me what to do!"

Aldina Gratly gasps.

Xella Steward dives into the water, leaving before she does something she regrets.

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