Places of Interest

Thursday, March 26, 2015

WiccedCrow Morrigan - New High Wizard of the River Lands

Jaekob Faolan stuffs his rucksack with all of his supplies and tosses it over his shoulder, preparing for his trip to the Shadow Lands

WiccedCrow Morrigan rings the bell to see if Jaekob has returned.

WiccedCrow Morrigan, Mayor of Cheshire and High Wizard of the River Lands

Jaekob Faolan turns to look at the door, "It's open."

Jaekob Faolan: "Wicced," he says a bit quickly, "Good, good, I really needed to see you before I leave."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "Thank goodness you are back.. Juste has given me some disturbing news."

Jaekob Faolan: "He told you......?"

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "You are leaving again?"

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "Yes. I was hoping you had some good news."

Jaekob Faolan: "Oh, but Juste doesn't know about last night hmmm. Kathena was attacked again, two of our elven guards murdered."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "So they have actually killed this time?"

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "Have the family's of the guards been notified?"

Jaekob Faolan nods biting his lip hard, "I... I... am at a loss. So much has happened and..."  he nods his head,

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "I knew something was going on when I reeturned, but no one would tell me anything."

Jaekob Faolan: "Well, she was attacked a week or so ago and two rangers happened along and fought the beast.. They said he was not drow but some kind of monster whose drow skin just melted away, exposing the beast."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "Juste said he might be a demon."

Jaekob Faolan: "Then, Kat found some odd ash at the ruins in the Shadow Lands. I took it to a wizard who lives in a land called Eyrie. She confirmed the creature is a demon."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "Did she say what kind?"

Jaekob Faolan shakes his head, strand of hair falling into his face, "She only could say he was very powerful, but she needs more information to determine its true nature."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: thinks hard on the matter. " I'm hesitant to send any more guards after him if he can overpower them so easily. do you have any suggestions?"

Jaekob Faolan: Wicced, "I haven't much time. I need to ask something....important."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "Please go ahead."

Jaekob Faolan: "The lands are so vulnerable of late and I need for you to stay close as you are my right hand. I would.... would ask you to take charge of the mage guild in the River Lands and seek out this wizard named Arwyn and ask that she assist you with training."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: looks a little surprised.  "Are you sure this isnt too far beyond my training?"

Jaekob Faolan: "You have been groomed for this and I know you have much to learn still, but if Lady Arwyn would assist and let you use her vast arcane library, I think.... I know it would be doable."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "Then of course I will. I trust your judgement. How do I find her?"

Jaekob Faolan takes out a piece of parchment, "This is the directions Kathena gave me to Eyrie."

WiccedCrow Morrigan takes the parchment and looks it over carefully.

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "I will seek her out as soon as possible."

Jaekob Faolan nods and offers a bit of a smile, "I must go now, Wicced, er High Wizard and check on Kathena. Hopefully, she will not be stubborn and I can bring her back to Calenhad and keep her safe."

WiccedCrow Morrigan: "Please be safe and let me know when you return."

WiccedCrow Morrigan hugs her friend and heads for the door

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