Places of Interest

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Demon and the Gypsy and the Rangers

Ilmryn Xiltyn lets out a deep breath and seems to step out of the dark ruins in the Shadow Lands. He rubs a hand against his side where the arrow had penetrated him only the day before. the wound still not tended or healed by him, he growls and steps out into the light to find the Gypsy who shot him

Kathena Mavendorf is brushing down her horse, enjoying the fresh air.

Elucia Shadowbane: step off the ship from going to another land again and she waves her hands to the passerbys and guards so they would not see them pass through the city....

Elucia Shadowbane: The twins head for the ranger hall once more.

Ilmryn Xiltyn takes cautious steps, staying to the shadows where he can. His fire red eyes crease to slits to hide from the sun as he passes through it. His fangs push through as he lets loose a bellowing sound, feral and hungry. And he pushes a fang into his lip to lick the blood onto his tongue

Ilmryn Xiltyn: At the Gypsie's cabin, he seems to blend into the trees and stand still, watching to see if she is alone.

Kathena Mavendorf gives her horse a nice pat on his side then hands him an apple, "Here you go earned it!"

Kathena Mavendorf 's horse eats it happily.

Kathena Mavendorf turns to go check on her clothesline

Elucia Shadowbane: "I am getting tired of this sister. These immature beings seem to not have a fathom of what is going on around them."

Ilmryn Xiltyn's nostrils flare as he lifts his Drowish hands to look at them. The skin cracks and breaks and the sound of breaking bones snaps the air as hands become claws

Elucia Shadowbane her hand waves again as she passes the stands, looks down at the mouse she saw the other day listening to him,  a look of concern caresses her face then she hears the cry.  Looking up and to her sister, "That cry I remember it once before."

Ilmryn Xiltyn closes the distance, moving up behind her. His movements would go unnoticed until he is upon her and lurches at her, claw extended to grab her

Talia Shadowbane: "I know sister, but what is wrong?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: Jailil, "I am back," he says with a deep guttural growl, his lips pursed, his eyes slits of red.

Elucia Shadowbane "You didn't hear the cry that awful sound it is coming from the other side. Let us go.  I do not like what I smell or what they say ...."

Kathena Mavendorf gasps startled at the claw upon her shoulder, she turns rapidly to see him, the drow. "Gods! About....before"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Sorry jalil," he growls, wrapping his claw tight into her shoulder and lifting her off the ground

Talia Shadowbane: frowns feeling a darkness in the forest, "I dislike it here Elucia."

Ilmryn Xiltyn shakes her much like a child would shake a rag doll and tosses her to the ground, angrily

Kathena Mavendorf 's eyes grow wide with fear as she gasps feeling her feet leave the ground....screaming as she flies and hits the ground with a thud

Elucia Shadowbane observes as a rabbit runs toward her, chipper sounds escaping from it as it almost runs up the side of her body realizing looks at her sister, "We have to hurry...."

Ilmryn Xiltyn appears over her suddenly, a claw near her throat, "I .... was nice to you. But you.... YOU were not so nice to me, jalil."

Kathena Mavendorf screams in utter panic, struggling to get lose from him.

Ilmryn Xiltyn lens over her, licking at a fang, his claw pressing firmly against her throat

Kathena Mavendorf struggles to make a sound, but her throat is squeezed too hard and she's beginning to struggle for breath

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "What am I going to do with you for your insolence, jalil?"

Kathena Mavendorf tries desperately to pull his hand from her throat, her eyes tearing and turning red as she struggles to stay alive.

Ilmryn Xiltyn growls and a boot kicks at her flailing body, "Be still or your fate will be far worse, jalil."

Elucia Shadowbane walks down the hill and her keen eyes scan the lands as she looks into the distance her cry for her sister to hast is heard loudly by the animals .... "DIRWEG!"

Kathena Mavendorf tears fall down her face as she begins to lose consciousness, she begins to go limp.

Talia Shadowbane: "Sister, we need to hurry."

Elucia Shadowbane screams out toward the dark figure in the distance, her loud angelic voice echoing, "DARO!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn growls and shakes her to keep her awake, not yet ready to lose her to unconsciousness, to have his FUN ruined.

Kathena Mavendorf whimpers her body limp like a rag doll, no longer able to fight.

Elucia Shadowbane draws her bow and begins to fire at the grey figure, the evil spreading over her own body as she cries out again "DARO!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn growls as his eyes roll up seeing them approach and quickly pulls bow and arrow, releasing the gypsy and pushing her back to the ground

Kathena Mavendorf falls to the ground, gasping for breath.

Elucia Shadowbane "DARIO DARIO!" her voice radiates out toward him as she dodges the arrows fired, her own sailing through the air toward him.

Talia Shadowbane looks at the dark figure,and frowns, drawing her bow.

Ilmryn Xiltyn takes a couple of well aims shots with the arrows and giving the gypsy one last look moves to the trees cover.

Talia Shadowbane moves behind a tree.

Elucia Shadowbane looks at her sister without saying a word. She thinks of what she needs.

Talia Shadowbane nods and jumps firing an arrow towards the tree the dark creature is behind.

Elucia Shadowbane runs to the woman as she quickly attempts to take her arm, wrapping it around her shoulder, as she lifts her up to get her out of site.

 Ilmryn Xiltyn grows and shakes his head as the Drow face peels away, the demon exposed and angry.

Kathena Mavendorf leans on the elf woman for support.

Talia Shadowbane draws her dual blades as she gets closer , and runs over attempting to bring one down upon the demons bow.

Elucia Shadowbane drags her toward the cabin as she hears her sister fighting the creature.

Ilmryn Xiltyn darts toward another tree, his massive arms and claws outstretched, "Yoouuuu willll regrettt this," he hisses.

Talia Shadowbane stops, and thinks not only to herself.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: And in a flash he seems to vanish, leaving the rangers and the gypsy alone for now.

Elucia Shadowbane lays the woman down shaking her head, not saying a word as she looks around,  then motions with her hands in her own language tells her to stay,  "POSTO."

Kathena Mavendorf sits on a cushion in the cabin, tears streaming down her face, trembling from fear. Her neck and body badly bruised, but alive.

Elucia Shadowbane runs back out and looks at Talia,  "Where the creature go?"

Talia Shadowbane: "He just seemed to vanish."

Ilmryn Xiltyn curls up in the shadows, licking at his wounds like a feral animal, "So....REGRET this....." and he pushes out strands of power penetrating the Gypsy's mind, "I will be back, jalil."

Talia Shadowbane: "We need to find out what that thing was."

Elucia Shadowbane nods as she looks around her keen eyes penetrating the area seeing no other creature around except the horse, "Come, she needs healing sister."

Kathena Mavendorf  hears his voice like echos in her mind, she covers her ears, rocking back and forth as she cries, "Please gods, help me...."

Talia Shadowbane nods and follows. '

Ilmryn Xiltyn:      "You are mine,"he whispers to the gypsy before the strands of power cease to emanate and he finds his way to the ruins and seems to vanish into the walls.

Kathena Mavendorf sobbing, she continues to cover her ears, fearing to hear him again.

Kathena Mavendorf cries out, "No! Please....please....leave me."

Talia Shadowbane looks down at the woman and sighs kneeling down "Who or what was that and why did it want to hurt you?"

Elucia Shadowbane kneels down as her hand goes over the woman's head, "I will not hurt you human I am called Elucia."

Kathena Mavendorf cries, speaking while sobbing, "the Drow.....I.....hit him with an arrow....." cries.

Elucia Shadowbane looks to her sister urgently, her words silent to her..

Kathena Mavendorf continues..." was an accident....I didn't mean to...."

Kathena Mavendorf grabs the hands of the elf in front of her, and whispers in a terrified voice, "he's going to kill me! He....he....says I'm HIS."

Talia Shadowbane: "We will  not let him harm you. Have you ever seen this Drow before?"

Elucia Shadowbane nods as she doesn't say a word her hands moving over the human, "It is alright he will not harm you again, I assure you of that." sending energy over the women's body in hope that she accepts it.

Kathena Mavendorf starts to calm down some feeling as if warmth is washing over her body. She nods, "Aye....before."

Talia Shadowbane smiles reassuringly at the woman, "Please relax and let my sister help you."

Kathena Mavendorf looks at her sister, and nods, "Thank you."

Kathena Mavendorf  begins to calm down, her sobs stopping, her tears slowing. The trembling finally stops and she is able to breathe again.

Talia Shadowbane: "Now tell me about the last time you met this Drow."

Kathena Mavendorf takes a deep breath, her throat sore, she swallows hard. "He came out of the shadows, back in Calenhad. He .....showed me how to conquer my fear."

Elucia Shadowbane shaking her head as she looks around the small cottage,  the walls closing in on her, "An ngell nin," she repeats twice to her sister then the human "an ngell nin a VOS to," she says to the woman.

Left to Right, Sitting: Talia and Kathena; Standing, Elucia

Elucia Shadowbane ((translate, Please don't be afraid."))

Kathena Mavendorf looks at her confused, "I....didn't know what he was."

Kathena Mavendorf: "Yesterday, I was gathering berries in the forest, and he came out of the shadows."

Kathena Mavendorf looks worried, "He's been decaying the lands."

Elucia Shadowbane nods and whispers, "He is no normal Drow he is more then a Drow but have not see before."

Talia Shadowbane: "So he is that the reason for the weakness int he land? His face melted away. It was not a drow I dont believe."

Kathena Mavendorf nods.

Kathena Mavendorf looks worried, "I argued with Drow."

Kathena Mavendorf: "Told him he must leave!"

Kathena Mavendorf swallows hard, fresh tears forming in her eyes, "He just laughed at me, mocked me....."

Elucia Shadowbane "Baw! He not a Drow or he is what our late father called a High Drow."

Kathena Mavendorf: "I know not what he is. But I had my bow with me and I had it aimed at him. I ....took a misstep and accidentally let an arrow struck him."

Kathena Mavendorf looks terrified, "I ran away as soon as it happened."

Talia Shadowbane: "I am unsure what he is but he is dangerous and I think we should not leave her alone sister."

Elucia Shadowbane "Sister we need Bailey to heal this woman. I can only do what I have done.  The rest she must do. The marks upon her neck are deep and festering already. This being is more than a drow, I do not know what but maybe our brother will know."

Kathena Mavendorf looks sullen and defeated, her eyes meet Talia's "He will kill me." she says flatly.

Talia Shadowbane: "No we will not allow that."

Kathena Mavendorf suddenly gasps, "Oh gods, I must warn Jaekob!"

Kathena Mavendorf takes a deep breath looking around and realizes she hasn't even thanked them, "Oh M'Ladies, I'm so sorry. I thank you for your help. My name is Kathena. I am in your debt."

Talia Shadowbane: "You need to rest we will warn the druid."

Kathena Mavendorf nods, "Thank you."

Talia Shadowbane smiles lightly "I am Talia Shadowbane and this is my twin sister Elucia Shadowbane."

Kathena Mavendorf looks at them both..."For a moment there I thought my eyes were seeing double" she smiles

Elucia Shadowbane smiles.

Elucia Shadowbane her deep blue eyes sparkle as she looks at the human, "Human what might you be called and what are you?"

Kathena Mavendorf looks up at her, "I am Kathena Mavendorf and I am a gypsy merchant M'Lady"

Elucia Shadowbane "I am not called Lady, my name is Elucia speaker of animals, plants and mother earth.  I do not lower myself to that of description of that of human creatures.  Pedil edhellen?" she looks at woman not expecting her to fathom the elvish language.

Kathena Mavendorf looks at her with a funny look on her face, "Is there I may use for you then? Instead of Elucia speaker of animals, plants and mother earth....I mean. Might make conversations a bit ....difficult for us....HUMANS."

Talia Shadowbane smiles at the human.

Elucia Shadowbane laughs her angelic voice echoing inside the cottage, "You are allowed to call me Elucia, that is fine."

Kathena Mavendorf grins mischievously, "Very well Elucia, you may call me Kathena or Kat if you wish."

Talia Shadowbane: "You may call me Talia."

Kathena Mavendorf smiles, "A pleasure to meet you both"

Elucia Shadowbane raises an eyebrow at the human but then waves her hand says something under her breath in elvish.

Talia Shadowbane frowns at her sister but says nothing out loud.

Kathena Mavendorf stands up, "I should send a bird to Jaekob. He should know about this right away."

Elucia Shadowbane seeing the women stand up, she nods turning her voice singing the words to her, "Novaer." Her hand hitting the door, "Sister come lets us leave the walls are closing in on me."

Kathena Mavendorf grabs a small bit of parchment, a quill and some ink. Writes a quick note and rolls it up, walks outside, grabs one of her birds, ties the message and whispers to the bird, "Go to Jaekob, quickly" then sets it loose.

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