Places of Interest

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Jaekob Moves Kathena, Dina and Xella Spy

Jaekob Faolan finishes packing his rucksack, all his healing supplies and a small ration of food for the journey to the Shadow Lands. He sighs as he sees his bow and quiver in the corner of his room and walk over, picks it up and straps it to his back.

Jaekob Faolan grumbles a bit as he moves quickly down the steps of the castle, waving off the guards who fall in step behind him, "I will go alone. It will be quicker," he says hastily.

Jaekob Faolan: Fit had been detained at the last moment, a patient, but he was content to make this journey alone.... to bring the gypsy back to the safety of the castle. And he knew it would not be an easy task.

Kathena Mavendorf sits at her table staring at the flames of the candles before her. Her mind lost to worry and grief. "How can I fix this gods? Why don't you show me the way?" she whispers to herself.

Jaekob Faolan makes his way through the forest, finally arriving at Kathena's cottage. He sees the dark stains  that have seeped into the ground and kneels, placing a flat palm against the blood soaked earth. He swallows hard, he bites his lip hard. This is where his guards, his elven friends were slain.

Jaekob Faolan rises and moves toward the cabin, rapping his knuckles on the door lightly, "Kathena......Kathena......" he calls out to her.

Kathena Mavendorf hearing Jaekob's voice she hurries to the door letting him in.

Kathena Mavendorf unlocks the door, opening it quickly and letting him in.

 Kathena Mavendorf: "Jaekob, why are you here?! You shouldn't have come."

Jaekob Faolan pushes himself in hastily, chewing on his lips and stops for a moment looking at her before moving into the room further, "I have come to take you to the castle," he mumbles as he looks from her to the room thinking what she needs for the trip back to Calenhad.

Kathena and Jaekob

Kathena Mavendorf locks the door quickly and moves towards him. "Jaekob, I'm not going anywhere! And you should not have come! Don't you understand that he means to hurt you?"

Jaekob Faolan turns to her, cutting his eyes sharply at her, *He MEANS to hurt you and I will not allow it. You are returning with me now. Pack what you need and we will go now.

Kathena Mavendorf crosses her arms in front of her body, her face looking like she's going into battle and filled with determination..."I am but a THING to that creature. A means to get to YOU! It is you who is the target here Jaekob and I will NOT be the cause of your death, and the destruction of these lands."

Jaekob Faolan: "You will do what I say and quickly," he growls and goes about the room frantically picking up first one thing and the next like he has a clue what she needs.

Kathena Mavendorf goes behind him ripping things out of his hands, "I will NOT!" she grabs his arm, "Will you PLEASE be reasonable Jaekob?!"

 Jaekob Faolan: "Reasonable? Me, be reasonable?" he shouts at her as he looks for a satchel to stuff her clothing in.. "I am being reasonable and I am taking you to a safe place."

 Kathena Mavendorf looks at him starting to lose her temper with him. "Look here! I realize that you are just trying to do what you think is right and I am grateful, but you are losing sight of the bigger picture Jaek!" she pauses pacing a bit now from agitation..."This thing wants information on you and your powers. I think it means to rip the powers from you somehow and destroy these lands. "

Kathena Mavendorf stops pacing and looks at him.

Kathena Mavendorf: "I will not bring him closer to YOU."

Jaekob Faolan stops dead in his tracks and looks at her, his eyes meeting her eyes. He runs a hand through his hand as if stopping for thought, "Then we will come to an arrangement where we both get what we want hmmm?"

Kathena Mavendorf locks her gaze on his eyes searching for understanding, "Very well, I'm listening."

 Jaekob Faolan begins to pace about the cabin room, clutching the handful of items he had gathered. Then he stops and looks at her, " about this? Will you move to my cottage in River City?"

Kathena Mavendorf looks at him curiously pondering what he said, "Your cottage? And where will YOU be?"

Jaekob Faolan closes the distance to her, reaching out for her arm and piling the collected clothes onto it, "THAT is exactly what we will do. You will be safe from the demon at my cottage."

Jaekob Faolan: "Now PACK your things. We need to go quickly,"he says a bit hurriedly and loudly.

Kathena Mavendorf pulls him back, "You did NOT answer my question Jaekob! Where will you be that will be far from me and safe?"

Jaekob Faolan feels his body jerk backward, "I will go to Calenhad. Does that SUIT hmmm?

Kathena Mavendorf exhales loudly in a frustrated move, "Fine! I will go to the cottage, but you must promise to STAY away from me. Do we have a deal?"

Jaekob Faolan nods as he sees a satchel in the corner and moves to it, "PACK, I said," he grumbles. "And YES, we have a deal."

Kathena Mavendorf gives him a stern look, "Fine! You don't have to be so damn demanding you know! I'm trying to save your LIFE!" she grabs the satchel and throws her things in without really paying attention.

Jaekob Faolan moves to the door and open it and turns waiting for her, "We need to go now. And I will tell no one where you are living. There will be no guards as that might give it away."

Kathena Mavendorf grabs her bag and moves to follow him. "Good idea! I rather not get anyone else hurt.. Lead the way"

Jaekob Faolan moves through the door, looking back over his shoulder to be sure she is close and begins the trek to River City and his cottage.

Kathena Mavendorf makes her way inside the cottage, setting her satchel down, taking a quick look around. "Well I'm here now Jaekob. I'm sure I'll be fine."

Jaekob Faolan nods, chewing on his lip, "This it is the best idea since you refuse to return to Calenhad."

Kathena Mavendorf nods softly, looking a bit worried. "Now, please, my friend go and be safe. I shall send word with a bird or Fit if necessary."

Jaekob Faolan nods and moves toward the door, "It will be hard not visiting .... checking on you, but I will keep my promise and leave you to your own devices, my dear."

Jaekob Faolan steps out the door and looks back with a deep sigh and makes his way to the gates.

Kathena Mavendorf looks terribly sad, but closes the door behind him, fresh tears forming.

Meanwhile, outside the cabin, Aldina and Xella are spying: (And I must say, their sudden emergence into the roleplay was very welcomed and we could hardly be serious as we were laughing so hard at their antics).

Xella Steward covers her mouth, listening.

Aldina Gratly: "Ohhh they coming!"

Aldina Gratly: "Hide."

Xella Steward looks for spot to hide.

Aldina Gratly: "Up here Xella."

Aldina Up a Tree

Xella Steward: "I'm a mer! I can't climb trees!"

Aldina Gratly: "In tree."

Aldina Gratly: "Well you get caught then."

Xella Steward hides behind the tree.

Xella Behind a Tree

Xella Steward looks up at Dina, knowing she would make more noise climbing and still get caught.

Xella Steward cute faces.

Aldina Gratly: "If you make noise climbing, stay there and don't move."

Xella Steward looks at Dina, "They fighting, I don't like that."

Aldina Gratly (lawd the druid is bossy)

Xella Steward sneezes.

Aldina Gratly: "Shhhh!"

Xella Steward covers mouth.

Xella Steward: "But my nose itches."

Aldina Gratly whispers, "They will hear you and I can assure you they won't think its one of these butterflies."

Xella Steward holds her nose, trying not to sneeze.

Aldina Gratly: "Shhh here they come."

Aldina Gratly: "Get down low."

Xella Steward: "The butterfly's are tickling me."

Aldina Gratly: "Good they are gone."

Xella Steward goes red.

Xella Steward: "Think they heard me?"

Aldina Gratly: "Lets go to to the tavern they gone."

Aldina Gratly: Oh oh!"

Xella Steward pokes head around.

Xella Steward: "Epp!"

Aldina Gratly: "They not gone....."

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