Places of Interest

Saturday, February 28, 2015

the Druid, Gypsy, Fae and the Beast, Part IV

   Once upon a time there was a Druid, a Gypsy a Fae and a Beast. Now, this is no ordinary tale as one might think; but, rather a tale of friendships found and forged, a tale of bravery unspoken and by some purposely unseen. We have shared some of our tale, but it is far from over and the good intentions of the the Druid and the Gypsy has turned them villainous in the eyes of friends and allies.
   This adventure begins where all good adventures begin - at the beginning - or rather for some of us in the middle. As we all know by now, the Druid and the Gypsy are possessed and from moment to moment, capable of some extreme insanity and unscrupulous actions. They share the possession, the two of them. And momentarily, the Gypsy has the creature grumbling and grumping about in her being as the Druid tries to keep her safe from herself and, well, others.
   The Gypsy awoke on this particular day; well, if she slept at all and was beside herself, confused, angry and in pain. And her only rationale was to go to the beginning where it all started and kill it.

Excerpt from the Role play: Kathena Mavendorf grabs a dagger and hides it her skirts, then goes downstairs and starts to make her way out of the castle in search of ....something

   So, she escaped the castle, little silver dagger in hand, and made her way to the home of the fairies and the Mother Tree wherein stories would have it all fairies are born.
   Shortly after leaving the castle, the Druid realized she was gone. 

Except from the Role play: Jaekob Faolan swallows and pales remembering the night before. He had given her the Shadow so he could visit the Dragon and she was NOT in the castle. He began running through the castle, snatching up his staff as he rushed out of the door, two elven guards in pursuit behind him as they run down the mountain looking for signs of her.

   The Druid and his elven guards track her to the fairy grove where she is being confronted by one of the citizens of the grove. What a sight! The gypsy trying to make her way to the tree and the fae accusing her of insanity and bringing this upon her people. You would think a Druid could have just interceded and put a stop to this, yes? Well, he tried, truly he did. 
   But, suddenly the great tree begin to quiver and out stepped the Beast. Oh, it must have been some fifty foot tall and just about as ugly and scary as anything one could imagine. The Druid's guards rushed it, their spears something akin to a needle puncturing our finger. The beast swayed and dipped and swallowed a guard. And it advanced on them. The gypsy was beside herself and lost the little dagger and, well, the fairy fell unconscious. The Druid did what Druids do and summoned the elements and as he rode a tidal wave toward the beast, he braced his stance and his staff and knew he rode to his death.
   But, wouldn't you know it? I guess the three were boring the beast because it just turned and did what beasts do and disappeared from the fairy grove. The Gypsy and the fairy survived, of course. The one madder than ever in her mind and the other was just downright MAD.
   The story continues and from day to day this thing and that happens. The Druid and the Gypsy are not very popular among the people because, after all, they ARE possessed. But, sometimes when you try to do good, well you just got to take it as it comes. Surely, they will be vindicated in time, surely.

If you are interested in medieval fantasy role play, please contact me and I will give you a tour of the River Lands, InWorldz. Maybe I will introduce you to the Gypsy hmmmmm or are you afraid? Until next time.....


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