Places of Interest

Monday, February 16, 2015

the River Lands, in the Beginning

   In an age where humans existed with elves and elves existed with dwarves and various other fantastical  races, there exists the prosperous port city of Cheshire, a thriving human township settled upon the foremost western coast of the River Lands (sims include River Lands, River City and Emyn Arnen. the River Lands is part of a larger roleplay co op, the Unfied Lands of the North Seas.)

   The River Lands are part of a larger continent named Mizo no nir' Kuni, which translates roughly to Land of Many Waters. The interior of the continent is much like the deep jungles of the present day Amazon River Valley, crisscrossed with hundreds of rivers and tributaries in very thick vegetation. The farther from the heart of the continent towards the coasts, the land gradually changes into a variety of subtropical ecosystems. Geographically the River Lands are located west of the present day location of the United Kingdom.

   Mizo no nir' Kuni has always felt the influences of power emanating from its heart. Some theorize that it's due to it's close proximity to powerful ley lines that run just off its eastern coast with one powerful nexus/intersection just inland along that same coast. Others claim that powerful being's reside deep in hidden locations on the continent itself, located at each corner of the land. Truth be known the ancient history of the lands prove both theories to be correct and entwined with each other and the people of the land. Located somewhere in the north north east region of the land in a dense area of the jungle, legend tells of a large swirling pool of light and dark surrounded by 4 ancient pillar's or obelisks. To this day no one has been able to find the actual site.

   And there, dear friends, the story began around  200-300 AD  as an ancient being arose from the shimmer and murk of the pool, an ancient being we know as Seneca. The creature appeared female, tall,  almost twice the size of man, had elegant flowing features and wings like a bird. Light pulsed from her,  calming most creatures. Her aura caused both man and beast to kneel at her feet weeping. She identified herself only as 'Seneca' and quickly developed a following from the surrounding wilderness. Too those that accepted her as their leader she gifted a small gemstone that painlessly affixed itself to the back on ones hand. She proved to be a benevolent leader and began teaching her followers a common language. She claimed that language was the greatest enemy of Order and that her gift of the Transtone made it possible for all of her followers to communicate freely with each other. Many felt she was a deity or at least a priestess. But she publicly denounced such claims and responded with speeches about the power of the people over there own lives and that such things as 'gods' were just cries for someone to lead or guide them down the path of righteousness. She had all her followers strip down into their birth suits and then fabricate new garments and tools so that they all appeared the same and proclaimed that they would all be equal no matter their race or previous social status; they would be the first of the Enlightened.

(Credits: the history of the River Lands was written by Kaye Dragula, a fellow roleplayer and friend. Huzzah for such brilliant creativity, Kaye)

the River Lands, today

   Ascending from the mythical mists of eons, you will experience a vista of succulent meadows, sloping, hills, tree-shadowed waters, a shimmering Elven Kingdom, a bustling trade port, a playground Seelie and Unseelie Fae, Lycan hunting grounds, a homely Hobbit village, cavernous Dragon dens, thoroughfare of seafarer, traders, high and low born, thieves and visitors. the River Lands is home to a myriad of residents, a magical realm governed by an Elven King and watched over by learned Druids, using the elements to protect and guide the River Lands, River City "Cheshire" and Emyn Arnen.

  Overtime, I will weave a tale stupendous, replete with histories of long ago, present day adventures and, perhaps, even give insight to possibility of the future, though so much is yet undetermined.